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(S4S) Poses are not registering correctly?


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I just finished four new poses, all I made sure to do the LocScale and LocRot with, imported them to the animation clip, loaded it up ingame and it just does the damn loose T pose.

I use Kijiko's Rig for blender, wondering if that could be my issue? I did download another improved default rig for the sims models but it just takes a lot longer to produce the poses I want from those. 


Any ideas?


Damn, this is getting to be embarrassing, my dudes.  I never used to have so many issues with Blender and posing before.

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32 minutes ago, vstrauss666 said:

I just finished four new poses, all I made sure to do the LocScale and LocRot with, imported them to the animation clip, loaded it up ingame and it just does the damn loose T pose.

I use Kijiko's Rig for blender, wondering if that could be my issue? I did download another improved default rig for the sims models but it just takes a lot longer to produce the poses I want from those. 


Any ideas?


Damn, this is getting to be embarrassing, my dudes.  I never used to have so many issues with Blender and posing before.


If you are using any rig with a control rig, you need to bake the animation or pose into the ea rig.

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22 hours ago, Zivyx said:


If you are using any rig with a control rig, you need to bake the animation or pose into the ea rig.

Yes, that is what I have been doing.

I have made plenty of poses for myself with Kijiko's RIG and never had any issues but as soon as I started to create for LL they just stopped baking correctly or something. I'm doing the process as I typically would but it just seems to want to do the t pose. 


I went into blender, checked the blends and corrected anything odd, double checked just in case, imported the correct pose and it's the same result.

I'll just have to stop using their rig I suppose, which is a pain because I am very fond of how easy it made everything. 

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22 hours ago, Julie J said:

I had problems with Kijiko's rig which is easier to move the joints but had to do with EA's rig for it to work properly in game.


Mh. I'm wondering if it needs updating or something.

I've been using their rig for a while now and it's one of my favourites. I've only recently started getting any issues with it.

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23 hours ago, heartbeatsandbrainwaves said:

You need to have the EA pose selected in blender (like, ctrl+a) when you save and close the file for importing.

I know. I've been doing poses for a while, people have been saying it could be the RIG I use, so I'll change it.

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  • 4 months later...

I had the same problem with a group pose I made one for my Vampire house it was basically my Male Vampire with his 7 Lady vampires Sorta worshiping him it was gonna be so I could transport the ladies into the house via teleport and get My Vampire Sims Roomie to Paint them looked so friking great in blender Saved it did everything i had too blah blah Set up the pose in game the 7 ladies where all over the place in the poses i'd set, yet one i'd made for a family group Portrait in game a few weeks earlier Worked fine (5 sims) I'm using EA Default rigs. 


Haven't been back to see if its working or not though yet. i kinda deleted the posed Riggs and the save file in a sulk LMAO 

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