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What mod combos that I can use to have more my game to be more immersive for romance and sex? Last time I did a play through with loverslabs mods it was basically walk up to a NPC and pick what you wanted to do with them for sex. Nothing really immersive. I looked through various mods and theres lots of slavery and bdsm but i'm looking for something more vanilla. Also a bonus for anything to add to a more assassin style character play through.


The character i'm creating is the typical female wood elf archer, duel one handed (probably daggers). In a more roleplay sense i'm starting off as a merchant coming to skyrim. I will probably end up finding myself being brought into the dark brotherhood as i've always been a fan of the guild. Through my play through I will become a vampire, marry, build a home and essentially have my character permanently settle in skyrim. I don't aim to have her go around having sex with everyone its mostly for she 'meets' the person she will marry to add more romance and sex into the roleplay experience.

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SexLab Eager NPCs (SLEN) might be worth a look.

Also SexLab Solutions.


SLEN adds in conversation hooks to have sex, but it's no automatic success. Whether someone wants to sleep with you depends on gender preferance, how much they like you and their current arousal (you can tweak a lot of that in the MCM).

If you sleep in the same location as a lover of yours, there's also a chance they slip in your bed to have some fun when you wake up (again you can set the chance in the MCM).

And a slew of other stuff.


Solution isn't about romance, but very much about having immersive ways to trigger sex. In this mod's case it's alternate sex-based solutions for quests, like giving a blowjob to a prison warden to get someone out instead of having to pay his fine or sleeping with a mercenary instead of persuading or killing them to make them leave.

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