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About This File

Soft Toys LoveToys&Love New Orgies_Moment(3).jpg

If you make innocent love, orgies start around you! Bondage toys appear out of nowhere on your body! When you have experienced enough, this hex ends!
If that sounds like fun, give it a try. It's an extreme start to using Toys&Love, guaranteed to get you oversexed and clad in toys.


The mod is a simple demonstration for mod authors, and fun for users too.


What does 'Soft Toys Love' mean?

  • Soft and fluffy toys? no
  • It's short for Soft Dependency Demo - Equipping Toys & Starting Love
  • A demonstration showing what can be done with Toys&Love using Soft Dependency only
    • Toys&Love v2.21 now has a new ToysGlobal script for this purpose. Includes ALL functions
    • Toys&Love is 3 Frameworks in 1... Bondage, Love Scenes, and Rousing. You can use all 3 with soft dependency
  • SoftToysLove has literally no hard requirement

What it does

User friendly version

  1. If you are involved in a dirty love scene, an orgy starts and a random toy equips using all Toy Boxes installed
  2. Once you've reached 100 Experience it stops toying with you. It shuts down
  3. This mod has no MCM

Technical version

  1. Version Check - VersionNum() - Checks for required version of Toys&Love (too old, warns user)
  2. Mod Events - StartLove / LoveSceneEnd - Catches mod events for Love Scene Start & End
  3. Scene Have Tag? - SceneHasTag() - If the scene has a "dirty" tag, it proceeds with an Orgy...
  4. Start Orgy - Love() - Starts 2 player-less scenes if possible (enough actors close & scenes available) with Toys&Love auto matchmaking
  5. Equip Random Toy - GetToy() / HandleToy() - When the dirty scene ends, equips a random "preferred" toy, using ALL installed toy boxes
  6. XP Shut Down - GetXP() - Once you've reached 100 Experience it stops toying with you. All of the above shuts down

Details... Mod Authors - Using Toys&Love - Traditional / Soft / Script-less

In addition to Soft Dependency, there's 2 other methods... Traditional & Script-less. 3 methods with demos in that link.



The download package on this page, supports AE/SE, & LE. Is flagged ESL which means it won't use a slot unless using LE.

  1. It requires nothing, but will do nothing if Toys&Love SE or Toys&Love LE V2.21+ is not installed. So install one
  2. Install the Toys Starter Love Pack or some SLAL Packs, to have love scene animations
  3. There's other options... such as Music Packs and more Toy Boxes. Follow the installation instructions for Toys&Love
  4. In game use Toys&Love MCM Install Test on the Setup tab. Steps to fix if the test in MCM failed. This mod will not work if that test fails


Toys Family of Mods

Toys&Love - Tips

Love Scene FAQs

Change Log


Mod Author Documentation

Using Toys&Love - Traditional / Soft / Script-less


Thanks goes to Bane Master who inspired Soft Dependency built into Toys&Love and helped design and test.





  1. You can NOT post this mod or any of its parts (including any derived works) without my explicit permission
  2. You can NOT incorporate any of the code in any for-profit project
  3. You can NOT use any of the code in a closed source project
  4. You CAN otherwise use the code for your own projects as long as you include all source code with your distribution and allow others to use your own code in a similar fashion and give credit with link


Edited by VirginMarie

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