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SexLab Kidnapped 2.0 Released!





Now with 40+ abduction scenarios, fellow victim, cuckold, dialogues, different endings, MCM menu, failed ambushes and optional integration with slavery mods via Simple Slavery. And it's only 70 kb!


When wandering outside after dark (time adjustable in MCM), the player may get ambushed and kidnapped by different groups of human and creature enemies. What follows is a night of endless fucking …


“I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee”


Skyrim is a dangerous place after all. Wandering around Skyrim used to be dull, now it is full of surprises!


Suitable female or gay player characters (for now!). Bestiality is disabled by default - turn it on in MCM menu.


Chances of kidnap can now be adjusted for wilderness, cities and towns in MCM. This is further deducted by 0.5*Sneak and 0.5*Poison Resistance. To prevent this mod breaking things, none of the events will trigger if the player is in combat, swimming, in a dialogue, in a scripted scene or has his/her chest piece exposed.


Failed Ambushes:
There is a chance set in MCM of a failed ambush where random enemies show themselves for a fight. With Defeat installed, you can get fucked if you lose this battle (or alternatively bang those kidnapping wannabes!).


Fellow Victim and Rescuer:

  • By default, the mod will pick a random attractive female NPC to be your 'inmate' for the night. Rescuer is disabled by default.
  • To change this, point at a NPC with your crosshair (so that the "Talk" option shows up), then go to MCM menu and you can set this NPC to be either your fellow victim or your rescuer (perhaps your follower as victim and your spouse as rescuer)
  • Rescuer may show up (not always) during the night and fight your kidnappers. If the rescuer loses, he/she gets striped and forced to watch i.e cuckold.

Escape and Retrieve Your Items:
You'll get two quests at the start of each abduction to escape and retrieve your stolen inventory.

  • You can decide to fight back, perhaps by using magic or finding a weapon lying somewhere around, (press Jump to exit bleedout mode). If you manage to kill the ringleader (the one with your inventory), there will be an escape event that fires if you manage to stay alive for another 40 seconds or so. This will transport you back to where you were before the kidnap for convenience's sake.
  • You can decide to escape by following the marker, finding your way out. Be aware that you'll get fucked by every enemy that you pass on your way out though! Once you escape to the wilderness, the escape quest will be completed but the retrieve quest will still be there, tracking your kidnapper. So you can get yourself ready and come back for revenge, slaughter your kidnappers (or maybe reverse-bang them with Defeat) and take back what's yours.
  • Or you can hope for your gallant hero to show up and save you!

Pass out, Dumped or Slavery:
If you don't take action/ your rescuer fails, you'll pass out after a certain number of scenes. The maximum number of rounds you can take depends on your Stamina times a multiplier set in the MCM. Once you pass out, two things could happen, the chances of which can be adjusted in the MCM:

  • You're dumped naked back to where you were before (for convenience really!). You still have the quest for revenge and retrieving your items - 100% chance by default as Simple Slavery is not a requirement
  • You're sold into a slavery auction (requires Simple Slavery) which allows this mod to integrate into any of Simple Slavery's supported slavery mods

Cheat/Lazy/Debug options: options to force-trigger a scene (still have to walk for a few seconds more though), return all your inventory and debug


My To Do List for the Rest of 2.x versions:

  • You as the rescuer + rescue quests - aimed at straight male player characters
  • Optional Devious Devices integration - I will never make anything except SexLab a hard requirement. Everything else is optional.
  • Tidy up the codes, potentially optimizing performance.

With Mod Organizer, or manually: extract zip file content into Skyrim/Data folder
1.x cannot be updated into 2.0. The mod is fine to install half-way through the play-through but if you do so, occasionally you might get kidnapped into a dungeon that is already cleared.


SexLab Framework– yup, that's all you must have, enable Creature Animations in MCM for you use the full version


Optional Integration (not required at all):
Simple Slavery - which in turns opens the door for a large number of slavery mods. Set the chance for slavery after the night in MCM
SexLab Defeat - Turn off Witness Intervention. for rape if you lose to failed ambush attackers and vice versa.


Shameless plug for my other mods :P:
SexLab Pleasure: adds 80 sexual interactions to vanilla NPCs all around Skyrim;
SexLab Privacy: adds an option for NPC and/or the player to find beds automatically whenever they have sex;
The Book of Sex: sexualises the Book of Love Mara quest with many plot twists.


Credits: Thank you everyone for their amazing suggestions and comments so far. As you might notice, a lot of content in 2.0 comes directly from the discussion session of this mod :)


Kidnapped needs YOU: To contribute to the development of SexLab Kidnapped, comment with:

  • Vanilla locations suitable for Kidnapped scenarios: good candidates are interior locations with many non-essential NPCs/ creatures concentrated in a relatively small space. Doesn't matter if the NPCs/ creatures are hostile or not, the mod already handles that.
  • Dialogue lines: you might have noticed that that before each sex scene triggers, the kidnapper will say something and your fellow victim will also say something. This essentially fetches one random line each time from a dialogue array, which I can add as many lines to as I want. So put down any dialogue line you can think of that the kidnapper or your fellow inmate might say. Gender-neutral if possible.
  • Screenshots of the mod in action (I don't have a very graphical setup atm so I'll be happy to use all your screenshots for this upload. I get up to 100)
  • Any other suggestions, comments and bug reports.

Your help is greatly appreciated. You've all been great so far. Keep them coming! :)



If you get CTDs or the bug where multiple scenes trigger at the same time with the same actors, increase the value of "Scan Frequency" in MCM menu. The default of 5 seconds should work for most systems though. You can also try disabling "Adjust Actor Height Based on Race" and "Disable Teleport" in SexLab MCM.
Turn on Debug Notification in MCM and reply to this thread with a description of your problems and what stages show up in the debug notifications. I'll try my best to see if we can find a solution.







Source: SexLab Kidnapped


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