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Kara V2 - 2 - Cosplay



Been meaning to update the blog for a while, as there's a handful of photoshoots that were missing from it, so I might as well get the job done once and for all.


Next up is another small(ish) set with Kara. I had been working on some random outfits based on certain characters, and while I lack the assets (and skills) to replicate them in Skyrim in a remotely acceptable way, I didn't want to let all the work go to waste, so I opted for having Kara do a cosplay of them instead. Getting her to shave her mane and dye her fur is pretty much the best I can do race-wise, so might as well have a proper reason for it to be so limited, lol. :classic_unsure:


First up is her best impression of Bailey from Housepets!, in her iconic teal bandana and not-so-iconic white hoodie.






And second set is Skye from Amorous, doing her own Renamon cosplay. Which means this is Cosplay2, I guess.






Yeah, let's be honest, that's just Kara wearing (a bad knockoff of) Skye's cosplay outfit. Yellow fur dye only goes so far, what can I say.

(PS: Skye best girl)

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