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On 7/2/2019 at 10:40 PM, ShineXXX said:

Wait, yours is called MALE? I don't have that one in the list at all.


Sorry that this isn't working. :(


I used the Lunar Eclipse penis in the list, and that one isn't showing up.

If you didn't replace your LunarEclipse penis with mine, there will be a conflict (mine or yours won't show up). Mine is the same as yours, except it adds the male mesh for females. Make sure you only have 1 "LunarEclipse Simple Penis.package" specifically mine.


Don't be sorry. I'm sure we'll get it.?

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Okay I got the file to work. The only issue is now that the penis is kinda flying in the air (especially during sex), but I assume there's no fix for that since it's meant for a male body shape?

Also, even though he uses a male chest now, some of the (female) EA clothes still show a chest, but I assume that's EA's fault.


Thank you so much for your help and for putting up with me!

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11 hours ago, ShineXXX said:

Okay I got the file to work. The only issue is now that the penis is kinda flying in the air (especially during sex), but I assume there's no fix for that since it's meant for a male body shape?

Sorry about that. Yeah, the issue is the penis was designed for a masculine frame. It's a common issue.


11 hours ago, ShineXXX said:

Also, even though he uses a male chest now, some of the (female) EA clothes still show a chest, but I assume that's EA's fault.

Most of the female EA clothes use a female body mesh. The shape is basically built into the clothes.


11 hours ago, ShineXXX said:

Thank you so much for your help and for putting up with me!

You're welcome, and don't say that. I'm glad to help if I can.

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12 hours ago, ShineXXX said:

I assume there would be the same issue with a different penis? I could try to change the gender tags myself, but if the issue will persist it seems a little pointless to do so.

Noir's penis models don't float, but they look weird as they curve up then down like an upside down "U". Before changing gender tags, try different penis models on the actual feminine framed males (since you'd be using that model anyway). It is a common issue that a lot of people have complained about. The problem is, to get it to work seamlessly, you'd need one specifically designed for the feminine frame.

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Oh I see. And I assume there are no such models yet? That's a shame.


But even so, you helped me greatly and I hope there will be a way to make it perfect in the future. :) For now, this will do, I'm a lot farther than I was before thanks to you!


Maybe, if you ever come across a better model or solution, you could let me know? That would be super nice of you.

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10 minutes ago, ShineXXX said:

Oh I see. And I assume there are no such models yet? That's a shame.


But even so, you helped me greatly and I hope there will be a way to make it perfect in the future. :) For now, this will do, I'm a lot farther than I was before thanks to you!


Maybe, if you ever come across a better model or solution, you could let me know? That would be super nice of you.

You're welcome. I'm sorry it's not exactly what you hoped for. Yes, I'd let you know if I come across anything better. For now, good luck on your current project.?

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  • 2 years later...
On 5/9/2019 at 9:16 AM, 2cool4u_1 said:

It seems to be a bug. It wasn't there before. If you use a preset with a body like Bella's for example and straighten it out, it will also reset. I've noticed it since the update before "Strangerville" (with feminine-framed males. I never checked masculine females). Zerbu's CAS presets has hundreds of presets, so I've just been picking a preset that is most to my liking, and it's been working for me. Though I don't make a lot of feminine males, but I was doing a lot of experimenting for my gender-swap story (now on hold).




Sim #1 is a standard feminine frame male

Sim #2 is female with male body parts (LUUMIA's BODE II Lean, Noir's average male penis *for males, not for females). I removed her breasts.

Sim #3 & 4 are feminine frame males with female presets (#4 I modified and it reset like R-Lo mentioned)


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11 hours ago, RichieSunshine16 said:



The sim you want to add / remove breasts for must be active / selected. Open the cheat bar and use these cheats.

To force a male Sim to have breasts:
Traits.equip_trait Breasts_ForceOn


To force a female Sim to not have breasts:
Traits.equip_trait Breasts_ForceOff


If you want to revert, use these cheats:
Traits.remove_trait Breasts_ForceOn
Traits.remove_trait Breasts_ForceOff


You might need to turn on testing cheats first by typing “testingcheats true”. (I don't know because I have it on all the time). After you enter the cheats to add or remove breasts you won't see a difference until you enter then exit CAS (you don't need to change anything), or change to a new lot.


Since this post was made a few years ago there have been a few body meshes created for opposite genders. You no longer need to use male meshes on females, or female meshes on males. May I ask specifically what you want to do?

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/15/2019 at 9:28 AM, 2cool4u_1 said:

The last 2 sims are male (feminine frame), but have female body presets. Zerbu added hundreds of new body types for males and females, and also enabled feminine males to use female presets. I picked a female preset (there are better ones if you look for them). You can get it here;


I HIGHLY recommend you use the facial presets too. I can guarantee randomly generated sims, in CAS and in world, will look noticeably better!

You used to be able to pick any body preset and adjust it, but due to a recent bug (as @R-Lo pointed out) any adjustments will get changed back to default (except for Fitness & Fat sliders), so you have to pick one that looks decent.

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This is in the last row



This is 4 under the last male preset.



 This is another example somewhere in the middle (there are more).



This is directly under the last male preset (I increased the fitness slider).



Sim #2 is female. I like this alternative, but it will make a difference in clothing options, and gameplay (things like using public washrooms). I used the following cheat to remove the breast slider (you need to enter & exit CAS for it to take effect);

Female sims - remove breasts

Traits.equip_trait Breasts_ForceOff

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Male sims - add breasts

Traits.equip_trait Breasts_ForceOn

To undo these cheats;

Female sims - add breasts

Traits.remove_trait Breasts_ForceOff


Male sims - remove breasts

Traits.remove_trait Breasts_ForceOn

I then edited the WW add-on files for males, to allow females to choose them

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Copy & paste the highlighted part. Change the Pink pat to say "FEMALE" instead of "MALE". The Yellow part is the name that shows up in the Body Selector menu. You can change it to whatever you want.


** If you want to use Noir's parts there is substantially more work. She included the add-on snippet tuning for every part on each part. For example 'soft penises'; the 'small uncut soft' will have info for every size, cut and uncut. They will overwrite each other, so you either have to delete the ones you edit from all the other options, or add the new edit to all of them.


If you need any more help, feel free to ask. ?

can  get your body presets pls?

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