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Body replacement armor


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By default equipmentslot 32 (body) replaces the nude body when equipping an armor on that slot.

My question: Is there a way to have that for other equipmentslots/custom armor pieces too? like setting it up for an armorpiece that is on a diffrent equipmentslot or setting it up for a whole equipmentslot.

Is there such a possibility to have two equipmentslots that replace the nude body?

Some CK settings i dont know about or any other way?

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i know that already, its not what i ment...

other then slot 32 the slots do not replace the body mesh...


i need a second equipent slot that does that

what i want to do:

i have two tbbp body meshes, one for the nude body and one for armors with reduced bounce (because of the armor :>)

that would be no problem BUT:

I use a bra mod, that is on a non replacing item slot


so my plan:

no armor, no bra -> nude body (standard bounce)

no armor, bra equiped -> armorbody (reduced bounce)(included in bra mesh)

armor equiped, no bra -> armorbody (reduced bounce)(included in armor mesh)

armor equiped, bra equiped -> armor body (reduced bounce)(included in bra and armor mesh, but as it is the same it cant be seen)


for that i need two equipment slots that both replace the body mesh

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