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Mama Fiona's Lusty Ride - Episode 6: Mama's fury



 Mama Fiona's Lusty Ride

Episode 6 - Mama's fury

Fiona's gang took the time to save a couple of captured settlers on the way back home, where they were going to get some well deserved rest. The settlers insisted on paying her back somehow. 

-You know what would make me REALLY happy girls....


They were more than up to the task. 

Fiona gave them both clean clothes from her never ending supply, and they all left for Sanctuary. As they arrived, It started pouring rain and they all ran inside her house to stay as dry as they could, not that Fiona minded seeing Piper in skintight wet clothes, but she didn't want to catch a cold. While the others were drying themselves, Fiona rolled a fat joint with the weed she had planted in front of her house. 



Her mind now a little fuzzy, she started feeling rather horny again. Luckily for her, it seemed like Piper was feeling saucy as well, as she noticed she was watching one of her porn movies when she sat next to her.

-Oh, that's one of my favorites...Bailey Jay was one of my celebrity crushes back in the day...
-She IS hot....
-i know right ? 
-Not many trans women around the Commonwealth...


Fiona stayed silent for a while, she wiped a tear that was rolling down her cheek.

-Blue...are you okay ?
-It's nothing love, I was thinking about my late husband's sister...she lived not far from here, she was probably lost during the bombing. She was trans.
-Oh my god Fiona, I'm so sorry...
-It's not your fault...But thanks. Her name was Julia. She's the one who introduced me to Alex actually. I....I had an affair with her just before...

Piper's eyes opened wide.

-So THAT'S what had you so troubled the other day...Oh my poor little blue, it must hurt so much...
-Yeah...That and I feel guilty as all hell. I'm a bad mother. I was going to run away with her.
-Hey ! Hey, look at me, you're a dedicated mother, don't you dare pretend otherwise....
-Thanks Piper, I...I think I needed to hear that.

Piper leaned in and started to kiss Fiona. Without really thinking about it, the two started undressing.

-Hmm...Why don't we go to your room and you can fuck my brains out ?
-You know just the words to cheer me up don't you ?
- What can I say ? You inspire me Blue.


The two of them didn't even have the time to get to Fiona's bed, making passionate love on the floor of her house for what seemed like hours. When they were finished, they stayed locked in to each other for a while, Piper stroking her hair lovingly. As the rain let up, the two of them got up.


-What did I ever do to deserve you Piper...
-Right back at you Blue...I came so much my head feels woozy...
-Do you mind if I go take a shower first ?
-Go right ahead baby...


As Fiona was walking over to the public showers she had installed in Sanctuary, she heard Preston's voice grunting. Bones was kneeling in front of him, sucking him off. They didn't seem to notice her as she slowly approched them, smiling ear to ear.



Preston let out a long moan as he came all over Bones, who giggled as the cum sprayed her entirely. Fiona cleared her throat loudly as she walked up to them. Preston, startled, picked up his weapon in a rush, trying to act innocent. He walked away without saying a word, obviously ashamed of his slacking off. Fiona burst out laughing. 



-God I needed that. Priceless !
-Told ya he just couldn't get enough of my skills...
-I know, I just didn't expect to actually catch him in the act...Whooo...it's been a while since I laughed so much. I'm going to take a shower. Unless you want to go first ? 
-No it's okay, I don't mind having cum all over me...kind of a turn on actually.
- You do you honey. I would be a hypocrite if I started kink shaming others...


Fiona could feel someone staring at her as the hot water was pouring all over her sweaty body. She didn't mind. In fact, that was the whole reason she installed the showers in the middle of the street. As she was finishing up, Skull walked up to her.


-Looking good Mama...yummy.
-You want some Honey ?
-No thank you, my check up with the girls ended in a three-way, I'm actually all sexed out. The rain has let up, should we get going ?
-Good idea, I'm going to dry up, why don't you get the girls ?

The gang left once more to get to Valentine's office before the sun went down. They arrived at Diamond City gates before sundown. Danny asked if Fiona was up for a quickie before the end of his shift.



She was up for it.

As the gang entered Nick's office, Ellie was smiling ear to ear. 


-Don't mention it sweetie, anything to see that pretty smile of yours.
-I know we didn't discuss payment, but...
-Let me stop you right there. No need to pay me, I'm about to use your services to find my son, that is payement enough.
-You're sweet. But I wasn't going to pay you with CAPS you know...

Fiona's eyes lit up.

