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Glitchy knees during sex scenes

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Whenever a sim has to bend their knee, like kneeling or squating, their knees get really glitchy. Like this:




I've got the following body mods installed:

Top Allure

Bottom Eve

necrodog feet

LUUMIA Vanilla skin


I've tried both the WW defualt bottom and the EA default, both have the same problem. This also shows up in animations from diffrent animators, so I don't think it's the animations. Also, any advice on what body modes to install? Skins and stuff like that? Thanks!

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5 hours ago, Bigbosshog said:

Whenever a sim has to bend their knee, like kneeling or squating, their knees get really glitchy. Like this:

Don't think the sims bodies were ever intended, or designed, to use certain unusual positions or animations.

I notice many other glitches with arms, female crotch, and butts too, but it's just something we have to live with IMO.

Most are related to the extreme bending of any/all body parts for sex animations.


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