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Mama Fiona Lusty Ride - Episode 7 : Getting back up



Mama Fiona Lusty Ride


Episode 7 - Getting back up

" So this Tori chick must be a fucking beast in the sack, uh"


Skull and Fiona giggled at the remark. After about a month of traveling the Commonwealth, Skull had just let Fiona know that she'd be staying at one of her settlements for the forseeable future. One of the settlers at Taffington Boathouse, now known as Mama's boathouse, had gotten her grips on Skull. The place was a known safe space for women settlers to work and enjoy the view, along with a large selection of porn holotapes, and lovely ladies of the night for their sexual needs.

Tori, Skull's new fling, had asked her if she wanted to move in with her. Fiona was a bit sad to let her leave the traveling party, but she knew she'd still get to see her often, as she stopped there on a regular basis to chill with the girls.

-Oh you bet your thick ass she's a good lay ! That girl hide's it well, but she gets FREAKY.
-Oh damnnn honey ! You lucky little slut ! Treat yourself, you deserve it. 
-I intend to ! Don't worry though, I'll keep making my rounds with the girls, make sure no one gives them any trouble.
-Good. We wouldn't want them to get mistreated, we all know how people can be in the Commonwealth

Fiona caressed Skull's ass tenderly



-I do hope she realizes that she's lucky to have you around.
-She better, or I'm ditching her. Not like there aren't any other gals down to fuck my sexy ass 'till it's sore...
-Good. Well, I guess it's goodbye then sweetie...
-Bye mommy, don't forget to visit once in a while. And stay mindful of young Sam's feelings alright ? She talks my ears off every time you and Piper get too close.
-Yeah...I'm going to need to have a talk with her at some point...


Fiona, Piper, and Sam left for Goodneighbor to meet up with Nick. After getting rid of Kellogg, Fiona didn't know what to do to pick up her child's trail again.Thankfully, when she showed Valentine the gizmo she had gotten out of his skull, he seemed to know exactly what to do.

The gang was meeting him in a place he called the "Memory Den". Piper's eyes lit up when she heard the name of the town.

-Goodneighbor ? Oh can we go see Magnolia on the way ?  Please Blue ? Pleaaaaaase ?
-What's gotten into you honey ? Should I be worried ?

Piper smiled coyly at the remark.

-Maybe a little...
-I KNEW it. Well, if you want to go gawk at a gorgeous singer, who am I to judge ?

Piper couldn't stop talking  about Magnolia on the way, how she was the best singer around these parts, how her voice was like a gift from the heavens...it seemed the reporter had a major crush on her. As they were nearing their destination, Fiona noticed a building that piqued her interest.

-"Combat Zone" ? What the hell is that ?

It was Sam's turn to geek out.

-Have you been living under a rock for the past hundred years ? The combat zone is a fighting ring owned by my former raider "colleagues". The acting champion is Cait, she's such a badass...
-Interesting...let's go check it out !




When the gang made their way inside, the raiders were too busy  watching the fight to mind them. And what a fight ! A tough looking redhead was beating some poor sap nearly to death. Fiona was about to sit down and enjoy the show with the rest of them, but just as she was about to, a raider noticed them.

"Hey ! It's that's that Fiona chick ! Get her ! Don't let her near the bitches!"

Fiona relunctantly took care of the attackers with the help of the rest of her crew, and then proceeded to the stage where the announcer was cowering behind his star fighter.

-Sorry about your audience. I'm...not on the friendliest terms with the raiders. The men in particular. Don't ask.
-Well, I like to see a beautiful gal kick ass as much as the next ghoul, but I have to admit you put us out of a gig here...Not that my favorite junkie here noticed anything...

The ghoul annoucer turned to his fighter, who was busy jamming a needle in her vains. Fiona's heart sank. She had experience with addicts. Her ex-husband, after years in the army, tried to drown his sorrows with a needle of his own. Fiona didn't judge, but when he was done, he could stay in place for hours doing nothing, and it affected his libido...before the bombs hit, it had been months since he touched her. She had no problem with drugs, but whatever got in the way of her getting laid usually wasn't her favorite thing in the world.

-Speaking of my little bird...what do you think of her ?
-She seems to be able to carry herself in a fight, love me a strong gal...




-Would you be open to getting her off my hands for now ? I can't deal with her AND get this place back in shape.

Fiona turned to Cait, but she was back to shooting up.

-I don't mind, but what about her ? Doesn't she get a say in this ?
-Usually, you'd be right, but she's too far gone to even register new info...check this. Hey Cait ?
-I'm going to need you to follow this nice lady here. She's your new boss.

Cait didn't even look up to answer.

-Whatever you say.
-She's going to be responsible for you...
-So treat her right...
-And keep your pussy and butthole clean, she might need 'em.

