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Vargr - Chap 69 Nice~ (Part One)





For the love of Satan, let this One breath! I mean it again! A few many Gifs.. I mean it IS Chapter 69 ? (Part One ?)

So I thought of something very, very special.  Let's get the Warning out of the way..
Yeah most sex you see (A fuckton of it.) won't be consensual ? 

I've created the biggest pile of lewd I've ever done. I mean I put so many kinks in here, I kinda forget there are normal ones..

(Molag Bal is proud of me ?)


What do I mean with Part One? Did I split the Chapter? No.. No I mean I would've if this was the entire Weeks work.. TBH this is my second Try for Chap 69. The first One.. It's not bad but It isn't 69 worthy ? I think I will use those Pics for something else..

OH by the end of it, I have a little Question for you Guys... And Options ?


So without further ado, get your Tissues ready! AND don't forget to count the Easter Eggs! (One Character is easy to spot.. I mean really easy..)




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(Gukahns favorites begin here)



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(Gukahns even bigger favorites begin here)



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If I were a fictional Deity, I would probably be Molag Bal..

Either that or the God if Shits and Giggles ?


Sooo Ehm.. Sarah will leave him.. No way in Hell he won't tell her about that, because he sees nothing wrong in what he did and exactly THAT

is the Problem.. Well that and that he did it ?

I can't stand by and just let her be here with knowing this, she ain't that kind of Character and somewhere there is the Line.

And knowing her, she will be taking sofia with her.. And trys to get Kitten to follow too.

So this is Option One.


Option two.. Is something of a retcon, not about what happenes in Chapter 69, THIS will stay.

I've been putting so much work into it, I won't upload and then retcon it.

What the Second option is.. Do you Guys know how Vargr came to be? oo

Something like that, someone fucks with an Elder Scroll and people end up not meeting or stranding in places. Things that happened don't happen, things like Arlan and the College of Winterhold for example.  I'm not sure how far I would do this, but I've been writing myself into a corner with the whole Marriage Thing and turned Arlan into a Thing nobody will marry or should even be around knowing what he does oO

And he won't change. This Blog won't change and the entire story is him fucking his way through skyrim anyways. That will also stay or get even worse.

Stuff like Chapter 68, 69 and even the Thing with the Goblins will happen often.


So these are the Options we have. Either his group leaves him (I won't vow for Kitten.)

Or we timey winy bullshit us our way into a lewd feature of Arlan having Slaves to call upon (Namely the Elves and at least 3 of these here. Makes it easy to write them in and out if they just pop up when I want them to.)

Arlan might end up being not only the lead but the main Bad.. I might need to create someone or make an already existing someone into a Thing that trys to stop him.. Demi Goddess or God for example ?


Would love to hear your thoughts in this. And yes, there will be a Chapter 69 Part two. Gives me time to think without doing something I might not like at the end ?


Apropos chapter 69.

Did you guys spot the Easter Eggs?  Well one is hard to miss xD Who ever can tell me where I got inspiration for the green hair gets a Lewd Wish granted in the next Entry as long as it's possible to do. Bonus points if you can guess who her Twin is.. I mean if you find out where greeny is from, it's not hard to figure that one out even with the wrong clothing choice (But hardcore Sci fi armor in skyrim.. There is a Line.)

Don't try to guess for Piggy.. I just made her to be Piggy ? (I turned Sarah into a Breton and changed a few Things.. Ain't I an ass? xD)






Recommended Comments

Well I won't spoil the easter eggs since we talked about them a bit. :classic_angel:


After thinking on it some, I'm starting to see option 1 as the better option. It seems more linear and easy to follow. ? 


...and yeeep he is, in fact, the villain. 

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Hmmm, not sure I like the way this is going. It used to be a very messed up, but in the end kinda still somewhat light-hearted story and the damage A. did wasn't usually permanent ... well he probably caused quite a bit of trauma to way too many girls, but at least didn't leave them broken, much less delivered them to some Daedra. It did since then get progressively darker and now it finally got too dark for my taste. Matter of fact I already did pretty much just skim over the second half of this.

