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New to modding


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Im new to modding  so I thought I would start with fallout new vegas im using nmm and  so far I am failing horribly. I have spent the past two days trying to get the type 6 body mod and the type 6 equipment replacer to work. nothing I do seems to fix the messed up textures. I dont know it im using the wrong mod manager or something but I cant figure it out on my own.

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From my experience the best mod manger for fallout 3 and New Vegas is FOMM (fallout mod manager). Mostly because from what I have seen and heard is that NMM doesn't always install/unistall things correctly.


Load order is a must if you really ever want anyone to actually be able to help you with people trying to guess at what your problem is.


Also it's a good idea to upload a screenshot or 2 of what the problem looks like so we can better tell you what the problem is.



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If you toggled it off and not back on it will not reset up correctly. FOMM, and MO2 have built in archive invalidation that works, I do not know about Nexus or Vortex.


Type 6 equipment replacer for clothing and armor uses default vanilla textures for the most part. The bodies themselves do not. If the skin is the issue you have a incompatible skin for the nude body underneath. The affected armors, clothing's and or a picture would help.


Also If your over 127 modsin your loader textures and meshes can start glitching the more over you go.

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