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When the heart doesn’t feel and the mind doesn’t see



After posting my last diary I joined my luvs on the beach. They were already in the water. My Ivy had her arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his hips and they were smooching. The scene melted my heart. I joined them and we smooched together. I reminded my Prince that we love him no matter what he does and how many times he (thinks) he fails. Love knows her lover’s heart and it act out of compassion, understanding and forgiveness, not according to his deeds. He told us why boss called him. He knew that something was wrong when I asked him to let me go home earlier and he wanted to check on my Prince. When he heard what happened, boss felt very sorry for him. He recognized that my Prince was “on the edge” because of the thigs he was going through lately and he was very compassionate. Anyway, since he has skin allergy again, he is on sick leave until it withdraws. After the swimming we exercised and when my luvs practiced martial arts I studied. When they left to sleep after sex and the shower they melted me again when they called me from the bedroom asking me to study in the bed for they missed me. I took my laptop and the books and laid on my side of the bed. My angels kissed me and they took their sleeping position and slept. I was happy that we still love to be together all the time and never get enough of each other. Yes, besides being sex addicts, we are addicted to each other. I studied very long and slept almost none.


After our morning routine our parents arrived for morning coffee. They saw the dog allergy spots on his hand and they asked him what happened. He apologized and said he doesn’t feel to talk about and since they wanted to hear it, he left the house saying that he will not have a part in that conversation. He went to our beach. I wanted to go after him, but my mom gave me head sign to stay and she went after him. My Ivy told them the story from yesterday and they became judgmental again. They couldn’t believe he threw the dog over the fence in self-defense and made a big drama about dog pooping on our parking. They called it violent and irrational act. My Ivy and I were very angry at them. Just before I opened my mouth to say something to them she stood up and said it very sharply:

- I can’t believe what I’m hearing! You acted like he was supposed to be happy that fucking dog shitted on our parking and he supposed to clean it with the smile while its own master who trespassed on our property didn’t care …... It’s fucking sad that you don’t see and appreciate how much Prince loves me and Eva! You have no idea how scared he was for my life when seeing my arm in the dog’s jaw. All he knew in that moment was he had to rescue me. He was able and ready to kill the dog if he has to to save me, just as he killed one that attacked Eva, but he protected her by his body and the dog bit him. Instead of being grateful, you attacked him …… Your attitude makes me believe in his thesis that dog lovers have more respect, compassion and love for their dogs than for people …… You don’t know many things about him and what he is doing for us because we are not telling you ….. You said he is irrational and violent. Because he cares?! You are the ones who need to question your rationality, not him!!! … If you must know, I will do the same for him and Eva because I love them more then myself! …., That is what I learned from him…….. Eva and I changed my mind about you buying the pet for our children. We don’t want you to buy it!  … Nobody can guarantee that the dog will not hurt the children no matter how causes and careful you are. If you still stubbornly want to buy a pet, fucking do it ….. but we will not visit you with our children and if you want to see them, you will have to come to our house without fucking pet!!! If that is what you want, no problem ….. Our husband agreed about the pet to please YOU. He put aside his allergy because of YOU. Unlike YOU, he showed good will and made a step toward you, but you didn’t see it as the act of love, on contrary, you insulted him. You are stone hearted and mind blinded! I didn’t realize how many problems will stupid pet cause in our family until yesterday. Our children wouldn’t be miserable and less happy if they wouldn’t have a pet, but we will be if it harms our kids and if our husband will have allergy reactions more than being healthy …… This fucking subject is over once for all: NO PETS FOR OUR CHILDREN!!! We love our husband too much that we will let him having allergy every while. It’s up to you. I really hope you know who are your priorities.

Then she walked to the beach to my Prince. I was very impressed with her speech and I was very glad hearing my dad saying that he agrees with everything that Ivy said. Marko and Zdenka felt ashamed because they realized my Ivy was right. They both hugged me and apologized.


My mom, Prince and Ivy returned very soon. When he was going to the bathroom to take the shower because he was swimming in the sea, Marko and Zdenka hugged him and Ivy, apologized to them and said they love him. They also said they are grateful to him for protecting us and care for us. He told them that he loves them too and that all is fine. Then Ivy and I had to go to work and they stayed a little bit longer with my Prince. When I was able I called my mom wanting to hear what my Prince was doing on the beach beside swimming and if they talked. She said that they didn’t talk at all, but Ivy told her what she said to her parents. They watched him swimming and diving and they both felt incredible love for him. When he came out of the water, she hugged him firmly and said:

- You are the son that every mother would like to have and I have been blessed having you as my son.

He kissed her on the cheeks and said he loves her very much. The scene made my Ivy cry and she deep kissed him and said:

- I’m blessed to have you as my husband and I love you, very much.


Being on the work I called my Prince often just to hear his voice for I missed him very much. My Ivy came to the Hotel to see me after the work for our business partners and then she rushed home to be with him. The guitar class is over and all student passed the final test. The guitar instructor, Ivy and Nenad were in the assessment board. My boss and Prince agreed that we shall have no more guitar courses and every student was rewarded with the guitar they practiced on during the course. They received diploma too and were very happy. The guitar room will be transformed into the office for Fran and Nenad. Tina will join me in my office when my boss retires. So I will have boss’s desk, my assistant from the State will have mine and we will add one more desk for her after this summer season. Since we gonna have open terrace and our band will play every night, my Prince and Ivy will join them when will have a time. I was happy to hear it because my luvs are excellent duo and it will be bad if they stop with their music “carrier”.


I'm ready for my two exams tomorrow. I studied hard and my forecast is: 2 "Bs" ;)


Recommended Comments

2 "Bs" or not 2"Bs" That is the question.


Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

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7 hours ago, dharvinia said:

2 "Bs" or not 2"Bs" That is the question.




2 "Bs" or not 2"Bs" That is the question.

Neither one: I got two "As(ses)". :smile:;)


Thanks for the nice poetry. I wish I would be much better in English to understand it correctly. But, appreciate your good will :smile:

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