As for your question, while it means things will deteriorate further, option 1 is the more logical. Actually, my 'solution' would be a different one, but you won't like it. Both teams unit to permanently deal with the danger Arlan has become.

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I say option one with a twist. Arlan should probably have a talk with them and his mother all together. Alran should let Sarah down easy and slow let her know that he doesn't want to drag her down with him. You know show her a little understanding at the same time he has a destiny to fill just like the Dragonborn does while looking at Sofia. They should at least work something out maybe tell them about the contract. Well I tired.... there... Okay? :sweat_smile:





As for the twins older one is Sarada from the Naruto verse if not Sakura and younger one looks like Shino Miko outfit but the sleeves should be longer and she doesn't have green hair or Mai Shiranui neither Momiji. So I can't think of anyone else other than them.

Well Lewd Wish granted for you at least... Shield your EYES!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! :angel:


Don't worry that's not Jay. I just had an idea Jay can be like the Director Sheo sends to make the show more interesting. You can make it like Jay is one of those Hollywood Directors we all hate in real life they always want bigger badder better and more explosions!!! Boom Bam!!! Then Arlan can be like.... Shit what did I just get myself into? And that would be an excuse to go back to Sarah, Sofia, and Kitten. That's Hollywood for ya making any actor change their mind. And then maybe in the end he can keep the girls and tell Sarah that's their back-up orgy team. Gotta build an army of supports just in case... Right? Never know when he'll need forces for any upcuming battle. ;) ....What?!.... You never know Right? :angel:




Edited by Jay-Omms
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13 hours ago, yorpers said:

...and yeeep he is, in fact, the villain. 

Yeah facts ôo


11 hours ago, Talesien said:

Hmmm, not sure I like the way this is going. It used to be a very messed up, but in the end kinda still somewhat light-hearted story and the damage A. did wasn't usually permanent ... well he probably caused quite a bit of trauma to way too many girls, but at least didn't leave them broken, much less delivered them to some Daedra. It did since then get progressively darker and now it finally got too dark for my taste. Matter of fact I already did pretty much just skim over the second half of this.

Dang it and I was putting so much into the second x,X

So too dark because it stays.. Yeah I can't really change that now x,X

Maybe I can try to not doing it anymore ?


11 hours ago, Talesien said:

As for your question, while it means things will deteriorate further, option 1 is the more logical. Actually, my 'solution' would be a different one, but you won't like it. Both teams unit to permanently deal with the danger Arlan has become.

Mh.. I mean he deserves a good ass beating, but I don't want to kill him off ? But the fact stands that he needs to live with the consequences ?


11 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

I say option one with a twist. Arlan should probably have a talk with them and his mother all together. Alran should let Sarah down easy and slow let her know that he doesn't want to drag her down with him. You know show her a little understanding at the same time he has a destiny to fill just like the Dragonborn does while looking at Sofia. They should at least work something out maybe tell them about the contract.

Nice of you but that explanation doesn't mean anything worth and it's not his Destiny or something grant like that to do messed up stuff, its how he is ?

He is the personification of a Bad End


11 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

As for the twins older one is Sarada from the Naruto verse if not Sakura and younger one looks like Shino Miko outfit but the sleeves should be longer and she doesn't have green hair or Mai Shiranui neither Momiji. So I can't think of anyone else other than them.

Well Lewd Wish granted for you at least... Shield your EYES!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! :angel:


Wrong for both.. I said not to look too much at Sisters Cloths :classic_angel:

And I have no idea who the others are xD

I admit it's a bit hard

ANd the rest of your idea, as entertaining as it might be to have a Sheo kind of character do comments for part 2, it won't do anything about Sarah and Arlan being too much of an Evil to let them stay to him ?


I'll waiting a few more days, then I will make a Poll I guess.^^ this story is important to me, I'm having a blast doing all of it's parts,be it the messed up or the light hearted and funny things. Just wanna see how much People like either of my thoughts of its future progression.


