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Stardew Valley Farmer Animation Research [2019]


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At this time, any Npc animation are easy to do.

You just call the frames in their Character Sheet or Custom Sheet,  and it plays as desired.  (i released a mod with some ways to do it if you want to check them out) (Manly Prostitution


Now...  the farmer...   well, its a mess!!


People asked me a lot for a farmer taking part in the "fun".   But the way he is coded,  make it a tedious challenge.

Short story:  YOU CAN


And let me share what i found:




If you go to where you Unpack the games files in 

Stardew Valley\Content\Characters\Farmer


You will find the file named    "farmer_base."  and also "farmer_girl_base."    (same thing technically speaking)


This Sheet (oposed to common NPC sheets is separated in 4 Sections.

Here is a biggened image with those sections and some numeration:





For a basic animation that i put together..  i took  2 fames.   frame 69 and frame 94  













The 4 sections are separated In   1= Body and SHOES,   2 = Hands   3 = Always front layer?  4 = Legs/Pants 


But Also...  When you animate your farmer.. there is another hidden factor    : The Direction the farmer is facing.



This is the code for animating the 2 frames i choose :


/animate farmer false true 120 69 94 94 69/


animate farmer  = animate is the command,  farmer is the actor to animate

false = is the sprite flipped? (in this case, no)

true = is a loop?  (yes)

120 = is the Speed in miliseconds for each frame

69 94 94 69 = the frames to animate


NOW   by default, the farmer is looking in the direction you put him at the start of the event

The direction in code are:

0 = looking top

1 = looking right

2 = looking down

3 = looking left


You can modify them with this code :

/faceDirection farmer 1/


(replace 1 with the desired direction).


Now,, here comes another tricky part..


Let me show you some animated gifs  on How the SAME animations looks  with different directions set. (frame 69 and 94)



faceDirection farmer 2


Fully expected outcome




faceDirection farmer 0


Legs dont change, are the same as direction 2,looking front









faceDirection farmer 1


faceDirection farmer 3 (if flipped)



OMG WHY?!!?.....


Legs looking front  X

Hair looking right   ✔️

Hands and shirt looking front  X

UnderBody looking Right?  /  ✔️

Head/eyes looking front   X


(And i told him to look at the right)






As you can see..  You can animate the farmer,  

But it SEEMS  People need to find a SET of "frames AND directions" combinations on their own.

This means a lot of test,  and of course, what you want to achieve with a set


I leave you with the Aseprite file if you want to use references, etc.

It has a layer for the farmer sheet

and one for the Anotations/divisions i made





And the not scaled image with notes





This is one of the reasons i choose to make a "Global Avatar"

Represent ANY farmer with a Dark Leather NPC  and called in events with customized set of animations




Some people would love to have their farmer in events doing sexy stuff.   But as you can see,  its limited and cryptic.

But if Anyone wants to give it a try,, go ahead and good luck!



Hope this helps anyone who tries to dive in that stuff.





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wait, I think there's some type of mod that provides the illusion/effect of sex actions to a degree https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2325, from what scenes I could get to trigger(I'm still triggering some) some scenes just use black screens and narrate with text alone but others seem to try and either give and illusion or a makeshift animation so maybe there's something that can be learned from this thing. At best the main thing I'd say looking into would work is just trying to make sex a selectable option for the main cast with events.

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