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No I'm not talking about TVs, I mentioned in this entry that I'd give background on the custom Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine chapter I've been working on for the past, fuck, 6 years it'll be in the second spoiler. In the first you'll find one of my mod showcases, this is one I meant to do a while back but due to internet fuck ups I lost the auto saved progress on it and couldn't remember what I wanted to type however I've remembered most of it (weird I know, that was months ago) and it'll be in the first spoiler.



So the weapons (and shield) that Mist and Claire are using are the Dwayna's Caress, Dwayna's Aegis and Dwayna's Salvation by seppoko. Now anyone who has followed my blog for a while will know I'm a MASSIVE fan of Guild Wars, especially its setting (Guild Wars 2 was a pile of wank though) hell I played the fucking game for 6 years but anyway the weapons; they're based off of the goddess of life and air Dwayna who is part of a pantheon consisting of Balthazar the god of fire and war, Grenth the god of death and ice, Lyssa the goddess of beauty and illusion, Melandru the goddess of nature and earth and Kormir the goddess of truth and knowledge (the last one is a massive spoiler for Guild Wars' third campaign, Nightfall.) There are two more ex-gods in the forms of Abaddon (who you kill in Nightfall) and Dhuum (who is used as the games perma ban system) but anyway back to the weapons as I said they're based around Dwayna (I personally would have thought Balthazar out of all the Guild Wars gods would have weapons) and they're actually some of my favourite weapons in the game right up there with the Dragonspear. So yeah that's my mod showcase which is more of a Guild Wars lore dump.



Don't worry there's tits below.

So as I mentioned above I'll be giving some background to the custom space marine chapter I've been working on for the past 6 years (what is it with the number 6 today?.)


They're called the Steel Hawks and are of an unknown founding (they first appeared at some point between the 39th and 40th millennium) their primoginator chapter is also unknown although given the purity of their gene-seed they're thought to be either Ultramarines, Dark Angels or White Scars successors. However it's not all rosy for the Hawks as they do have one major defect with their gene-seed in that they have an over active Sus-An membrane (basically if they even just dislocate a joint their Sus-An membrane activates instantly) causing them to have a high attrition rate, which balances out the high success rate of aspirants being converted to full fledged space marines. Overall they're incredibly warp resistant resulting in them having very few librarians and the few they do have are relatively weak in comparison to other chapter's librarians. Their organisation is flexible with each company being dedicated to one kind of marine (1st is all terminators, 2nd all assault marines, 3rd tactical, 4th librarians, 5th devastator and 10th scouts) and rather than being inducted as scouts they follow the Space Wolves in having their scouts being veterans and their aspirants being inducted as assault marines.


That's all I can be bothered talking about with my custom chapter right now, I may continue this another time if enough people care but as promised here are the tits:
I actually have another shot of Claire that I took, I may upload that one at a later date especially if people want more background on the Steel Hawks.


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