Thank you for your thoughts Guys. ^^

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24 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

So too dark because it stays.. Yeah I can't really change that now x,X

Maybe I can try to not doing it anymore ?

While I appreciate it, I'm not sure, that's a good idea if it's not the road you wanna follow. You do you, the important part is that you've fun and remain motivated to continue. Pleasing all the people all the time, won't work anyway (otherwise, from my point of view, we would still be following old Man, I liked that story considerably better, sorry to say, but I guess you know that already ^^). You may lose some readers who don't like the new heading, likely win some over who are more into the darker stuff ... the world will keep turning either way.

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30 minutes ago, Talesien said:

While I appreciate it, I'm not sure, that's a good idea if it's not the road you wanna follow. You do you, the important part is that you've fun and remain motivated to continue.

Yeah your right about that. Pretty much do everything I want the whole time ? And it was messed up from the start. ?

Just realized that I put characters in here, that I don't want to suddenly be okay with everything. they grew their own personality in my head. 

30 minutes ago, Talesien said:

. Pleasing all the people all the time, won't work anyway (otherwise, from my point of view, we would still be following old Man, I liked that story considerably better, sorry to say, but I guess you know that already ^^).

No hard feelings about that xD  It's a funny story and I enjoyed writing it at that time.  And yes I know that you liked it more :classic_angel:



Edited by Gukahn
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4 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Nice of you but that explanation doesn't mean anything worth and it's not his Destiny or something grant like that to do messed up stuff, its how he is ?

He is the personification of a Bad End


Just trying to help you figure out a way out of this whole your in is all.

4 hours ago, Gukahn said:

ANd the rest of your idea, as entertaining as it might be to have a Sheo kind of character do comments for part 2, it won't do anything about Sarah and Arlan being too much of an Evil to let them stay to him ?


Just an idea to get Arlan to rethink what he is doing. Like giving him a journey of self discovery and what not. Playing to his good side his human side just as Jay has a human side. Jay and Arlan are pretty much alike in that sense. They both wrestle with their Daedric side and strive to find balance whether they know it or not. They seek control over their madness. They both want friends deep down both seeking love a place to call home to come back to with a somewhat loving family to welcome them back. :sweat_smile: Think of Kitten Arlan! :face_cat: Think of what you really want. :sweat_smile: Do you really want Arlan to be evil or maybe just maybe he splits into two Arlans one holding his darkside and the other his Light? Just ideas man helping you figure it out. Hopefully you will be able to continue his story because he still has the rest of his mission to follow like what you have going on originally. Well yeah run the poll and see what everyone would agree with. Sounds like a plan. ;):thumbsup:  

Edited by Jay-Omms
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my puprosol do option A. 
But from my perpective Sarah still love him, and after few weeks or mouth she will be back, like this is letraly taxic realtion ship where hril hate guy that abuse her but still come back. And whole your story is have a loot of ironic and homage on real life. And maaaaaybe after some daedric god will explain that arlan don't have a choice anymore....
And option B is totaly no no. option B is a good for quick fap. But if we want quck fap we wil lall instal same mods are you and just play skyrim or fallout right?  We here to see how Araln get in adventure how he deal with problem using sex. We here for storys that involve a lot of sex. No just for some kinky shit on reapit with somethime changing models of girls. 

So i think you need to find something inbetween of A and B, myabe girls find a way to gods leave arlan alone. 

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21 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:


Just trying to help you figure out a way out of this whole your in is all.


