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WhickedWhims Romance Interaction not working

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Hey everyone,
First time posting. I have just installed WhickedWhims for the first time and everytime I try to do a romance interaction their arms flap up and then it resets the sims. 

This is one of the errors if it is related from MC Commander script report thing. 
[Jun-22-2019 16:10:31]Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\Builds\MCCC_6_3_2\mc_woohoo\mc_woohoo_inject.py", line 113, in inject_post_route_clothing_change
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'func'

If I remove whickedwhims mod the interactions work normally. 
Any suggestions? 


Okay, So I did the last exemption, my version of Game is:
Which should be supported.. 

This is the following on last exception: 


Script Mod Import Error

Broken/Outdated mod is importing script files.

A broken or outdated modification is attempting to import game code and fails. The mod is too new, the game is too old, or the required mod is missing.

You need to locate the TS4SCRIPT file, in your The Sims 4 Mods folder, that could be causing this issue and remove it.
If this is a new issue, try removing the most recent mod you have installed.

In some cases, a mod is required to be installed alongside a different mod. Make sure you have all of the required mods.

Outdated Tunable Resource Error

Outdated Tunable Resource (Interaction) requires removing.

Tunable Game Resource (Interaction) contains incorrect/outdated information.

You need to locate the PACKAGE file, in your The Sims 4 Mods folder, that contains this resource and remove it. Try starting with the oldest modifications you have.
If this is a new issue, try removing the most recent mod you have installed.

Script Mod Import Error (world.ocean_tuning)

Broken/Outdated mod is importing the 'world.ocean_tuning' module.

A broken or outdated modification is attempting to import the 'world.ocean_tuning' module and fails. The mod is too new, the game is too old, or the required mod is missing.

You need to locate the TS4SCRIPT file, in your The Sims 4 Mods folder, that could be causing this issue and remove it.
If this is a new issue, try removing the most recent mod you have installed.

In some cases, a mod is required to be installed alongside a different mod. Make sure you have all of the required mods.


Following mods: 

MC (Updated) 
Slice of Life

Road to fame
Better butler
Better nanny
More buyable venues
Online learning system
Playable pets
and Whickedwhims (updated) 

If I remove whickedwhims then everything works again with the romance. 

10 minutes ago, procian said:

Try without road to fame....slice of life been updated? if not remove that as well

.....also delete localthumbcache.pkg file also.

Tried both and still doesn't work :(


Still getting a lot of exception reports and would love to know what to remove or try to update extra. 
Everytime I click on  sim it comes up with 6 exception notifications

21 minutes ago, Superman02 said:

Still getting a lot of exception reports and would love to know what to remove or try to update extra. 
Everytime I click on  sim it comes up with 6 exception notifications

Use "insert other media" and post the entire LE.


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