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Rapist timer


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Im kinda new at using script and I was just changing stuff to make my gameplay mor fun.


Im trying to make a timer in the SexoutRapistKey script so it isnt just button mashing.

but I cant get the timer to work.


it would be nice if someone can help me.



scn SexoutRapistKey


float timerRapeVic

float soRapistVersion

ref soRapistCurrentVictim

ref soRapistCurrentRapist

ref soRapistOriginalTarget

ref soRapistTestRef

ref soRapistCoercionDialogRef

int soRapistPlayerIsMale

int soRapistSelectedRape

int soRapistShowMenu

int soRapistShowDialog

int soRapistTargetIsFemale

int soRFollowerCount

int soRapistPerformRape

int soRapistRapeOrgyAvail

int soRapistVictimEscape

int soRapistBlitzRape

int soRapistOral

int soRapistVaginal

int soRapistAnal

int soRapist3Way

int soRapistGangbang

int soRapistRapeOrgyX

int soRapistForceMast

int soRapistRunAway

int soRapistCoercedRape

int soRapistRapedBeingPerformed

int soRapistCanceled

int soRapistCoercionAvail

int soRapistCoerceSucceed ;used by Enthrallment Quest

int soRapistCheckDebug

int soRapistVictimLooted


Begin GameMode

ref soRapistNext

ref hpRapeVicPerc

int soRidx

int soRapistCtr

int soRapistCount

int soRapistEscapeChance

int soRapistAdjCH

int soRapistCoerceGBCheck

int soRapistRaping

int soRapistReset

int soRapistModIDX


set soRapistVersion to 1.04

set soRapistOral to 0

set soRapistVaginal to 1

set soRapistAnal to 2

set soRapist3Way to 3

set soRapistGangbang to 4

set soRapistRapeOrgyX to 5

set soRapistCoercedRape to 6

set soRapistCanceled to 7

set soRapistForceMast to 8

set soRapistRunAway to 9


if (soRapistCheckDebug == 1)

if ((SexoutSQVAR.iDebug1 == 13) || (SexoutSQVAR.iDebug2 == 13) || (SexoutSQVAR.iDebug3 == 13))

SetDebugMode 1

DebugPrint "soRapist: Debug Mode Activated."


SetDebugMode 0

PrintToConsole "soRapist: Debug Mode Deactivated."


set soRapistCheckDebug to 0



set soRapistPlayerIsMale to player.GetIsSex Male

set soRapistModIDX to GetModIndex "SexoutRapist.esp"

if (0 > (ListGetFormIndex SexoutScannerListN soRapistTargetScanFL))

ListAddForm SexoutScannerListN soRapistTargetScanFL



if (0 > (ListGetFormIndex SexoutScannerListS SexoutRapistVictimScanAE))

ListAddForm SexoutScannerListS SexoutRapistVictimScanAE



if timerRapeVic <= 3

Playsound OBJBuzzerBell

Set timerRapeVic to timerRapeVic + GetSecondsPassed



if ((IsKeyPressed 48) && (timerRapeVic >=3))

PrintToConsole "soRapist: SexoutRapistkeyQuest is %x2000ADD" soRapistModIDX

set timerRapeVic to 0

if (soRapistRapedBeingPerformed == 1)

set soRapistCount to ListGetCount soRapistCompanionFL

set soRapistCtr to 0

set soRapistReset to 1

label 99

set soRapistNext to pencil01

set soRapistNext to ListGetNthForm soRapistCompanionFL soRapistCtr

if (soRapistNext)

set soRapistRaping to soRapistNext.GetAV Variable04

if (0 != (LogicalAnd soRapistRaping SexoutNG.FlagInUse))

set soRapistReset to 0



set soRapistCtr to (soRapistCtr + 1)

if ((soRapistCtr < soRapistCount) && (soRapistReset == 1))

goto 99


if (soRapistReset == 1)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 100



if (soRapistRapedBeingPerformed != 1)

set soRapistVictimLooted to 0

set soRapistCurrentVictim to GetCrosshairRef

set soRapistOriginalTarget to soRapistCurrentVictim

set hpRapeVicPerc to (soRapistOriginalTarget.GetAV Health / soRapistOriginalTarget.GetBaseActorValue Health)

