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Help A Noob New to All This Figure Out What Mods to Get

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Hi All,


New to this stuff. just recently got FO4 on PC and decided to delve into this naughty stuff. I tried to follow Vinfamy's guide to the best of my ability but I still feel I messed up a few things. Mainly, I get these odd, rainbow-looking textures in many of the trees, bushes, and other flora. It's quite odd really. Not a huge issue but slightly annoying. Also, at least half of the time the sex animations don't quite lineup properly, aka the cock is spearing her leg or just sort of teasing her asshole and is completely behind everything (depending on position of course and if any objects are in the way-sometimes it lines up perfectly). Is this just how Four Play works, or am I doing something wrong?


To help, I want to show everything I have currently. I think some of them are redundant, so you vets of debauchery can help me get the proper loadout of mods. My goal is to have good sex scenes (obviously), with pregnancy (which seems to be working *fingers crossed* so far), and if possible (aka I don't have it yet because I have no idea what to get) some kind of mod for tying up/capturing/enslaving NPCs (such as raider women). I was reading up on some of the slave mods, and I'm not sure I need something quite so fleshed out. Simply the ability to incapacitate a Raider woman and handcuff her for use as a breeder would be sufficient. Interestingly, when you *ahem* *assault* an NPC, the animations currently that I see feature handcuffs, temporarily, that disappear after sex. So, I know the animations will at least be possible where I can have sex with my bound captives.


Overall, any advice for getting started in this nebulous world of sin and debauchery? The goals are

1. Clean up my mods so they conflict as little as possible and are harmonious in function as can be.

2. Ensure that sex and pregnancy works

3. Enable the aforementioned capturing/tying up phenomenon

- Bonus points if it all looks and *sounds* good, right now the sex sounds are a little...basic


P.S. Four-Play Animations by Crazy 1.3 seemed to be conflicting so I disabled it




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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but fourplay has been mostly replaced by AAF. I would suggest that you uninstall fourplay and install AAF because most mods nowadays use it over Fourplay. Guide to install AAF.


I would also suggest you uninstall family planning use RSE, its still being actively developed and features the pregnancy feature that you want and some added bonuses such as combat sex and random encounters (you can turn off/on what features you want though).


Not sure about the slavery thing. RSE may have that feature but I don't actually know.




Forgot to mention I have no idea about the rainbow texture thing and that the conflict thing with the crazy files is probably fine, just let it overwrite.


Also I had a look around and I'm pretty sure the F4:SS is your only option at the moment for slavery.


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Ok what would be the best way to clear everything out? Just delete all mods and start from scratch w/ AAF? Do I keep things like CBBE or the male one? After that I'll put in RSE I take it?  Does F4:SS work with both of the aforementioned systems'?


DzOnixD what's the benefit of Mod Organizer 2? I just figured out how to use Nexus lol. Is the advantage really that much more?


Thanks for the help thus far guys.

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Nexus is "almost" the same as if you just manually copy pasted the mod in Skyrim's data folder. Mod Organizer makes a virtual Data folder, so it doesn't mess with your original Skyrim data folder. Generally way easier to change priorities in load order and organize mods. If you plan on serious modding of the game switch to MO2.


I suggest you clean out your game, and follow this already mentioned guide.

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