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Living in Harmony - Episode 3: Time to Clit !



A Mama Fiona's Lusty Ride Prequel

Living in Harmony 


Episode 3 - Time to Clit !


March the 23rd 2286, Diamond City




"Hmm... Hot damn... Billie really wasn't overselling it... It's been a while since the last time I came that much..." 

Piper was Harmony's client at the moment. She popped her head out from between the reporter's legs with a smile. 




Harmony: What did Billie say about me? 
Piper: That you're a natural... That you're as talented as you are gorgeous... So many things... She really likes you, you know. Lucky you. She's quite the catch. 


Harmony blushed. No one ever complimented her work before. Even Hailey never talked about her like Billie did. It had been little more than a month since the two met, and Harmony's feelings about the blue haired woman were only getting deeper, more intense as days went by. She simply couldn't put into words how happy she was, knowing that maybe she felt the same about her. 




Harmony: R... Really? Are you sure she's not just being nice? 
Piper: Honey... The look she had when she talked about you the other day... I wish someone had that look when speaking about me...
Harmony: You're a great reporter, and a awesome woman. You'll find someone. 
Piper: Awww... Thanks Harmony. That's very sweet of you to say. I hope you're right... Well... The newspaper isn't going to write itself. Gotta go. How much do I owe ya?



Harmony: After everything you did for Billie? I can't charge you Piper.  
Piper: I feel like I'm ripping you girls off...
Harmony: No you're not. You deserve good things.


Harmony walked Piper to the door.


Piper: And... Uh... If things don't work out with Billie... I'm... Uh... Sure there are other girls who'd love to be with you... 
Harmony: You're sweet...who'd want a slutty mess like me though? 
Piper: Well... Uh... I... I... Um... I... 



Harmony: Are you okay Piper? 
Piper: Ye... Yeah. I... I'll see you later okay? 
Harmony: See you later. 


Harmony was eager to get back to Billie and almost tripped as she got dressed. Life in Diamond City wasn't perfect, but being close to Billie was enough to keep her happy. The two of them had a meeting with the mayor to talk about the harassment. Billie was reluctant at first, but Harmony convinced her. They struggled to get the meeting at first, but Harmony seduced the mayor's secretary, and somehow that got things moving. 




Billie was waiting for her in front of the building. She seemed uneasy. Harmony kissed her tenderly. 




Harmony: You okay Bee? 
Billie: I guess...how was Piper? 
Harmony: She's good. Had nothing but kind things to say about my performance. 
Billie: I bet...She's such a doll... 
Harmony: Not as much as my Billie... 
Billie: Sh...shush now, you're gonna make me blush. Shall we get this over with? 


The two women went inside. The secretary didn't even acknowledge them as they walked past her.




The mayor greeted them with a smile. Billie seemed uneasy. 


The Mayor: Girls!!! Can my secretary get you something? Water? Something stronger maybe? 
Harmony: We're fine, thank you. About why we're here...
The Mayor: Yes...something about the city guards if I'm not mistaken? 
Harmony: Exactly. My friend Billie here can't work without being harassed. It's getting worse every day. You have to do something! 
The Mayor: I see... And what would you be willing to do to insure my cooperation? 
Harmony: I... Beg your pardon? 
The Mayor: Ah... I see Billie here didn't share our "arrangement" with you. I'm perfectly willing to keep my men in line... All I need is a little...compensation. Regularly. And free of charge of course. 
Harmony: A... Are you serious? 
The Mayor: But of course! Simple business transaction my dear! 


Harmony was so furious, she stayed speechless for a minute or two. The mayor got up and completely naked, bar his hat for some reason. 




The Mayor: Now which one of you is going to "take care of me"? Make it quick, I still have a lot of work to get to. 


Billie kneeled in front of the mayor and reluctantly started jerking him off. Harmony stared helplessly as she started sucking him off. 



It didn't take long for the mayor to cum down the poor girls throat as he moaned loudly. 


The Mayor: Very good... Very good. I'll be expecting a visit from one of you tomorrow... Or who knows what might happen, right? 


Harmony couldn't contain herself anymore. 