if ((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetDead == 0) && (soRapistCurrentVictim.GetIsCreature == 0) && (soRapistCurrentVictim.IsChild == 0))

set soRapistTargetIsFemale to soRapistCurrentVictim.GetIsSex Female

set soRidx to ListGetFormIndex soRapistCompanionFL soRapistCurrentVictim

set soRFollowerCount to ListGetCount soRapistCompanionFL

set soRapistRapeOrgyAvail to ListGetCount soRapistTargetsFL

if (soRidx >= 0)

set soRFollowerCount to (soRFollowerCount - 1)

set soRapistRapeOrgyAvail to (soRapistRapeOrgyAvail - 1)


set soRapistCoercionAvail to 0

set soRapistCount to ListGetCount soRapistCoercionFL

if (soRapistCount > 0)

set soRapistCoercionAvail to ListGetCount soRapistCoercionFL

set soRidx to ListGetFormIndex soRapistCoercionFL soRapistCurrentVictim

if (soRidx >= 0)

set soRapistCoercionAvail to (soRapistCoercionAvail - 1)


set soRapistTestRef to ListGetNthForm soRapistCoercionFL 0

set soRidx to ListGetFormIndex soRapistCompanionFL soRapistTestRef

if (soRidx < 0)

set soRapistCoercionAvail to (soRapistCoercionAvail - 1)



set soRapistCount to 0

if (((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetInFaction soRapistEnthralledNPCFACT) == 1) || ((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetInFaction soRapistEnthralledFACT) == 1))

set soRapistVictimEscape to 0


set soRapistAdjCH to (player.GetAV Charisma - 5)

if (soRapistAdjCH < 0)

set soRapistAdjCH to 0


set soRapistVictimEscape to 0

set soRapistEscapeChance to (100 + ((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetInFaction soRapistHaterFACT) * 30)) - (((hpRapeVicPerc < 0.8) * 20) + ((hpRapeVicPerc < 0.6) * 20) + ((hpRapeVicPerc < 0.4) * 20) + ((hpRapeVicPerc < 0.2) * 20) + ((hpRapeVicPerc < 0.1) * 20))

if (GetRandomPercent < soRapistEscapeChance)

set soRapistVictimEscape to 1




if(((player.IsSneaking) && (soRapistCurrentVictim.GetDetected player == 0)) || player.IsInCombat)

set soRapistBlitzRape to 1

set soRapistShowMenu to 1

showmessage SexoutRapistVictimMenu


set soRapistBlitzRape to 0

set soRapistShowDialog to 1

if ((soRapistPlayerIsMale == 1) && (soRapistTargetIsFemale == 0))

soRapistCurrentVictim.StartConversation player soRapistMainMM soRapistCurrentVictim player 1 0

elseif ((soRapistPlayerIsMale == 1) && (soRapistTargetIsFemale == 1))

soRapistCurrentVictim.StartConversation player soRapistMainMF soRapistCurrentVictim player 1 0

elseif ((soRapistPlayerIsMale == 0) && (soRapistTargetIsFemale == 0))

soRapistCurrentVictim.StartConversation player soRapistMainFM soRapistCurrentVictim player 1 0


soRapistCurrentVictim.StartConversation player soRapistMainFF soRapistCurrentVictim player 1 0





elseif (soRapistPerformRape == 1)

if (soRapistBlitzRape == 1)

DebugPrint "soRapist: Rape Selected - soRapistBlitzRape"

set soRapistSelectedRape to GetButtonPressed


set soRapistCurrentRapist to player

set soRapistRapedBeingPerformed to 1

DebugPrint "soRapist: Rape Selected - %.0f" soRapistSelectedRape

if (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistOral)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 41

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistVaginal)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 42

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistAnal)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 43

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapist3Way)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 50

