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Aphrodite, Hun' for Hire - Episode 2 - Scenery, Solitude and Semen



Aphrodite, Hun' for Hire 

Episode 2 - Scenery, Solitude and Semen


As you can see, this is episode 2. If you want to read this from the start, click HERE


The gang had gotten up early for their trip. Artemis and Aphrodite were leading the pack, with the three others behind. 




Aphrodite: Did you sleep well? I've been known to snore loudly.

Artemis: I slept like a baby after you rocked my world...


Aphrodite chucled. 




Artemis: You did talk in your sleep though.
Aphrodite: Shit. What did I say?
Artemis: Something about someone called "Rowdy"?


Aphrodite stayed silent.


Artemis: Is she... Your ex?
Aphrodite: Y... Yeah. She rolls with a crew called the Atom Cats now.
Artemis: W... Wait, THE Rowdy? I love listening to her broadcast!
Aphrodite: We were in the same raider gang back in the day. She was one of the good ones though. She was always nice to me and my friends.
Artemis: Yeah, she seems cool. I love her taste in music! 


A awkward silence broke out. May approached the two.




May: You two really got it on last night. Listening to you got me really horny, took me a while to fall asleep... 



Artemis and May giggled. Aphrodite didn't know how to answer. 




Artemis: Aphrodite told me y'all used to roll with raiders?
May: Yup. Not a great crowd to hang out with to be honest. My momma died when I was very young. Gaige, Sadie and Aphrodite were the only ones who bothered to take care of me. Rowdy taught me how to build stuff...


May paused, realizing mentioning Rowdy made Aphrodite uneasy.


Artemis: I saw your stuff back there, you seem to know your way around machinery!
May: Hell yeah! If you need something built or repaired, I'm your gal!
Artemis: Good to know.
Aphrodite: May here is a prodigy. She has the most skillful set of hands this side of the commonwealth. We would be lost without her.


May blushed a little. 


Artemis: Don't sell yourself short, you have very skillful hands too, you know?


May giggled. Aphrodite, flustered, smiled awkwardly. 


May: What's the matter Ditto? Can't take a compliment? 
Aphrodite: You're one to talk...


All three kept chatting until they stopped to take a break. As always, Gaige and Sadie started fooling around the second they could, leaving the trio on their own.







May: I swear those two are in heat 24/7...Soooo...what's your story Artemis? 


Artemis: Not much to say, really. I grew up in Covenant, where I was raised by a single mother. The men there are creeps, but my mom protected me. At least she did when she was alive. When she died, I moved out, tried to make it on my own... It didn't go well. So now I'm hoping they'll have me back.
Aphrodite: What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?
Artemis: I'm a photograph. I don't have the awesome tech skills May here seems to have, but I can repair almost any camera.
May: A artist, uh. Well that explains it then.
Artemis: What do you mean?
May: Ditto here has a thing for artists.


Aphrodite's heart skipped a beat. 


Aphrodite: May, baby girl, will you shut the FUCK up? PLEASE. 
May: Why don't you make me.


Aphrodite let out a long groan in defeat.
Artemis giggled. 




Artemis: You two seem very close.


Aphrodite: I love her to bits, even if she's a little pain in my ass sometimes.
May: Not literally, because Ditto can't help but fall in love with her sex partners.
Aphrodite: Okay, that's it, you're going down missy.


Aphrodite and May started play wrestling. They ended up knocking Artemis over. Aphrodite turned to her.


Aphrodite: I'm so sorry honey, are you o...




Aphrodite didn't have time to answer, Artemis was now kissing her passionately. Artemis gently started undressing Ditto, peeling off layers. She kissed her body, all the way down to her crotch. Aphrodite felt like she should be putting up more of a fight, but as soon as Artemises hand touched her penis, her mind was a blank slate.






She moaned as Artemis started sucking her cock.





Artemis stared up at her which turned her on even more. She gazed back, trying her best to keep her composure. 

