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Baby Needs A New Pair Of Shoes



I could use some suggestions.


The stickler for these variable limb versions of the Dwarven cyborg sets has always been what to do with the remaining human limbs. With how Skyrim's armor system works you have to do the hands and feet in sets, unless you for some reason want the off-limb to not have a hand or foot on it. Which I sometimes do with these sets, and those are easy! But for the human parts... Walking around with one bare hand or foot is just kinda silly, so you've got to find alternate boots and gloves to cover them. For the gloves I can just use the TAWOBA Dwarven gloves for all the sets, since they're thematically appropriate and it's simple to set up zaps to let people decide how much armor they want on them. 




But the NiOverride settings on the boots pose a bit more of a problem. I punted on doing individual leg versions of the Bikini set because I didn't have an elegant work-around for the crazy-high NiO values on those legs. The Gynoid and Edhildil sets don't have that problem, since their feet use the Vanilla height settings. But the TAWOBA Dwarven boots do have a NiO lift, and models with fairly high heels, so I can't really use them with those sets. 




And honestly, I'm just not really that big a fan of their design. They're not bad, mind you, it's just that the gap between the armor at the lower calves has always bugged me. 


I could use the Vanilla Dwarven boots, but, well, y'know. Something that clunky might be okay with the Edhildil set, but not so much for the Gynoid. The Remodeled and Sexy Vanilla versions are just reshapes of those, so they're also out. And the one that remaps the Dwarven textures onto the Elven boot mesh I'm not really keen on for its own reasons.


So I need a new boot. A nice pair of flats that can complement the cyborg limbs without stealing the show, as it were. Something Dwarven-themed would be ideal, but I think I've already covered almost all of the ones out there. Failing that, something dark, leather, and simple. Petrovich's fourth set are the only ones that immediately come to mind, but they're almost too simple. There's also the boots from the Katarina Armor, which are some of my favorites of the flats I've come across, but there's no permissions information on that page. Aside from those... pretty much everything I've got that looks decent has heels on it. 


If anyone else knows of any that you think might work, I'm more than happy to hear about them. Unless there's a modeler out there who wouldn't mind whipping something up...




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