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Stylist screen's paintings help

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PosterSet Loader Studio is a program that let you easily select your digital photos and convert them to ingame posters.


 I have had no issue with adding pictures to the game as long as I stuck to jpg, jpeg, and png. You do need to use the Loader to get the frame which allows the picture to be loaded


I copied the info above from the website, and a comment from the same mod.


While I never used this mod it seems straight forward. You take a picture, and use the mod tool to add it into the game as a custom poster within a modify-able .package being created. Obviously this new package can't be compressed or added to another compressed file as it is needed to be accessed anytime you want to add another photo to the game.


It appears from the website you can use both custom pictures from outside the game, or the ones you take in the game. Anyways, just read as much as you can to ensure you are doing everything in your power to follow the author's instructions.


Sometimes older mods don't play nice with newer patch levels, etc. so be prepared to not be able to use EVERYTHING ever created for the sims 3.


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