Harmony: Excuse me? Do you seriously feel no remorse about this? You sick bastard! Women should feel safe in your city, instead of that, they live in constant fear of being harassed, or worse!
The Mayor: How... How dare you, you little slut! You're lucky we let you work here, this isn't Goodneighboor you know! We have a certain standing! A reputation! Letting WHORES roam the streets willy nilly gives us a bad name. 
Harmony: Oh but that obviously doesn't bother you when you get free head out of it is that it? You disgusting pig. You could never get a beautiful woman like Billie to suck your cock under normal circumstances. 
The Mayor: A "woman" you say? I fail to see who this "beautiful woman" is that you're speaking off... 


That was the last straw. Harmony punched the mayor as hard as she could. He stumbled and fell down, knocked out cold. Billie, wide eyed stared at Harmony in disbelief for a second or two. 




Harmony: I... I'm sorry. Please don't hate me Billie. I only... I couldn't... 
Billie: Shush now. You did nothing wrong. We gotta go though. Now. 


The two women sneaked back out. Billie and Harmony packed their meager belongings and left the duggout inn. On their way out, they passed by Piper. 


Piper: Heyyyy girls... What's the rush? 




Billie explained the situation as fast as she could. The reporter didn't seem surprised. 


Piper: That sick bastard. You're better off leaving this wretched city. I'll make sure the mayor's practices are well documented. He'll probably try to silence me, but I'm not afraid of him. You girls get out of here in the meantime. 
Harmony: Bye Piper. Thanks for everything. 
Piper: Don't mention it. You take care of Billie, you hear? 
Harmony: You know I will. 


The two women fled the city. After walking a full hour in silence, Billie finally spoke. 


Billie: It was incredibly foolish. What you did I mean. 



Harmony: I... I know... I just... 
Billie: Let me finish my point please sugah. It was a foolish thing. But staying there under those circumstances wasn't less foolish. I'm lucky to have you. I forgive you Harmony. 
Harmony: You're not mad? 



Billie: Oh believe me, I'm mad. But my love for you is stronger than my anger. 
Harmony: Wait, what? 
Billie: Oh you heard me, silly girl. I love you Harmony. 




Harmony couldn't believe her ears. Nobody ever had told her that they loved her, aside from Hailey. She didn't even think she deserved to be loved. And yet there Billie was, saying it like it was nothing. Her eyes filled with tears. 


Billie: Oh... Honey... What's wrong? 
Harmony: N... Nothing. Literally nothing is wrong. I just can't believe how lucky I am. I... I love you too Billie. So damn much. 
Billie: Then kiss me sugah... 


The two women kissed passionately. Harmony was scared, but she knew everything would be okay as long as she had Billie with her. 



They had walked for hours. When they finally approached Hailey's house, Harmony turned to Billie. 


Harmony: I don't know if Hailey's still mad at me, but she wouldn't turn us down. You ready? 
Billie: Right behind you babe.


Harmony smiled at Billie before proceeding to knock on the door. Hailey seemed extatic when she opened the door. 


Hailey: Little sis'! I'm so glad you're okay... I've been worried sick since you left... I'm so sorry things went the way they did. I mean, you did threaten my girl, but you're my sister, I overreacted. 



Harmony: I'm sorry I snapped at Victoria. I guess I was envious of her relationship with you. I hope we can still get along... 
Hailey: I'm sure she'll forgive you if you tell her that. Come in, what are you waiting f... 




Hailey stopped mid-sentence when she noticed Billie standing in the back. Her smile faded a bit. 


Hailey: Is she with you? 



Harmony: Yeah... Hailey, I'd like you to meet my... My girlfriend. Her name's Billie.


Billie approached them timidly. 




Billie: H... Hey. Nice to meet you Hailey... I've heard so much about you. 
Hailey: Did you now? Good things I hope. 
Billie: Of... Of course. Your sister's amazing. You must be proud. 
Hailey: Yes. She has quite the temper though, but I' m guessing you know that already. 
Billie: Oh I do... Trust me. 


The two women laughed in unisson. Harmony's pride took a hit, but she was happy the two most important people in her life got along. They entered the house. Hailey brought them to where they'd be sleeping and let them settle in. 


Billie: You weren't lying Babe, your sister's quite the looker. 
Harmony: Are you TRYING to make me jealous? 


Billie laughed as she embraced Harmony. 


