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Male wihout body during sex

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i think i'll all delete and remake a clean data folder.

I have used my old data folder with old version sexout, probably replace, and with a new game, but, in case, i'll delete all.

The load order was this one:

http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=3455 (lower page)


I use nexus mod manager and i dont know how delete plugins so..

Np i'll come here later if it doesnt works.


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So with a new data folder it continue to bug.

And i found the problem:

My fomod is nexus mod manager, and, when you activate Sexout Core you cant activate both sexout Data.

So i desactivate sexout core for activate data and it work.

Maybe i have to replace manually sexout core in folder after activate sexout data ...

Anyway it's good right now.

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So with a new data folder it continue to bug.

And i found the problem:

My fomod is nexus mod manager' date=' and, when you activate Sexout Core you cant activate both sexout Data.

So i desactivate sexout core for activate data and it work.

Maybe i have to replace manually sexout core in folder after activate sexout data ...

Anyway it's good right now.



You can easily activate both through NMM. Activate either core or data first, then activate the other one. When the alert comes up for the second one to "update" and it gives you the 3 options ("Yes", "No", "Cancel"), select "No". The alert that comes up is asking you if you want to update the mod to "current". Saying "No" will cause the mod to be installed in addition to the other mod (any duplicate files will overwrite, but NMM considers both mods installed). There is some internal setting (name/id/etc) that ties the to mods together, so NMM thinks it's an update. It's a feature for when you really WANT to update (removes the old and installs the new), but it's an annoyance for things that are not really an update.

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