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Follower Problems

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Hi i hope someone could help me this time. I have the problem that my Followers (doesn't matter wich one) are always marked as if they were waiting.

Everything else works, they follow you, fight with you and do all the other stuff but after three ingame days they leave me and i got the message 'Your follower tires of waiting and leaves' or something like that. I play my game in german so i don't know what there exactly stands. But i think you know what i mean because its vanilla stuff. I never figured out whats causing this and i think i allready removed all mods that are dealing with the follower mechanics. Actually i play the sex slaves mod and i'm in company of Andrew the Bulwark. I play the quest where i need to make him love me and i get punished after three days because the game thinks i dissmissed him. That is pretty annoying and now i would hopefully with a little help figure out what made my follower waiting even if they didn't wait.

Here is my load order.

Any help is appreciated.

if no solution can be found for this, is it possible to increase the waiting time of followers up to more than 72 hours?


1 hour ago, Schalli1980 said:

Hi i hope someone could help me this time. I have the problem that my Followers (doesn't matter wich one) are always marked as if they were waiting.

Everything else works, they follow you, fight with you and do all the other stuff but after three ingame days they leave me and i got the message 'Your follower tires of waiting and leaves' or something like that. I play my game in german so i don't know what there exactly stands. But i think you know what i mean because its vanilla stuff. I never figured out whats causing this and i think i allready removed all mods that are dealing with the follower mechanics. Actually i play the sex slaves mod and i'm in company of Andrew the Bulwark. I play the quest where i need to make him love me and i get punished after three days because the game thinks i dissmissed him. That is pretty annoying and now i would hopefully with a little help figure out what made my follower waiting even if they didn't wait.

Here is my load order.

Any help is appreciated.

if no solution can be found for this, is it possible to increase the waiting time of followers up to more than 72 hours?

LoadOrder_Skyrim_2019-07-19T13-04-09.txt 6.2 kB · 0 downloads

I don't know that it is your problem but the mod "increased follower limit" is known to be buggy. If I were in your position I would disable it, start a new game and see if that didn't solve the problem.

On 19.07.2019 at 14:16, Schalli1980 said:

Привет, я надеюсь, что кто-то может помочь мне в этот раз. У меня проблема в том, что мои подписчики (неважно, кто из них) всегда помечены, как если бы они ждали.

Все остальное работает, они следуют за тобой, сражаются с тобой и делают все остальное, но через три игровых дня они покидают меня, и я получаю сообщение: « Твой последователь устал от ожидания и уходит»' или что-то типа того. Я играю в свою игру на немецком языке, поэтому я не знаю, что именно там стоит. Но я думаю, вы знаете, что я имею в виду, потому что это ванильное. Я никогда не догадывался, что вызвало это, и я думаю, что я уже удалил все моды, которые имеют дело с механикой последователей. На самом деле я играю в мод секс-рабынь и нахожусь в компании Эндрю Оплот. Я играю в квест, где мне нужно, чтобы он меня любил, и через три дня меня наказывают, потому что игра думает, что я его уволил. Это довольно раздражает, и теперь я надеюсь, с небольшой помощью выяснить, что заставило моего последователя ждать, даже если они не ждали.

Вот мой порядок загрузки.

Любая помощь приветствуется.

если не может быть найдено никакого решения для этого, возможно ли увеличить время ожидания подписчиков до более чем 72 часов?

LoadOrder_Skyrim_2019-07-19T13-04-09.txt Загрузка 6,2 кБ · 3 загрузки

Follower Limit Increased тупанул.

On 7/19/2019 at 1:50 PM, Psalam said:

I don't know that it is your problem but the mod "increased follower limit" is known to be buggy. If I were in your position I would disable it, start a new game and see if that didn't solve the problem.

didn't know that i had this mod still in my game. thanks for the reply, i will try that.


EDIT: yep it was this mod. everything is ok now.


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