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[Request] SL themed enchantments and consumables

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 So, this topic came from a fairly simple question. If SL scenes are somewhat common part for a gameplay cycle, wich is a fair assumption for builds of most people here, why there is so little interaction between them and other systems? There are some options, like SLSO support for DD, aphrodisiac in SLEN or Frigid Wash from DCL, bits and pieces scattered around much larger mods.

 I havent founds anything aside from SL shrines that would serve exclusively for adding SL themed functionality to a preexsiting system (blessings in this case).

What i have in mind are magic effects in a form of enchantments providing +-SLA timerate , +-SLSO enjoyment gain, +- SLSO lewdness, that kind of thing. Such effects could be utilized for enchanting or cooking potions. Maybe even alchemical implementation, like resist frost having additional functionality of "cooling" characters head. That said, given how rarely mods venture into editing/replacing vanilla alchemy effects, its probably "will never happen" option.

 Usage for such effects is fairly self explanatory, say -  after an unfortunate misadventure in blackreach, you resort to crafting a nun outfit and chugging lewd-begone potions to keep PC focused. Or the opposite, if you're so inclined.

  My intial idea was to kitbash something from SL shrines/rip out DCL frigid wash, but my brain is barely big enough to use SSEdit to tweak some values. Those effects are applied via scripts, meaning that a considerably bigger brain is required. In fact, the very idea might not be practically viable at all. There are alot of mod "enchantments" that are actually applied via scripts or perks and are incompatible with Skyrims enchanting system.

 Since even a primitive implementation of such an idea if far beyond my capabilities, perhaps someone among LL script wizards would take interest?

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