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Bringing Models to Life: Feat. Saya



Taking screenshots in Skyrim and the behind-the-scenes work that potentially goes into getting a model ready for a photo shoot, is an enjoyable challenge.  There's a definite element of stop-motion animation present in these screenshots.  I use the Amazing Follower Tweaks mod as the core of my posing system so I find posing models pretty easy.


I've found myself going through old material and basically just deleting it if I took it before I learnt facial animation.  For a while I'd been happy with taking screenshots of the same model in different poses but with the same facial expressions.  Then it just became like this constant flaw that I couldn't ignore - poseable these models were; they were more like poseable robots than humans.


I use this mod called F.E.P. (Facial Expressions Project) now:  




Adding facial expressions to your models can add a real element of presence to photo shoots; if they're in an erotic pose it helps sell it if they look like they're enjoying the experience.  Subtle changes of expression can also help tell the story of your shoot.  I've only been experimenting with mods to produce more virtual photography related material, but there could be overlaps with creating video content.


The model I used in the photo shoot below is a great example of this mod in action.  Saya has an anime aesthetic to her face, which would have made the absence of expression stand out more to me.  Her default expression seemed to me to be a bit serious, which was great for a follower ready in battle.  I wanted to see her enjoying herself.





Edited by Diluted_NZ
blurb & photo change


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