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Need Help Getting SexiS to work


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Ok, now, when I shoot people, it says they are 'selected', but nothing happens.


Maybe the anims are placed wrong but no one seems to do much but twitch. I even stand on my bed and shoot my partner: Lyda. She stands up and then it says sex ended. She never nears the bed

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now it sounds like an FNIS problem when you run Fnis for users do any errors come up, and did you run it again after you disabled this mod?before you reenabled if not run it again(you can't run it too much)

I would like too see you using this mod at somepoint today I'm starting to feel bad for you.


edit; I will try to check in here every 20 mins or so until your up in running so even if its fixed post so I know your good

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FNIS Behavior V3.3.2 1/14/2013 11:57:54 PM

Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Generator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users


Reading FNIS ...

Reading FNISBase ...


All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Moving new behavior files to standard location...


367 animations for 2 mods successfully included.

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FNIS Behavior V3.3.2 1/15/2013 8:03:12 AM

Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)

Generator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users


Reading FNIS ...

Reading FNISBase ...

Reading SexiS ...


All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...

Converting Behavior Files (.xml to .hkx) ...

Moving new behavior files to standard location...


454 animations for 3 mods successfully included.

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  • 3 months later...

I actually currently have the exact same issue Akisohida had at the beginning. The only error 'Generate FNIS for users' gives is that supposedly my steam copy of skyrim isn't real.


(Which I know to be legally purchased from steam, reinstalling it must've messed with the registry)


Now can that actually halt FNIS - and that way - Sexis from working/detecting SKSE? According to FNIS help files it shouldn't affect Generate's function but frankly I'm out of ideas.


Other SKSE using mods work just fine, something seems to be holding Sexis back from detecting SKSE. There are no mod conflicts or load order issues. I actually asked about this on the Sexis thread so that lead me to fix any and all mod conflicts I had.


EDIT: Now reinstalled skyrim to get rid of the remaining FNIS error, but still getting Sexis saying SKSE isn't there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

how do you rape? do you need defeated?

Sorry but you need to not use this out of date and unsupported mod.


Our friend CMOD who wrote this mod disappeared without a trace and while there was talk of someone taking it on and continuing it the person who did decided to write a whole new mod instead and that mod now does everything this mod ever did and a whole lot of things that this mod never got the chance to do.



What you want is SexLab which is a framework mod that does nothing on its own but provides the foundation for all the sex mods which use it.


Sexlab forum: http://www.loverslab.com/forum/49-sexlab-framework/ (information about SexLab and related mods)


Sexlab Downloads forum: http://www.loverslab.com/forum/51-downloads-sexlab-framework/ (Download and support threads for Sexlab and mods using Sexlab)


SexLab Index: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19588-sexlab-index/ (Handy post listing all the SexLab related mods and what each of them brings to the table, mix and match them to provide exactly the amount of "adult" activity you want in your game).


SexLab Technical Support: http://www.loverslab.com/forum/50-technical-support-sexlab-framework/ (Support for SexLab issues)



Above all else: Have Fun :)

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Two fundamental things that must be done in order for SexLab (or even the older SexIs or SexAddicts mods) to work. 


First you must load the game using the SKSE Loader and not via Steam because these mods all use the SKSE scripting extensions and without them being present and functional the mods will fail.


Second, after installing any mod that adds animations (ie. these sex mods, but not limited to sex mods as there are pose mods too) you must run the FNIS User Generator program to rebuild the animation lists that Skyrim will use.  Note that the mod must be listed by the FNIS program during the user generation or you did not install the mod properly (Nexus Mod Manager has a bug which causes this to happen, turn off its default option to exclude ReadMe files to avoid that bug and reinstall the affected mod).  You must also handle any error messages that come from the FNIS User Generator program, if there are any errors the animation lists are not updated and the mod will fail to work.


If neither of those two things are the problem then I suggest you go ahead and post in the technical support forum and give as complete a description of what you do and what happens when you try using sex in the game.  Someone has probably seen the same problem and will answer.

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  • 2 months later...

Sexis is Obsolete (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/obsolete)


It is no longer supported, it rests in peace, 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! It's off the twig! It's run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!

THIS IS AN EX-MOD!! it is no more, it has snuffed it, it has kicked the bucket, It has passed beyond this mortal veil, it's six feet under and pushing up the daisies. Any assumption this mod is still a going concern are from here on inoperative. It's shuffled off this mortal coil and gone to meet its maker.




Use SexLab Framwork and its derivatives instead.

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