When she was confident her penis was properly lubricated, Artemis signaled for Aphrodite to lie down. 

Artemis silently climbed on top of Aphrodite and slowly lowered herself on her thick shaft.




They both moaned in unison as Artemis started moving her hips.

May stared at them both in silence, a devilish smile on her lips. 


Gaige moaned, somewhere in the distance.






Aphrodite was heating up, she began panting, which seemed to turn on Artemis who picked up the pace. Aphrodite moaned loudly as her throbbing gock slid all the way inside her. She was about to pop.


Aphrodite: I... I'm about to...
Artemis: Do it... Inside. I want you to fill me up. 


Aphrodite's ass clenched as she released inside her warm and tight vagina. She let out a elongated moan, squeezing Artemis against her sweaty body.






May: Fuck me, that was HOT.
Aphrodite: I'll... I'll say. What got into you?
Artemis: Silly question... YOU my dear.
Aphrodite: I walked right into that one, didn't I.
May: That's what she said. 


After cleaning up a bit, the gang hit the road again.





Aside from a raider ambush, the trip went by without a hitch, and they arrived safely at Covenant. A man seemed to be waiting for them.


Aphrodite: Someone you know Artemis? 



Artemis seemed troubled, she bit her lips and didn't answer. When he saw them, the man rushed to greet Artemis. He embraced her without giving her time to react, obviously putting her on the spot. 




Joe: Artemis! Oh, I missed you so much. I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. I promise things will be different now. Thanks for giving me a chance, baby.

Artemis: H... Hi Joe. These are my... friends, Aphrodite, May, Gaige and Sadie.



Joe looked at them from head to toe with a barely disguised disgusted expression on his face. His voice lost all his warmth when he adresses them.


Joe: Ladies...
Artemis: D... Do you want to come in for a minute?


Aphrodite couldn't put the reason into words yet, but her heart was sinking at the moment. It felt like her good mood was entirely gone. She wanted nothing else but to go home and get drunk as soon as possible.


Aphrodite: Sorry, but we have to walk back home before nightfall. We'll take the caps and go.


Artemis turned to Joe who handed them the caps.




Aphrodite: Extra. Have a good time here I guess. Peace out.
Artemis: C... Can we stay in touch? I... I could... Send you letters.
Aphrodite: Hey, it's a free country. Can't guarantee I'll have time to answer though. If that'll be all ma'am.
Artemis: B... Bye Ditto.
Aphrodite: Bye.


Aphrodite darted back in the opposite direction, followed silently by her three friends. After a couple minutes of walking, May approached her. 


May: What the hell was THAT about, Ditto?


Aphrodite: I have no earthly idea what you're talking about honey.
May: You could never lie to me you know. You always were the jealous type. That and you suck at understanding your lovers.


Aphrodite: We're not lovers, Artemis and I. Barely met her. We're not even friends, contrary to what she was saying.
May: Is THAT why you gave the girl the ice queen treatment? Because she already has a boyfriend and called you a "friend"? Grow the FUCK up.



Aphrodite was going to snap back, but May didn't give her time, she was already far ahead. Gaige and Sadie passed by her, both with shit-eating grins.


Gaige: Yeah grow up boo!
Sadie: Fo' shizzle!
Aphrodite: Will you two shut the fuck up?


The rest of the trip went by in silence. Aphrodite felt like shit, so instead of going straight home like her crew did, she stopped at the Clover. Kat smiled when she entered.


Kat: There she is! How was the trip?



Aphrodite: Okay I guess. 
Kat: What's the matter honey? 
Aphrodite: Nothing. Who do I have to go down on to get a glass of whiskey around here? 
Kat: I mean, I take caps, but since you're asking... 


Kat pointed down to her crotch. Aphrodite smiled for the first time in hours. 


Aphrodite: Thanks Kat, I can always count on you to brighten my mood. 
Kat: Oh, raincheck then. No worries sweetheart. It's the least I can do for my favorite customer. 