Just an idea to get Arlan to rethink what he is doing. Like giving him a journey of self discovery and what not. Playing to his good side his human side just as Jay has a human side. Jay and Arlan are pretty much alike in that sense. They both wrestle with their Daedric side and strive to find balance whether they know it or not. They seek control over their madness. They both want friends deep down both seeking love a place to call home to come back to with a somewhat loving family to welcome them back. :sweat_smile: Think of Kitten Arlan! :face_cat: Think of what you really want. :sweat_smile: Do you really want Arlan to be evil or maybe just maybe he splits into two Arlans one holding his darkside and the other his Light? Just ideas man helping you figure it out. Hopefully you will be able to continue his story because he still has the rest of his mission to follow like what you have going on originally. Well yeah run the poll and see what everyone would agree with. Sounds like a plan. ;):thumbsup:  


2 hours ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

my puprosol do option A. 
But from my perpective Sarah still love him, and after few weeks or mouth she will be back, like this is letraly taxic realtion ship where hril hate guy that abuse her but still come back. And whole your story is have a loot of ironic and homage on real life. And maaaaaybe after some daedric god will explain that arlan don't have a choice anymore....
And option B is totaly no no. option B is a good for quick fap. But if we want quck fap we wil lall instal same mods are you and just play skyrim or fallout right?  We here to see how Araln get in adventure how he deal with problem using sex. We here for storys that involve a lot of sex. No just for some kinky shit on reapit with somethime changing models of girls. 

So i think you need to find something inbetween of A and B, myabe girls find a way to gods leave arlan alone. 


Thanks Guys, I think through you I got a few good Ideas how to handle all of this while staying in the current timeline^^

So no retcon bullshit ?


Any lewd Wishes as thanks? :classic_angel:

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2 hours ago, Gukahn said:



Thanks Guys, I think through you I got a few good Ideas how to handle all of this while staying in the current timeline^^

So no retcon bullshit ?


Any lewd Wishes as thanks? :classic_angel:


Nooice! ;):thumbsup:


As for lewd Wishes.... Nothing really just do your thang.....


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll.... maybe just one like Jay jerking in the corner. Kidding... Or really he can be in the crowd of clone Arlans like where's Waldo. Pretty much him hiding in some scenes like a "Can you spot him game". No lines needed. Like one scene he can be holding one of the girls upside-down or something funny like that with no mention of him at all. Probably Kitten spotting him for a moment then he's gone. Like that wasn't me that was an Arlan clone. :lol:  Okay I'm getting carried away. Those are just examples do it your own way that way I can be surprised with no idea what you're planning. ;):thumbsup:


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9 hours ago, Gukahn said:



Thanks Guys, I think through you I got a few good Ideas how to handle all of this while staying in the current timeline^^

So no retcon bullshit ?


Any lewd Wishes as thanks? :classic_angel:

Just keep a good work, and do what you think is right. You and Sirrae story main reason why i keep checking blogs every day after fallout 4 autors stop posting :classic_sad: 
Btw i think at one point you need to do a collab with some one maybe Feyfolken? that will be interested twist. 
And for lewd... my main kink is public degradation or hiden on plain sight sex so you can do something with that. 

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22 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

Nooice! ;):thumbsup:

Dude Kitten isn't even in there ?

And I'm extremely reluctant in adding your presets to my game so soon again. You know why ? (If he does the same thing to guys than your girls did to women in my game I will burn this game to the ground. )


16 hours ago, RandomKhajiit said:

bad end for Arlan, Jyggalag's daughter shows up and fucks him to death.... repeatedly till Alice stops her. or joins in, lol

oo RIP ?


15 hours ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Just keep a good work, and do what you think is right.

Aye Sir o7


15 hours ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

. You and Sirrae story main reason why i keep checking blogs every day after fallout 4 autors stop posting :classic_sad: 

Uff I hope to never disappoint you then ?


15 hours ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Btw i think at one point you need to do a collab with some one maybe Feyfolken? that will be interested twist. 

Colabs are problematic things. You would have to have a copy of a character from another blog build in your storyverse. J and I talked about it a few times because he will be starting his blog soon too. ?

The thought of it isn't uninteresting but it's hard to set in place for me without talking about boundary's before, what one can or cannot do to those rented characters.. ?


15 hours ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

my main kink is public degradation or hiden on plain sight sex so you can do something with that. 

I'll see if I can do one of those ^^

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