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Need Help Starting OBGE v3


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    Hey, I need some help/instructions/advice on what I shoul do to make OBGE work.

I once installed OBGE, but it didn't really do anything. And like just about everything I want to get to work, the instructions are very vague.

   I want to know where to start, what I need file wise, and what I have to do to get OBGE v3 to work and make my game look better.





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I read this thread, well the OP at least.


Downloaded from here.  Posters on the OBGE thread recommend BAIN install, but I prefer to install by exe.


I read the user's manual, and this FAQ.  That page covers the Core, ini, and Standalone Effects.  For info on other modules, scoll to the bottom of the page under Shader Modules/Usage. The module pages will include pre and post installation instructions, plus necessary OBGE.ini tweaks and other information.  However, the info seems to be occasionally outdated.  For example, the shaderlist.txt file generated by 3.1 RC has many more shaders listed than any example on the manual pages.


My experience:  Install one module at a time, and check the game to see if everything is all right in between each installation.  I needed to have HDR on, as suggested by guys on the OBGE thread, although I've read on other pages to have HDR disabled.  I don't think the OGBE main Core module does much of anything, but I could be wrong, you'll need the other modules to really see a difference.  


I played around with all the modules.  My experience/opinion, for what it's worth:


LW - fantastic, I use it and love it.


Standalone Effects - I ended up not using it.  I didn't like the Depth of Field shaders, and the AA shaders took a big hit on my framerate.  (I use Nvidia to force shaders, much smaller hit on FPS for me.)  The Ambient Occlusion shaders were really nice, but I decided not to sacrifice the FPS hit.  I never tried the godrays shader.  I also never used any controller or support plugins.  I edited the shaderlist.txt directly, purged the cache, and reloaded the game to see the differenecs.  (Actually, I did play around with the controller once, it only supported a few shaders, most of which I wasn't interested in, and I quickly realized I would never use any of the options.  So I uninstalled it.)


POM - tried it, found it distracting especially with the included textures in the exe.


LHDR - generally too bright and glary for me, especially interiors, and I could find no way to tone it down.  Normal HDR I can handle (which I've tweaked quite a bit in Oblivion.ini).


PCS - loved it, the sky looks really beautiful.  But with All Natural it tends to increase the frequercy of tiling in sky textures.  PCS has it's own godrays shader that should be used instead of the Standalone Effects one if you use PCS.


LLOD - interesting effects on far away mountains, but too bright.  LOD landscape vanished (for actual landscape) far too close to my PC as I ran around Cyrodiil.  It was quite noticeable and immersion breaking for me.


SKIN - never really tried it.


I currently only use the OBGE core and Liquid Water.  If I was willing to sacrafice more FPS or try a different weather mod I might try PCS and Standalone Effects again someday, but not anytime soon.


Note:  I think some of the files, like the OBGE.ini in My Games/Oblivion, and possibly the shaderlist.text are generated once you install the Core and Standalone Effects, respectively, and then run your game.  So after installing, if you don't see a file you expect, try running the game, then  check again.  I did this some months ago, though, so I may be off here.


I hope some of that was helpful.  Good luck, I had a few issues getting OBGE to fully work, but Liquid Water at least was worth it in the end.

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This is great info! But to make sure I'm clear on the Core: Based on what I remember of OBGE form the Nexus mod page, OBGE Core alone does nothing, correct?

Everything else, such as standalone effects and so are are kind of like software for the Core to use? Kind of like Lovers With PK without any Lovers plugins?


And do these work with simply adding plugins to OBSE? If my framerate/graphics card buys the farm, I'll need to be able to uninstall this easily.  



EDIT: Soo.... Downloaded the Core and it's saying that OBSE is not in there.... which is odd because it needs to be in the Data folder. And additionally, the install requires it be where Oblivion is installed. Unless I'm doing something wrong. ._.

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AFAIK the Core is like Lovers with PK - it needs modules (or plugins) to do anything.  I could be wrong.


The individual modules, like Standalone Effects, are like the plugins.  Standalone Effects itself enables the use of different shaders, which you control though Data/Shaders/shaderlist.txt


Everything requires OBSE v20 or higher.  I don't know what the individual modules actually install.  I know they install files in the Shaders folder, but aside from that I'm not that knowledgable.  LW doesn't install any OBSE plugins that I'm aware of.  It installs files to Data/Shaders and requires an esp to function.


I just install the exe files.  It makes uninstalling through Program Features very easy.  Otherwise install through Wrye Bash, since they come in BAIN archives - that would also make uninstallation easy.


As to your edit:  do you have OBSE installed?  Try reinstalling OBSE I guess.  I had OBSE installed and working long before I ran into OBGE.  OBSE should be in the Data folder (Data/OBSE/...).  The Core exe file, if that's what you are trying to install, should install directly into your Oblivion/Data directory.  I've never had a problem with the exe installation finding my Oblivion folder or OBSE requirements.  You do have your Oblivion folder somewhere outside Program Files, don't you?  You want to avoid Window's UAC issues.  I have mine in C:/TES/Oblivion.

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