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[Request] Alternative Wolf Sounds

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Skyrim mod request, would any of you be so kind as to replace the scared wolf sound effect with something lighter toned for me, like silly husky noises? I really don't want to experience or simulate the experience of watching dogs get hurt, it's a trauma of mine.  I'd feel lots better if all of the canine sounds were changed to happier or cuter dog noises.  Whether they can still be taken seriously isn't a concern for me because my taking them too seriously is exactly why they bother me.

Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...
On 6/1/2019 at 12:04 AM, MadMansGun said:

. . .

): I didn't watch that when you sent it because I was too worried it was a trick to rasp my sensitivity, but I was looking through my old posts (specifically to check if I had already asked this question) and decided to finally risk clicking that link. Regretted.

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7 hours ago, meikel1403 said:


Your favorite seems to be my favorite too, but all of them are beautiful. I'll have to test if they change the wolf "hurt" sound too, I don't know how to find that if they don't replace it, but they're necessary additions anyways, thank you!

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On 6/9/2020 at 1:15 AM, Voldearag said:

Your favorite seems to be my favorite too, but all of them are beautiful. I'll have to test if they change the wolf "hurt" sound too, I don't know how to find that if they don't replace it, but they're necessary additions anyways, thank you!


They don't, or at least the last one doesn't.


I have two ideas about your situation.




Just add your character to the wolf faction


in console, target your character so they are selected in bottom right of the console screen


addfac 3E691 1




player.addfac 3E691 1


That should stop wolves from attacking you. Although they might then come to your aid in a fight.


Second is:-


Do something like this MOD does




All this does is add loose files to "replace" the stock ones (it doesn't physically replace them as they vanilla sounds are in a BSA but the game will use loose files over a BSA) for the mudcrab.


The wolf as 5 deaths sounds and 4 injured


npc_wolf_death_01.wav (upto 05.wav)


npc_wolf_death_01.wav (upto 04.wav)


These need to be placed in data\sound\fx\npc\wolf\death and data\sound\fx\npc\wolf\injured respectively


The mod I linked only has a couple sound files for each as Mudcrabs don't have the greatest vocabulary but you can just use duplicates of them to fill up the required number.

Assuming you don't mind a wolf telling you to Fuck Off when you hit them.

Or find your own wav files to use, the game will play any wav file as long as the name and location match what it is looking for.

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