Billie: That depends. Is it working?
Harmony: I know I can't keep you from checking out other girls. Just promise you won't leave me.
Billie: Why would I ever leave you? You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Harmony was taken aback by her statement. She still struggled to understand what Billie saw in her.


Harmony: You really mean that?
Billie: Of course I do. Silly girl. Let me show you just how much... 


The two started kissing again. Harmonys chest was on fire. Billie's hands went at it again, rubbing and caressing every inch of Harmony's body. Billie penetrated her and they both moaned in unisson.




They began making love, tightly wrapped against one-another. Time seemed to stop when they made love. Everything melded into a long string of intense orgasms. 




Once they were finished, the two started visiting their new home. They stumbled upon Victoria, who was smoking a joint without her pants on, as usual.




Victoria: Well hello there princess Harmony... Gracing us with you royal presence are we?
Harmony: H... Hey Victoria... I wanted to apologize for the other day...
Victoria: How grand of you. I guess I should apologize as well, I do tend to lose my temper pretty fast. Let's start over okay? Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?
Harmony: Oh, sorry. This is my girlfriend Billie. Billie, this is Victoria...


Harmony felt so happy to be able to call Billie her girlfriend, and it seemed she wasn't the only one. The blue haired girl smiled everytime she did.


Billie: Hey Victoria, nice to meet you.


Victoria's eyes ran all over Billie's body.




Victoria: How did the little brat land a fox like you I wonder... No offense kid.


Harmony frowned. How exactly was she supposed to not take offense to that last comment exactly? Luckily, Billie answered before she did.


Billie: This "brat" is my little ray of sunshine. I couldn't imagine my life without her.





Harmony grabbed her hand and smiled. She would never get tired of hearing Billie compliment her. Hailey joined them. She stared at Billie and Harmony as she brushed up against Victoria.


Hailey: So... How long have you been dating my baby sister Billie? How old are you anyway?




Harmony shot a glare at Hailey. Billie remained unfazed.


Billie: We've been going out about a little more than a month or so. I'm twenty three years old if you must know.



Hailey: I see. Are you girls hungry? Diner's ready.


The four women went inside to eat. During diner, Harmony caught Hailey staring at Billie. She acted all nice, but she could tell she didn't like her. Her sister would have to get used to her though, Billie wasn't going anywhere.
When they were done, Victoria asked Harmony if she wanted to smoke it up. Billie told her she'd wait in the room. 

As Billie was undressing, Hailey barged in without  knocking.




Billie turned to her calmly. 


Billie: Why hello sister in law. What can I do for you? 



Hailey: Don't act like we're friends slut. I don't know what your little game is, but Harmony loves ME okay? 
Billie: Seems like Harmony's not the only one with a temper eh ? And you don't have a choice sugah. It's up to Har who she ends up with don't you think? 


Hailey rushed up against her. 


Hailey: You think you're so clever don't you? I'll be watching you... 



Billie: You do whatever makes you happy honey... 


Hailey left, and Billie let out a long sigh. Harmony arrived seconds later with a huge grin on her pretty face. 


Billie: Seems like someone had fun... 
Harmony: I am soooo high right now... Did you miss me? 



Billie: As a matter of fact, I DID. Come here sugah... 


The two of them started making love again.




Once they where finished, they laid down next to each other. 


Billie: Hey Harmony? 
Harmony: What is it, love of my life? 


Billie seemed to hesitate for a second. 


Billie: I love you. 
Harmony: I love you too. So much it hurts a little sometimes.
Billie: Sleep well. 
Harmony: You too honey... 


To be continued... 





MmmmmMMmHAAFUCK ! Harmony you BEAST !


Hum...miss Geneva ? You have something on your butt...You want me to...lick it up ? Yes mam.



D...damn...you're good at th...this....I'm...HNF...Shiiiiiiiiit....



Remember, I'll be keeping my eyes on your...I mean you...What was I saying again ?



Edited by madzubat


Recommended Comments

Zilphia: "aaaw, it's so nice to see you both so happy. Maybe I should pay you a visit. I'll bring something too."





Curie: "That sounds like a good idea. Communication with other settlements can be good for new partnerships. If I may say so, Madame."


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Billie: As always, you're the sweetest. You girls will always be welcome in our burgeoning brothel...free of charge of course...just don't tell anybody....




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