Kat served Aphrodite her glass of whiskey. 


Aphrodite: Your "favorite customer"? Well I guess there's not much competition... 
Kat: Why would you say that? 
Aphrodite: I mean I'm always moody, bitchy, and my tits look terrible. 
Kat: Shame on you, your tits are a work of art. And maybe I like you being moody. 


A woman drinking next to Aphrodite stared at her breasts before adding



Sonya: I agree, your tits look great. 
Aphrodite: We're all going to have to agree to disagree I guess, miss...? 
Sonya: Sonya. And your ass is nothing to scoff at either,if you don't mind me saying. 


Aphrodite didn't mind. In fact, the attention made her a bit horny. She was starting to get a buzz. 


Aphrodite: I do like my butt. It's weirdly the only part of me I'm proud of actually. 
Sonya: As you should. 
Aphrodite: So what's your story Sonya? 
Sonya: I'm a courrier. If you need something delivered, I'm your gal. 



Aphrodite was progressively getting drunker by the second, and wanted Sonya to deliver her fist inside her asshole, but she was sober enough not to say that part out loud. 


Aphrodite: A courrier ? Must be a dangerous job. You travel alone? 
Sonya: No, you're right, that would be dangerous. I'm partnered with my little pet, Anya. She's over there. 
Aphrodite: Why don't you call her over? 
Sonya: Yeah, why not. ANYA! 




Anya spotted the two from afar and walked up to them. She checked out Aphrodite as she arrived. Ditto found them both very attractive and was getting very, very horny. 


Anya: Why hello there... Who's your friend master?


Sonya: This beautiful creature is named Aphrodite.
Aphrodite: Everyone calls me Ditto.
Anya: That's such a cute nickname, not as cute as you though...
Aphrodite: If you gals keep gassing me up, I'm going to have to sleep with you.


Sonya feigned shock. 


Sonya: Oh noooo... That would be TERRIBLE.


Aphrodite giggled. The alcohol was getting to her head and the barriers she usually had up where nowhere to be seen.


Aphrodite: You two wanna see my house? It's not far from here. 


Sonya shared a knowing smile with her pet before answering.


Sonya: Sure, lead the way sexy.


Aphrodite got up. Kat winked at her as they left the bar. Sonya grabbed Ditto's ass on the way back. Her lust was reaching peak levels and her dick was now rock hard.




They all entered her lair. 


Aphrodite: Welcome! Make yourselves at home. Pardon the mess.

Anya: No worries. We LOVE a messy girl, don't we, master?



Sonya, checking out Ditto's collection of dildos nodded in agreement. 





Aphrodite giggled as Anya began undressing her.




She let out a moan as Sonya started sucking on her nipples. 


Her body felt so sensitive she felt like she was about to burst with every touch. Anya took off her clothes and rubbed her cock on Aphrodite's yearning butthole. Without warning, she plunged it inside the ex-raider, making her moan so loud it echoed through the house. Anya sure knew what she was doing.



Sonya: Yeah, you like that, don't you? Does my pet feel good inside your slutty ass ?
Aphrodite: Y... Yes... P... Please fuck me like the dirty little slut I am.
Anya: As you wish.


Anya started thrusting, driving Aphrodite mad with lust. Sonya was jerking off as she stared at the two getting it on.




Aphrodite looked her in the eye as her pet kept railing her asshole.


Aphrodite: Oh GOD! Yes, just like that! Hmm! FUCK! Stretch my fucking asshole with your thick fucking dick! 


Anya picked up the pace. Aphrodite started babbling incoherently, her mind obliterated by the thick cock ramming her tight asshole. Aphrodite's gock was dripping cum all over the floor. She panted, savoring every thrust inside her ass like a cock addled slut. 




Anya slowed down, her shaft twitching inside her. Aphrodite managed to produce words between her panting moans. 


Aphrodite: Fill me up. I want your fucking cum inside me! Every...last... fucking...drop.