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistGangbang)

set soRapistCount to ListGetCount soRapistCompanionFL

set soRapistCtr to 0

label 30

set soRapistNext to pencil01

set soRapistNext to ListGetNthForm soRapistCompanionFL soRapistCtr

if (soRapistNext != soRapistCurrentVictim)

if (soRapistNext.GetIsCreature == 1)

soRapistNext.ListAddReference soRapistRapersFL

elseif ((soRapistNext.GetInFaction soRapistEnthralledFACT) == 1)

soRapistNext.ListAddReference soRapistRapersFL


set soRapistCoerceGBCheck to GetRandomPercent

if (((soRapistNext.GetItemCount SexoutRapistEnthrallmentTOKEN) * 10) > soRapistCoerceGBCheck)

soRapistNext.ListAddReference soRapistRapersFL




set soRapistCtr to (soRapistCtr + 1)

if soRapistCtr < soRapistCount

goto 30


SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 51

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistRapeOrgyX)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 52

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistCoercedRape)

set soRapistCurrentRapist to ListRemoveNthForm soRapistCoercionFL 0

if (soRapistCurrentRapist)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 54


set soRapistRapedBeingPerformed to 0


elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistForceMast)

soRapistCurrentVictim.NX_SetEVFl "Sexout:Start::CallVer" 1

soRapistCurrentVictim.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::ActorA" soRapistCurrentVictim

soRapistCurrentVictim.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::Raper" soRapistCurrentRapist

soRapistCurrentVictim.NX_SetEVFo "Sexout:Start::CBSpellA" SexoutRapistCleanupAE

soRapistCurrentVictim.CIOS SexoutBegin

elseif (soRapistSelectedRape == soRapistRunAway)

SetStage SexoutRapistKeyQuest 53

set soRapistRapedBeingPerformed to 0

set soRapistSelectedRape to 0


set soRapistRapedBeingPerformed to 0


set soRapistPerformRape to 0

if ((soRapistRapedBeingPerformed == 1) && (soRapistCurrentRapist == player) && ((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetInFaction soRapistEnthralledNPCFACT) != 1) && ((soRapistCurrentVictim.GetInFaction soRapistEnthralledFACT) != 1))

if ((soRapistSelectedRape != soRapistRunAway) && (soRapistSelectedRape != soRapistCanceled))

RewardKarma -1






Begin MenuMode 1001

if soRapistShowMenu == 1

set soRapistPerformRape to 1

set soRapistShowDialog to 0

set soRapistShowMenu to 0




Begin MenuMode 1009

if soRapistShowDialog == 1

set soRapistPerformRape to 1

set soRapistShowDialog to 0

set soRapistShowMenu to 0




Begin MenuMode 1013

if (soRapistCheckDebug != 1)

set soRapistCheckDebug to 1






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I'm unclear why you are adding a timer. Can you explain what specifically you are trying to do?


One thing I noticed is that you did add the timer check in the same line as the key press check, so it is now checking for both the key press AND the time. This line:


if ((IsKeyPressed 48) && (timerRapeVic >=3))


Again, it would be easier to help if you explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

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Instead of the sneak blitzrap it is now a combat rape that works on health.


And instead of button mashing Im trying to make it like a spell with a 3 second cooldown.

But Im having trouble with the cooldown option.

Cant get the timer to work properly.


If you can describe the mechanics you are trying to achieve, we could translate that into code...

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Normaly you would press the B key until to get the rape option menu well being in stealth.


Instead I try to make it so that that script fire once every 3 seconds.



You are behind a target in stealth mode. You press b. It check of the rape happens. It doesnt.

You press again within 3 second. Nothing happens because of the timer.

After 3 seconds or more you press b again and it will check again of the rape happens.

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Normaly you would press the B key until to get the rape option menu well being in stealth.


Instead I try to make it so that that script fire once every 3 seconds.



You are behind a target in stealth mode. You press b. It check of the rape happens. It doesnt.

You press again within 3 second. Nothing happens because of the timer.

After 3 seconds or more you press b again and it will check again of the rape happens.


I think your issue is that you are only calling getsecondspassed after the player has hit b (and initially when the game first loads), but it gives you the time which passed since the last time you called it.


In other words, the game loads, and you start incrementing timerRapeVic until it exceeds 3, and then you stop calling getsecondspassed, so five minutes later someone hits b, and you call the function and it tells you that five minutes have passed since the last time, and you can press b again immediately (but you cannot press it a third time within 3 seconds of the second time).


Instead, I think that you should be calling it every time (and stuffing it in a variable) and then using that variable where you currently have the function call.


And maybe someone should fix that example in the geck wiki...

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