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[CK3] How to prevent old people spawning?

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Yes, that's doable.  I don't think you can change the spawning of people on game initialization without a ton of work, but random character creation is handled through a couple of central files:

Faith creation is a religion event. The spiritual head of faith is created in faith_creation.0002.

I'm not sure how HoF inheritance works, but I'd start by looking in steamapps/Crusader Kings III/game/common/scripted_character_templates.

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If the visual aging is the part you want to disable the most, I figured out a way to disable most of it with a trait similar to beauty. Basically make a trait that everyone gets that triggers the application of a portrait modifier disabling aging. 

So basically, make a trait that says "genetic_constraint_all = oldpeoplegross" then make a morph in the portrait modifiers folder with the following code: 

oldpeoplegross = {

   usage = game 

   oldpeoplegross = {
      ignore_outfit_tags = yes				
      dna_modifiers = {
 		 morph = {
		 	mode = replace
			gene = gene_age
			template = no_aging
			value = 0.4
      weight = {
         base = 0
         modifier = {
            add = 100
            has_trait = oldpeoplegrosstrait


Might also be able to skip the trait by setting "base = 0" to "base = 100," but haven't messed around with that. When I did it, it didn't stop things like saggy boobs (though some boob mods already do, iirc), but it did remove all wrinkles and the like. Definitely kept characters looking young well into their 60s/70s, and even in the really old ages they looked more like people in their late 50s than people on death's door.

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