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Usage of Family Planning Enhanced More Creatures

Family Planning Enhanced More Creatures Poll  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Which version of Family Planning Enhanced More Creatures do you use?

    • All in one - Default
    • Non-Sexual - Dying Creature based
    • Sexual - Creature Impregnation
    • Vanilla All in one - For owners of the base game only
    • Horror Version - which denies all creature offspring
  2. 2. Which File format do you prefer?

  3. 3. Who is normally pregnant in your game? (impregnated by creatures of course)

    • Only the Player
    • The Player and Settlers in Settlements
    • Everyone
  4. 4. For Egg's-Babies-Wombs, do you carry them around with you or do you place them in Settlements?

    • Carry with you
    • Settlements
    • it depends so both
  5. 5. Would you like a simple follower system (at the cost of causing issues with creatures outside of settlements)

  6. 6. Finally, would you like it if I did the following simple follower system? for both feral and tamed creatures

    • Don't allow both of them to follow you
    • Allow both of them to follow you
    • Keep the tamed as unfollowers while having the ferals(will be renamed) as followers

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Hello Everyone,

basically I have been working on the next update of my mod

and It is kinda breaking my mind (a little bit)

so I made a multiple choice poll to ask you different questions about my mod

so I can add or remove options in future updates


if you like, you can add brief stories below


I forgot a couple of questions that I should have added to the Poll (I should have written down the questions first and gave it a while to think about)


7. Why do you keep Creatures in your settlement

a. Defence (or Defense) of your settlement

b. for a more interesting settlement environment

c. what else am I going to use them for


8. instead of adding follower mechanics to the existing creatures, Should I add a new selection of imprinted creature that follow the player and these are made by the Chemistry Station

1. yes

2. no


I use them for defense and decoration in settlements. I am sure I am the minority on this but Dogmeat annoys the shit out of me so I cant imagine other creatures would be any less in the way or standing on what I need to loot. If I were really searching for a request I guess maybe a way to limit drop rate of the spawning object from parent creatures but thats a very minor issue to me or maybe something like a guard mat that allows the creature to travel a somewhat controlled path or stay put on a single mat. I have 4 full grown Deathclaws at a settlement now and they are the best defense but somehow they end up inside my buildings stuck in a hall way almost every time I go back to that settlement. I dont even know if this type of pathing control is possible, right now if I assign the tamed version to a regular guard post or mat they stand in one place and wont move at all. Randomly finding fertilized versions similar to the fertilized eggs in a Deathclaw nest as a rare item would be fun also. 

Oh and if they are settlers, my experience with the kidnap quest got me thinking. Is it possible they may be the quest giver by random chance? This would mean Preston may send you to help the settlement but you couldnt speak to them to advance the quest.  


thank you everyone who completed this poll (like I said this is breaking my mind a little bit)

so I am going to abandon my Non-Sexual & Vanilla & Horror Versions of my mod (unless requested)

I will not make any changes to both the tame and feral creatures (with the exception of kidnapping & Guard service issues)

also I might add hostile eggs(w/hostile babies) to the game (such as Deathclaw eggs which you have to recreate to make it friendly)



however I will adding a new subtype of creatures (small selection at this time)

these are called Imprinted creatures that are made by the chemical station

They will require extra resources to create (such as Buffout, Jet and Synth Component)

The Creatures will grow twice as fast as normal creatures

The Creatures will be leveled to the Player

The Creatures cannot be used in settlement (they follow the player only)

The Creatures can die (I am not sure how to heal them at the moment)


I will keep the poll open for a week or so


  • 2 weeks later...


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