Fiona almost choked as he uttered those words, but Cait answered nonchalantly, as if she didn't even hear what he just said.

-See ? This shit she's been pumping down her veins has been fucking with her mind, it's getting out of hand. She can still hit like a truck though. Well, look at the time, see you gals around. You'll see yourselves out right ? Like... Now? 

Before leaving. Fiona walked by Cait. She smiled at her, but Cait didn't reciprocate, so she didn't insist.








The four ladies continued their trek until they arrived in Goodneighbor. It didn't take long for some shmuck to try and muscle her out of her hard-earned caps. A few words form her though, and the thug was back peddling...right unto Hancock, the mayor of this lovely town.

He made it crystal clear that Fiona would get no trouble if she started none, and went on his way, followed by a sexy bodyguard. Fiona made a mental note to ask her for a quickie when she had the time.



Piper grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bar where Magnolia was perfoming. Her heart jumped as her eyes met with the beautiful singer. She could easily see now why Piper had a crush on her. Magnolia's gentle voice was hypnotic, and she couldn't help but stare at her luscious curves.


It seemed she wasn't the only one getting aroused by the situation, as she noticed one of the customers blowing another in front of the stage, and nobody around seemed to notice or care.



As Magnolia stepped down from the stage Fiona and Piper slowly approached her. She smiled at them when their eyes met.

-My my, what lovely spectators I have tonight...what can I do for you ?
-I think my girlfriend here has something to tell you. Don't be shy Piper !

Piper was hanging out behind her, obviously too shy to speak. She nearly jumped at the mention of her name.



-Why thank you...I aim to please...What about you gorgeous ? Anything to say to me ?
-Well if Piper doesn't mind, I'd very much like to take this conversation somewhere more...private.
-Hm...And what would we do in this private place I wonder...

-Hmmmmm...let me get my coat, I'll be right there....

The crew left for Magnolia's apartment. Fiona thought Piper would be joining them at first, but she just stared at Magnolia as Fiona and her got undressed.
Magnolia got on her knees in front of Fiona's thick strap-on. Piper sat on the ground next to her and started fingering herself. As her eyes met Fiona's, she bit her lip and jerked off faster, letting out a tiny moan as she did.



-Hmmm...That's a big ol' "mic" you got there for me...
-Yeah...Mama's gonna make you sing...

And singing she did...


FIona picked up the pace as she slammed her hips inside Magnolia whose screams of extasy echoed throughout the building's foundations.

-Hn ! FUCK ! You love that...don't you !

Magnolia didn't answer, but her juices were dripping down on the bed and she was moaning repeatedly. Fiona leaned in as she kept pounding her.



-I'm gonna cum sweetie...

Fiona let out a satisfied groan as she filled her up to the brim with synth cum.


-That was intense...I haven't been fucked that well in a while...
-At your service milady...I enjoyed making you sing.

Magnolia laughed at the remark.

-After what you did to my insides, I'm probably going to walk funny for about a week or two, but as soon as I recover, we should do this again...


Fiona got dressed and left Magnolia's room, followed by Piper. As the two were leaving, a ghoul rushed up to Fiona.


-Hey ! You're that vault-tech guy ! Ouch, seems like you took the long way around.
-Yeah tell me about it...How are you still alive ?
-Funny story...I was frozen for two hundred years inside the vault. Then some asshole killed my husband and kidnapped my baby.
-Oh wow...I'm sorry for your loss.
-Hey, thanks, I still got my skin at least. You okay ? You seem down.
-Yeah...it's not easy in the commonwealth for us ghouls. Lot of xenophobia going around.
-I noticed. But even here in Goodneighbor ? The freakin' mayor's a ghoul !
-You'd be surprised.


-You...you really would ? For real ? That...

His eyes were getting visibly moist.

-Thank you. 
-Hey don't mention it, after all, you're the reason I'm still alive. Talk to you later...I never did get your name.
-It's Roy.
-Talk to you later Roy !

After they left, the crew met back up and headed to the Memory Den. Relunctant at first, Doctor Amari agreed to take a look at Kellogg's implant. After having looked through the last remaining memories of her son's former captor, Fiona stepped out of the device.



As the girls made their way outside, Fiona let out a exasperated sigh.

-What's on you mind Blue ?
- I joked earlier, but I'm getting tired of this shit. Seems like every time I get closer to getting my son back, something goes wrong and he stays out of my reach. Now we have to wait and see if we can find a radiation-proof suit. Until then, we're basically screwed...
-Oh baby... I know this must be hard for you...But remember what Kellogg said...they need Shaun, so you know he's okay at least. We'll find him in time, don't worry...

Piper leaned in and kissed her lips softly.


-Thanks honey, I needed that...
-How about we pay a visit to the Castle crew ? We can tell them to pass along a message. Anyone who stumbles upon radiation-proof gear should let us know ?
-Piper, as always, you're full of great ideas. Let's go.

