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Animation Hell



Well, another day, another animation. The light at the end of the tunnel is either too far away to see or was turned off because someone forgot to pay the bill..... :P


Today I worked on adding b4 to an animation Grumpf made and damn is it fantastic (his animation I mean, not my b4 addition).

I also managed to get 2 other animations completed and will hopefully test them out tomorrow. If all goes well I'll release them for feedback. They are DS 40 and 41 or bbb pack 65 and 66.


I am approximately 20 short of completing my run through on the "from back" animations group (setpos group 01).

I "was" thinking of tackling the cowgirl group but I am torn between doing it or the laying down group. I'll cross that bridge towards the end of next week when I finish up group 1.


I thought about doing requests for certain positions but honestly I have found I move faster when I can concentrate on one group at a time, so that is what I am going to do for now. Unless Grumpf comes up with another awesome animation that is..... :P



I recently made a thread about my frustration on folks complaining about me renumbering the animations. I deleted the thread for a couple of reasons:

1. While it was an explanation of "why" I did it, it really was more of a whine fest and that is not really what I wanted to convey.

2. It was written in frustration and maybe even a touch of anger and is possible that some folks could have taken it as an attack on them. Attacking anyone one this forum or any other for that matter was not my intention and definitely not my MO.

3. It was up for long enough that those who frequent the forum saw it and are now aware of the issue.


So as an alternative I thought I would stress a couple of quick points about the renumbering (and how I learned to love the bomb):

1. Even if I decided NOT to renumber the animations I still would have broken a number of existing plugins by culling out the 58+ duplicates and broken animations. No one liked having these duplicates in their sets and honestly who in their right minds likes broken animations? Also, the key to adding new animations by Northern, Grumpf, TDA, Nusbie and my reworks is clearing out those duplicates so we have spots we can fill.

2. Renumbering the animations groups animations in a way that it is fairly easy for modders to sort through a "range" and select the animation that they feel best fits what they want to use (if they are wanting\needing to select a particular animation instead of just using a group call). It also will make it easier for folks to sift through their animations by looking at numbers within a range if they want to replace something with a new animation or one that is more to their liking.

3. Working with the scattered animations after pulling the duplicates and broken animations under the old number system was a freaking nightmare for me to keep track of. I found I was spending more time looking for things than actually doing something to\with them! And that was WITH a spread sheet to keep track of it all. For my sanity and to streamline my workflow it was quite simply a no-brainer to renumber things so I could spend my time animating and not trying to find stuff.


I will close by saying that I am sorry if this causes anyone difficulty. Sometimes you have to break something to fix it correctly and I firmly believe that this was the case concerning animation renumbering. Please note that at this time I am planning on sticking to my guns on keeping the new numbering system. I see no useful alternative that makes any sense to keep an old broken system "just cause it has always been that way". If anyone needs assistance updating their plugins to the new numbering system the I would be happy to help.


Now I WOULD be willing to entertain restoring a small handful of the old numbers to my new renumbering system "IF" it is just a couple and that would help ease the pain of updating for some of you modders. I already did this for the Rape Struggle and PK Extender animations as Donkey contacted me back during the planning stage of me doing this several months ago and gave me the heads up to leave those animations in alone. It irks me a bit in that I talked about doing this for several months and no one other than Donkey gave me any feedback but I guess that is par for the course and all that.


If you actually read all of this then by golly treat yourself to an internet cookie!!! ;)




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