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Creation kit: Corpse looting event/Adding custom items to dead enemies -- SOLVED

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Hi guys, i'm currently work on my mod and i have problems with realisation of some features. In other words, I need help with understanding the scripts.

So, at the moment I am concerned about two problems:
1. Adding a specific NPC loot -- SOLVED 

On 5/2/2019 at 3:49 PM, Invictaxe said:

now I don't know how to do the scripting for a attentive search. (but I think a Perk would the easiest to do it but I don't really know)

but your first problem is easyish to do(I think). so most dead bodies should be labeled as Loot_Corpse(whatever)


what you could do is to add a leveled list object to each corpse with a perk modifier attached so only the perk will activate it (similar to fortune finder)

2. I want to make it so that when accessing the enemy’s corpse in stealth mode, a menu with several options appears -- SOLVED with better Realization(clickable)
The problem is that I have some idea how to make such a menu, but I do not understand how to catch the access event to the corpse. 
I found one event, which seems to me what I need - onmenuopencloseevent, but among the menus that are present in it, I did not find the corpse inventory menu =(
I'll be glad for any help, guides, script examples or creation kit advices. ?

Problems solved, thanks all who have helped.

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now I don't know how to do the scripting for a attentive search. (but I think a Perk would the easiest to do it but I don't really know)

but your first problem is easyish to do(I think). so most dead bodies should be labeled as Loot_Corpse(whatever)


what you could do is to add a leveled list object to each corpse with a perk modifier attached so only the perk will activate it (similar to fortune finder)

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33 minutes ago, Invictaxe said:

now I don't know how to do the scripting for a attentive search. (but I think a Perk would the easiest to do it but I don't really know)

but your first problem is easyish to do(I think). so most dead bodies should be labeled as Loot_Corpse(whatever)


what you could do is to add a leveled list object to each corpse with a perk modifier attached so only the perk will activate it (similar to fortune finder)

I think, it will work, but there is a problem, when i open some of Loot_Corpses, my CK crashes with no error appear.

And those that still open, open in a very laggy menu, but oh well, this is a backup plan, I hope someone will tell me how to solve my second problem) And thank you for the working solution if I fail to implement my basic plan then your advice will help me a lot)

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6 minutes ago, LoR1DoK said:

I think, it will work, but there is a problem, when i open some of Loot_Corpses, my CK crashes with no error appear.

And those that still open, open in a very laggy menu, but oh well, this is a backup plan, I hope someone will tell me how to solve my second problem) And thank you for the working solution if I fail to implement my basic plan then your advice will help me a lot)

I rarely use creation kit (really only for changing objects in the worldspace) so I use Fo4Edit most of the time (however while the latest version looks alright, I cannot use it at the moment because of issues it has(such as the inability to manually remove masters))

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