-OH ! Now THAT, I'm not going to turn down. Lead the way, sexy.

Ellie giggled as the two of them went to the back of the office space to her bed. 



When they were done, the two of them walked back to the office, were Nick was patiently waiting for them. He told her to sit down and explain her situation in more detail. She told him everything. The vault, the cryogenics, the scientist lady who took her son away, and the bald man with a scar who killed her husband to get to him. As she described the man, Nick gasped. 

-A bald man with a scar on his face you say... It can't be...I think I have an idea of who we're looking for.

-You think it's Kellogg Nick ?
-It's more than probable Ellie, he sure does fit the description...
-The bastard...


Fiona and her gang followed Nick to a old apartment. Fiona couldn't help but imagine her son being kept here. She wondered what he was doing at the moment. Was he happy ? Did the bastard treat him well ? As if she could read her mind, Piper took her hand and looked at her with a sad smile.

-You okay Blue ? We're going to get the son of a bitch, don't worry.
-Thanks Piper.

They all searched around the room, and ended up finding a secret room activated by a switch under a desk. Inside, there were weapons, food supplies, an old ashtray with cigarette butts still there....



-I wonder if Dogmeat could pick up a trail with those...
-That's not a bad idea, I'll go get him Blue.

Piper came back with Dogmeat, and Fiona made him sniff out Kellog's stuff.


-You got something boy ?

Dogmeat barked while waging his tail, pointing at the door. Fiona turned to Nick.

-I think that's a yes. We better get going, see you later Nick.
-Good hunt. Hope it goes well. I hope that next time I see you, it'll be with your son.
-You and me both. Thanks for the help.
-Don't mention it Fiona, now go !

Dogmeat seemed to know just were to go, and after about a hour of following him, the gang arrived at Fort Hagen. Dogmeat stopped in front of the door and barked, as if to signal the bastard was in there.


They all entered. As could be expected the place was well guarded. But nothing and no one was going to get between Fiona and her son's captor. As they got deeper into the facility, a familiar voice came out of the speakers hanging on the walls.


The bastard was making fun of her. Fiona took a deep breath. She wasn't going to let him get under her skin. He was probably the only one around who could tell her were her son was, and she was going to do her best not to kill him before he revealed his location. He sent old broken down synths who made Nick look brand new, but she shot them down with ease as she made her way to Kellogg. Seeing his defenses were no match for her fury, he came out with his hands in the air. Fiona resisted the urge to shoot him in the junk.

-I'm sorry, but you won't be seeing him anytime soon....



Fiona let out a long laugh. 

-What's so funny Lady ?
-You think I'm going to die ? You gonna make me laugh to death right ?

Kellogg didn't have a second to react. Before he could say a word, Fiona had shot him in the head. He fell down like a sack of potatoes.

For a couple of minutes, nobody dared say a word. Fiona searched his body to find if he had more stuff on him, but appart from his shitty cigarettes and ammo...And then she saw, through the hole she had just made in his skull, a mechanical device was hooked to his brain. Without really thinking about it, she picked it up, wiping the blood and brain matter on her jacket.

-Let's get out of here girls. 

They all stayed silent as they left the building. Fiona didn't mind, she wanted to stay alone with her thoughts a bit. This was just a minor setback. She would get her son back. But his last words echoed in her head. Just how much time had passed since she last saw her son...What exactly did he mean by "older than expected" ?
Piper snuck up to her and grabbed her hand. She looked at her with a sad smile, still silent. 

At least she wasn't alone.

To be continued...



Threesome on a rainy day...

Hey Jun, I just wanted you to know...As a mother, I feel your pain...I have something that could make you feel better though...





You got me scared for a moment there Sturges...I really thought you weren't into me...now fuck that tight pussy !



Edited by madzubat


Recommended Comments

The new clean settlement houses - from the "homemaker" mod?

I always had problems with them - my companions and the NPCs just couldn't find their "paths".




ich sehe gerade die Überarbeitung von Nicks Bürokraft ... die sieht ja echt süss aus!


Edited by Miauzi
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On 1/24/2023 at 12:59 AM, Miauzi said:

The new clean settlement houses - from the "homemaker" mod?

I always had problems with them - my companions and the NPCs just couldn't find their "paths".




ich sehe gerade die Überarbeitung von Nicks Bürokraft ... die sieht ja echt süss aus!


I see what you mean, I have to "cheat" to get the NPCs inside.

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