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Best mod?


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39 minutes ago, AthenaESIV said:


Very cool, will you allow the first mod to be played as well? Would be too bad to loose some of the stuff you built into it. A problem with a lot of quest mods is they seem to end too soon when well done. Would be a shame to depreciate any content. Also any chance of repeatable content built into it? Not near enough repeatable LL encounters in the game with good writing like you offer.


Hope we see it released soon and it causes you few issues with the bug checking :)


I honestly haven't given the old and the new mods running parallel much thought. Technically, I suppose there's no reason why they can't. The new store is in a different location and none of the trapping sites clash with the old locations. I do feel uneasy about there being another Yoana and Idun in the world though. But I won't do any thing to prevent it.


Please consider that Bestial Essence was my first ever mod. I tried, at the time, to do things right but there was an awful lot I didn't know (still is). BER is designed to have repeatable content. The store acts as a hub and the main driver of the story, trapping sites are repeatable and dynamic. But even the store is designed to facilitate repeatability (is that a word?), for example it is littered with triggerboxes and none of them do anything. It is only when an activated quest decides to alias a triggerbox and assign it properties that they actually do anything. So, for example, you come back to the store after your second trapping site encounter (I count them of course), it's between 22:00 and 23:00 (the time when Yoana always goes to poo). Oh no! She left the door open again (she always does that!). This triggers a reaction from Idun etc and so on.


It's also designed so that you should never have to restart your game (on account of BER). Updates carry over seamlessly (that's the theory any way).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/3/2018 at 8:13 PM, HardRaine said:

I'll make a download package here directly (need to scrub out some things so they're more universal), along with setup instructions (.txt file in package) to make them most effective in SSX (general SSX settings), plus the SLAL packs, and/or mods needed to make them shine.   Is a .rar package ok? 

Hey Raine have you actually created this .txt file with the rules? I would love to take a look at those SSX rules if you still have them, please? 

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17 hours ago, NIkki1564 said:

If it helps (i've not looked through it) there is a post for sharing rules.



Oh thank you for the help, Raine hadn’t added their rules there though which is why I asked them specifically. I appreciate it though :)! 

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/21/2020 at 3:40 PM, ExploerTM said:

Cant find this one. What it does? 

It's a one key press (configurable in MCM) mini-mod.  When the key is pressed, with the cursor over an animal, the action starts immediately (if: a) the animal is known by Sexlab; and, b) there are animations supporting it).  note: If the targeting cursor is outside the animal's hitbox when the key is pressed, can result in a "solo" scene with just the player.  Try chasing down a fox, hitting the key repeatedly, and you'll see the side affect soon enough, lol.  Slippery little fellas.



"Play with Animals" can be found on the above page. 


{note:  be careful with "Get Gang Banged" if you grab that, as it can result in a crew of gangbangers following you around forever, if the one currently mounting you gets killed.  The others are too polite to cut in line, and it's a PITA to get rid of them, lol.  "I'm number 9, by golly, and I'm prepared to wait my turn!"  Meanwhile, #5 died in an unfortunate fiery accident with a dragon, who smoked #5 before he could finish his "turn".  (GGB is a "train-style gang bang with up to 10 bangers.  The action is a series of 2P animations, where one 2P goes after the other, until the whole group is serviced) }

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