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How to add/equip ingredients? (scripting)

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I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the syntax. Let's say I'm doing a get drugged while AAF animation mod. To force the player to take a mdma like drug, would it be like:


Ingredient Property DaddyO Auto Const


Is this the proper syntax?


Editor ID , How many taken


and do I need "Const"?

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5 minutes ago, StaticPhobia2 said:

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the syntax. Let's say I'm doing a get drugged while AAF animation mod. To force the player to take a mdma like drug, would it be like:


Ingredient Property DaddyO Auto Const


Is this the proper syntax?


Editor ID , How many taken


and do I need "Const"?

Personally, I would use Cast spell instead of Equipitem

Also Potion instead of Ingredient (Unless I completely missed something)

Keep the Const for the time being

SPELL Property Spell_Spell Auto

Function GiveMyselfStuff()
	Actor akActor = PlayerREF
	If (akActor)
		Spell_Spell.Cast(PlayerREF, akActor)
		Debug.MessageBox("I Can't Stop Taking this")

but if you want to remove a DaddyO when you have DaddyO's in your inventory then...

SPELL Property Spell_Spell Auto
Potion Property DaddyO Auto Const

Function GiveMyselfStuff()
	Actor akActor = PlayerREF
	if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(DaddyO) >= 1)
		If (akActor)
			Spell_Spell.Cast(PlayerREF, akActor)
			Debug.MessageBox("I Can't Stop Taking this")
		Debug.MessageBox("I NEED IT")

it gives the illusion that you taken it but I am still fairly new to this


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10 hours ago, Invictusblade said:



Much appreciated for the response! I figured it out, helps to read the creation kit wiki lol


But now the problem I have is DaddyO doesn't work, I think I might have a mod overwriting the editor id. But apparently we can use reference IDs instead? ?



Edit... and the wiki has that answer too. Wow, reading does wonders:


(Game.GetForm(0x00032DB7) As ObjectReference).GetBaseObject()

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