Sonya: Beg for it. I forbid you to cum until she does my little pet.
Anya: Y...yes my master.

Aphrodite: P...please...please...cum...inside...me.


Sonya stared at her, jerking off slowly.

Aphrodite: I'm BEGGING you. P...please mommy Sonya.

Sonya grinned.

Sonya: Anya...

She paused, clearly savoring every second.

Sonya: ...You may cum.


Anya: Than...thank you master...Are you ready honey ? 


Anya grunted as she emptied her balls inside Aphrodite's tight butthole. Aphrodite came once more, spurting cum all over the floor. Anya pulled out slowly, cum oozing out of Aphrodite, making her yelp. Anya let out a moan as she came once more, jizz spurting over Aphrodite's back as she slumped down to the floor, a sweaty panting mess. 




She crawled towards Sonya who was still jerking off.

With a lusty smile, she grabbed it and started jerking it slowly, staring up at Sonya.

She could feel her twitch in her mouth.




Anya was already up and ready for round two.




Aphrodite lifted her butt and Anya penetrated it once more. She came almost instantly, ejaculating on the drenched floor as the two women fucked her holes. 




Sonya: F... Fuck she's good. I'm about to blow. 
Anya: Her ass feels so good... I'm close to busting my nut too... 


Aphrodite braced herself, eagerly awaiting both loads. Sonya and Anya moaned in unison as they filled her up with thick, warm, sticky cum. Aphrodite tried her best to catch her breath, her mind still hazy. She was dripping with cum everywhere, and somehow that made her feel better than she had felt the past month. Without even thinking about it she jerked her gock a few last times. Anya smiled as she watched her do it.


Anya: I could get used to this master. I love her energy...
Sonya: I agree, my little pet. I might just adopt her. How does that sound, my little cum-dump? 



Aphrodite would usually never let anyone talk to her like that. She was oddly turned on by the dominating Sonya though and nodded timidly. 


Sonya: It's settled then. We'll do this again soon. 

Anya: Oh goody! I'll be looking forward to it!


Aphrodite snuggled against the two hotties in her bed drenched in their sticky semen, content...


To be continued...











Edited by madzubat


Recommended Comments

The dynamic inside the Crew is very interesting. It seems like everyone is looking out for each other, which I like.


Gaige and Sadie, the two probably use every opportunity to do it with each other, no matter where they are, regardless of whether anyone is watching them or not.


Dito probably too, but she seems to like it more in her own room where no one can disturb her.


May seems to be someone who doesn't seem to be very active. She probably uses other methods because she is very technically gifted, even though she has three great friends around her who are all well equipped.




Zilphia: "I just couldn't stand still if I was surrounded by girls like that."




Zilphia: "BTW, Anya looks cute. I am not averse to tasting her cum. Well, Sonya too, but she scares me a little bit - on a positive way!"


A good chapter! 


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6 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

The dynamic inside the Crew is very interesting. It seems like everyone is looking out for each other, which I like.


Gaige and Sadie, the two probably use every opportunity to do it with each other, no matter where they are, regardless of whether anyone is watching them or not.


Dito probably too, but she seems to like it more in her own room where no one can disturb her.


May seems to be someone who doesn't seem to be very active. She probably uses other methods because she is very technically gifted, even though she has three great friends around her who are all well equipped.


  Reveal hidden contents


Zilphia: "I just couldn't stand still if I was surrounded by girls like that."




Zilphia: "BTW, Anya looks cute. I am not averse to tasting her cum. Well, Sonya too, but she scares me a little bit - on a positive way!"


A great chapter! 



Indeed another great chapter, interesting characters + all the details


(hello mannequin), 🤡

great lighting in the bar. Very, very impressive.

+ no thumbs up at the moment =👍




Apparently 2-3 pictures are stuck in the loverslab queue, It is also possible to upload images to an image hoster and only link to them, e.g. at,


Edited by chooseChaos
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