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Lillian Hayn




Lillian Hayn is the fourth of five children, with a brother and two sisters ahead of her and a twin brother born minutes after. Each had a different father. Their mother was a high dollar prostitute servicing the elite of Daggerfall. She was a kind and accommodating woman, but she suffered low self esteem brought on by her own abusive parents, ultimately leading her to prostitution as she was convinced the only thing she had worth sharing was her body. It was luck, coupled with her gentle personality and good heart, that elevated her to her high status, allowing her to provide for her children.



Lillian took strongly after her mother in both looks and disposition. She had a gentle soul and a strong moral compass. It was this moral compass, however, that led her to the early realization that what her mother did for a living was less than honorable. Lillian's outlook on life grew dim as a result, and soon enough she was starting down a path similar to her mother's. It was to her great fortune that her first night taking clients as a streetwalker led to her meeting the most wonderful man she'd ever known, a dashing young aristocrat from Sentinel. Though he paid for her services, he did not partake, opting instead to treat her to a night of Daggerfall's finest entertainment. They courted for a time, and eventually laid together.



Lillian, barely eighteen years old at the time, became pregnant. This would mark the beginning of her suffering. Days after she found out, and hours before she intended to inform her lover of the good news, she learned he'd been slain by a highwayman on the road back from one of the nearby villages. Heartbroken, but with her mother's support, she carried the baby to term and gave birth to a beautiful son. She decided to wait to name him, believing it to be an important decision not to be lightly considered.



Some weeks later, walking down a dimly lit alley, her greatest tragedy struck. From the shadows, a dark, raving figure attacked her with uncanny speed, gashing her face deeply and ripping her infant son from her arms. Even as blood streamed down her face, she rushed the thing, screaming desperately and clawing at it with the ferocity of an animal. But even the righteous fury of a mother trying to protect her child was no match for a vampire gone feral. With no martial training on which to draw, she was easily cast aside and could only watch as the vampire ripped her child to shreds and devoured him. Far too late, a vampire hunter who had been tracking this one arrived and handily slew it. Realizing what had happened, the vampire slayer tried to offer condolences, but Lillian was driven mad with grief. The slayer took her to the priests, who nursed her back to sanity over many months.

Lillian swore vengeance on all vampires. Driven by the urge to kill, she focused her anger into the study of magic and swordsmanship. In remarkable time, she learned the art of sun magic, numerous Restoration spells, and martial combat with short and long blades. It took a decade of her life, but in that decade she became a vision of final death upon any vampire she hunted.





She never took money for her work as a vampire slayer, but she had to support herself somehow. At the same time, she realized she needed a vice, something to help distract her when she wasn't on the job - all too often she had vivid nightmares of that horrible night, dreams stained crimson by a feeling of helplessness and worthlessness. She decided she could kill two birds with one stone... with sex. It wasn't as strong a drowner of memories as skooma or alcohol, but was far less debilitating, and she could make money at it as opposed to spending money to feed the habit. So, the poetic injustice not lost on her, she found her way back into prostitution. It was a fortunate accident that being a lady of the night led to her discovering more vampires to slay.


(Nude and naughty info under the spoiler!)

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Lillian is heterosexual, but will take any client who can pay and is not unfamiliar with having female partners.

Short of violence, there is little she won't do sexually for the right price. Even animals are not out of the question, though to date she has never had an animal partner.


Lillian has no strong preference in sex position. She generally prefers to be more submissive, but has an occasional dominant streak, and will do either or both as her client's wish.


Paradoxically, outside her work as a prostitute, she is very particular about privacy. She is uncomfortable with intimacy of almost any kind outside of closed doors.



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