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Queen Bee

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So I beat Lucius recently and thought others might like to have a thread to discuss this game. How did you all feel playing as the anti-christ? Did it live up to your expectations? Exceed them? Or was it all a little too anti-climactic? I have my opinions, but I want to see what other people have to say about it first.

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I am curious to hear what you thought of the game. From the reviews I read, it seems like the game is a puzzle/adventure game. I am just horrid at them, as I rarely think like the developers do. I always think "Oh! That's what you are supposed to do." But, I'm rarely right. Then I tend to just look up the solution online. I normally then think "I probably wouldn't have thought of that." Once this happens several times, I tend to give up on the game, as I don't feel reading the guide and pushing buttons.


So, is the game like that? I am interested in the game, but reading reviews made me uncertain.

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Well, now that you mention it...yes, that's exactly what it is. I guess I had a different image of what the game was supposed to be, which is why I didn't like it very much. I was hoping for something...more. Not combat, obviously, you play as a little boy (who's also the anti-christ). I guess I was hoping for something more involved, with a deeper story and greater goals.


Basically the game is divided into chapters, and in each chapter the goal is to kill someone in your house. The son of the devil has human parents, and they are completely oblivious to his demonic nature. You have to sneak around and use your evil powers to arrange for people to have "accidents" without getting caught, with a cutscene showing their gruesome deaths as a payoff.


And that's really all it is. There's no deeper reason for why Lucius is killing people, he basically just wakes up every morning and says "I feel like murdering today!" Except he doesn't say anything. Ever. I was extremely disappointed in that.


They could have done a lot more with this game. There could have been a flowing narrative that involved bumping certain people off to put yourself in a growing position of power, or to prevent your secret from being discovered. You could do so much with this kind of game, but they took the lazy route. Hell, half the time the game holds your hand, telling you where to put certain objects or giving you extremely detailed hints in your notebook.


I played because I wanted to be the spawn of Satan, and all I got was burned.

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I was concerned about that. From my experience games which have a character that sounds very fun to play ultimately end up disappointing. I remember a game where you played a dragon, which is why I bought it. Unfortunately, it was just not a fun game.


I had a different idea of what the game was as well. I was expecting more of a sandbox game, where you can kill people in any way you choose. With different outcomes depending on how you proceed. I had also imagined that you could frame other people for the murders. I thought it would take place in more than just Lucius's home. His school, for example. That was actually where I was expecting most of the mischief to occur. Granted, I hadn't seen the Omen, nor any of the other evil children movies, so I had no basis for my expectations.


It sounds disappointing that he doesn't say anything. Being able to trick people would have been nice. I had imagined that you would be able to get Lucius's parents (or the surviving parent) sent to jail. Basically ruining their lives instead of directly killing them.


One thing I would have liked is if you could choose what your little spawn of Satan looked like. I would have liked a non-ominous looking one. (Although this could be changed by mods.) I didn't expect to be able to do this in the game, but these day I prefer choosing what my character looks like.


Yes, I had built the game up in my head. That was why I actually waited to read reviews for this game. Which I don't generally do as I like having no expectations for a game.


Having said all of that, I most likely will end up playing the game eventually. Now that I know what it will be like, I won't be too disappointed. I have enjoyed many things after expecting them to be bad. I even like bad things from time to time.

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It's not a bad game, for what it is. It's just not as deep as I was hoping for, and the game play was repetitive and confined. I love your idea of expanding the game to include his school and other areas. Maybe not full on sandbox, but something along the lines of Bully or Hitman would be awesome. *Sigh* What could have been...


Well, who knows. Maybe someone out there will decide to make a version of their own and put all that stuff in it. I guess we can still dream.


Edit: He's actually not all that ominous looking in the game. In fact, he never makes a single facial expression, just this perpetually blank look that just makes him seem empty, like a doll. I wanted devious grins and evil laughter, damnit.

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It's sort of based on a movie, called The Omen. That movie is also about the anti-christ as a little boy, named Damien, and the dark forces that work to shape his life. It's a very slow but very good movie. I highly recommend it.


That said, this game wishes it was as cool as that movie. Hell, I wish it was that cool.


Edit: Hey...what if someone made a Skyrim mod like this? Where a child is found who is connected to one of the Daedric lords somehow, and you can choose to either hunt him down and kill him, or help him achieve his dark destiny. I'd LOVE to see a quest mod like that.

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They don't give you enough choice when killing your victims, give me the choice to suffocate the plumber instead of crashing the piano on his head, or the chandelier, or break the windows or poison or concussions or shove something in his neck I don't know there are a lot of ways to kill people but make your game interisting and give me the choice.

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