The Castle was the old Minutemen headquarters that Fiona and her gang had won back from the Milurk Queen that had taken over the place. Preston had her install a radio station so they could communicate throughout the wasteland. Fiona hadn't thought to use it for her personal use, but it was about time she used the resources she had at her disposal.

As she entered, Fiona noticed a face she wasn't already familiar with. She approached the woman, clearing her throat.


The former Minutewoman slowly approached the armory's door. She mumbled a few words, but Fiona wasn't listening. She had a thing for older women. She also had a fetish for military gear, so needless to say, she was checking out the potential new recruit from every angle.


Ronnie told her to follow in her raspy voice, and Fiona felt a shiver down her spine as her nipples got harder.

-Right behind you Mommy...

Ronnie's eyes widened at the remark and she cleared her throat as she proceeded to ignore Fiona's last comment. The Gang followed her downstairs. It had obviously been a while since anybody had been down there. They threaded carefully, disarming the numerous traps that were laying around. After laying waste to a huge robot guarding a door, Ronnie tried unlocking said door, but seemed to be having a bit of trouble with it.



As she was typing away, paying no mind to her surroundings, Fiona was checking out her ass. Her nipples were now rock hard, and she was soaking wet.
Ronnie finally managed to get the door open and after she had made her peace with her former General, whose cadaver was now laying there, the girls made their way to the artillery storage room. After a quick checkup, they talked a bit, getting to know each other better.


-I gotta admit, I thought you were just a poser Fiona, but you impressed me with those moves down there.
- Wait 'til you see my OTHER moves Mommy...

As she said those words, FIona embraced Ronnie, grabbing her thick ass with both hands. Shaw let out a suprised yelp.



-G...General...What do you think you're...doing ?
-You just accepted me as your commanding officer. Are you questioning my authority already ?

Ronnie let out a pleasure moan as Fiona slid a finger up her asshole.

-Good girl. Now strip for your General.

Ronnie blushed as she did what she was told. Fiona bit her lip as she watched her getting undressed.


-Now get on your knees and suck on this.
-Y...Yes General.
-Good girl. OoOoOh shiiiiiiit...Yeah, just like that.


It seemed Ronnie had experience in how to please a superior officer. Fiona took a deep breath, trying her best not to blow her load right then and there. She could feel her tongue caressing her shaft in just the right spots. It took every ounce of restraint she had left not to jizz down her throat as she started gagging loudly on her thick prosthetic, drool dripping down on the floor.



-Good job soldier. Now turn around and stick that thick behind of yours out.

Ronnie stuck out her butt obediently.


Fiona's mind was going wild with lust, but she tried to keep it together.

-Good, now get to that bed over there, your General's gonna destroy that juicy pussy of yours.
-Y...Yes Mam.

Fiona penetrated her with a squelching sound. Shaw moaned soflty as she started pounding her.


-You want your General to keep pounding your dirty pussy, don't you ?

Fiona stopped dead in her tracks.

-Yes...who ?
-Yes Mam ! Yes General ! Please...don't stop...
-That's more like it soldier.

Fiona resumed ramming her hips as hard as she could, making Ronnie moan loudly. Shaw's tight orifice drove her wild. She rammed her over and over, Shaw's wet pussy tightening around her with each thrust, making it harder to move.

Fiona got lost in her power trip. She didn't say anything about the mouthing off Ronnie gave her when she arrived. She had her "revenge" of sorts now. Ronnie was now moaning like a bitch in heat for her.


She liked dominating her, and she had a feeling Ronnie enjoyed being the sub more than she let on. When she was done with her, the cougar was laying on the bed, a sweaty panting mess.

Fiona got dressed back up.

-Now that I've taught you a little obedience, I trust you'll do as you're told ?

Shaw was having issues getting up, desperately trying to catch her breath, gasping for air.

-Good Girl. Sam will give you your new uniform. I'm leaving you in charge of the castle, you'll be training the new recruits. Also, I'm looking for radiation-proof armor. Make sure you always have at least one minuteman on scavenging duty. Am I being clear soldier ?


Fiona made sure her uniform fit her well, and the gang had a bit to eat before hitting the road again. 


As the gang was on their way back home, Fiona thought back on the last few days.

She felt confident she'd accomplish her goals once more. She was done feeling helpless, Fiona was a General now, a force to be reckoned with. It was about time she started acting like it. Her ennemies were going to feel her wrath, no matter  how long she would have to look for them.

To be continued... 






Sam passing the time outside Magnolia's room

Fun with the girls, alternate angle


Yeah, I can see why Skull likes this Tori chick somehow...




Hmmm Blue, I just want to eat dem titties !... May I? 


Edited by madzubat

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