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Feyfolken - Prologue - Part 2





Tel Mithryn (3 months prior to the death of High King Torygg)




Felyna: Mistress Kai! He is so old though, I just didn't think...

Kai: What part didn't you understand when I told you coming with me for contracts could be unpleasant initiate. Besides, master Neloth is an old lover, he is gentle, unlike some of our other clients. Come here and let me look at you.




What if I become pregnant mistress?


Then you will have the child of a telvanni council member and a powerful wizard. You can try to blackmail Neloth later if that is what you are asking. I will have no part in that though.





You are an initiate and you did a brave thing by volunteering without knowing what part of the contract I would need you for. Do not feel shame or doubt. Both me and our lady will remember this.


Thank you Mistress Kai




Neloth: I see you took off your shoes Kai? Very good you know I hate it when people bring even more ash into my tower. Oh, and we can skip the ceremonial bit, so take off the mask.




It's good to see you too old friend. How long has it been Neloth, 6 years? You haven't aged a day.




Neither have you, Kai. Which I find much more intriguing, but I guess we all have our secrets. So anyway, on to the contract. 250,000 septims in those crates over there, as stated.


Initiate, come show yourself to the client.




It's her first time with a client, Neloth, just as you requested.


I guess she will have to do. At least it's a dunmer this time.


Come, lets go around the corner and get ready.




Felyna, you are dry as a bone, I know he is old, but just think of something else. DO NOT ruin this contract, WE need this. We are an order without a temple.




Good girl, keep using your hands while I undress.




M-Mistress...Maybe if you helped me.




I see. It has nothing to do with him being old. It's that he is a man.


Y-yes, Mistress Kai.


You shouldn't give up secrets so easily to me initiate. I can use this against you as I see fit.




If you break my oath I will show you just how expendable you are. Our lady will cast you out and I will feed you to spiders.


Yes, Mistress.






Now, let your mistress help.








T-thank you mistress. Will you be by me and master Neloth?


Yes, I'll be right in front of you so you can see me, as much as my oath allows. Keep yourself going while I talk to Neloth.






Joining us, Kai? Seems dangerous, does it not?


I can handle being close to sex, at least briefly. Besides I like reminding you what you are missing out on, Neloth.


How thoughtful of you, come on lets get this over with. I have a ship to Blacklight waiting. I have to find a new apprentice.






Felyna, get over here! Come be a good girl and take Neloth.








Well done initiate. Use a feather spell on these crates and take them to our boat. Me and Neloth have the rest of the contract to discuss.




So, Neloth, Who is the contract for? A Councilor again? Imperial diplomat to stir up trouble? Come on now this is the fun part!


I never implied I needed someone killed, Kai. I told you I needed a favor.




I'm not in the business of favors, Neloth. Stop playing games with me and tell me who to poison... What do you want, Neloth...




I know you aren't used to being the one having your strings pulled, Kai, but I really don't know yet. I'll send you a nighthawk.


YOU DON'T KNOW YET??? You just want something to hold over my head don't you? Do not expect our future contracts to be so vague, Neloth. I'm leaving now.







Solitude (1 months prior to the death of High King Torygg)


Your Majesty, I didn't expect you to come on such short notice, I apologize for the mess....Please have a seat, High King.




Notary Kai, Don't be so formal, I'm just a man who happens to be king. Now what did you need me for, My signature on a trade contract again?


No, I actually wanted to make a formal offer on the land across from the docks. 


This again, Kai? I told you the nords are on edge right now. What will they think if I sell land to a Breton from Morrowind? You don't have citizenship yet.




250,000 septims.


You can't just throw numbers around, Kai.




In the crates behind you, have your people count it.


This changes things, Kai. Come, walk with me down to the docks.




What is it about that old tower that you are so interested in, Kai?


I know the land is dead but it overlooks the docks and has a perfect view of the sea arch. You can really see the beauty of solitude from there. I can hire a boatman to take me across the river every morning and walk up to the blue palace for my duties every morning. It's perfect, your majesty.






Notary Kai, With 250,000 septims we can expand solitude, this changes everything. To be damned with the politics. This is a golden opportunity for the hold! We can expand the docks north towards the lighthouse to make way for larger ships coming from Blacklight and Wayrest just like we talked about.


Thank you, your majesty!




Do what you can to get rid of the Statues inside, the locals haven't even put an offer on the tower because of them. I can't believe deadra worship was that close to the city.


I will try and hire a crew from Morrowind when one of their ships docks to destroy them, they won't be anxious around deadric shrines like the locals are.


That sounds like the right approach, Kai. You can get started moving in right away.







My lady I feel your presence, at last.







Twice have I called out to you
Twice have you followed
Twice have you found me

Twice will you gaze upon your mistress


Expose yourself to me, Kai, I would meet you on equal grounds.




As you wish, Mephala.





You are bold to speak my name, Kai. It is not unwelcome.





Tell me what troubles you, Kai. I feel your screams.


Mistress, I've done all you have asked I've saved myself for your summoning day every year, for 14 years! It all ended with blood in my hands! I was pregnant twice! We were so close! I....


I know, Kai. And we weaken as we fail. The Ehlnofey laugh at our pact, Kai. But my kind knows not that a tear in the web is to come.




Why must you always talk in riddles?


Because, Kai, It is my nature.





This year on my summoning day, allow yourself to be taken on my alter. Do not use initiates, they can no longer be trusted. There is only us now, Kai.




I feel myself growing weaker every day we move closer to the end of time. We cannot let you fail another year. Your womb is my womb. I will guide you with my whispers until the end.




Do not loose hope. Goodbye, Kai.




It will be done, Mephala.







Decided to keep these screenshots unedited from my game for now, so there will be some clipping and hand seams. I will probably replace them with edited versions at some point, but for the sake of getting this uploaded when I had the time to do so I chose to skip that step.


Either way I hope you enjoy the introduction of Kai. She is one of my favorites in terms of lore. There will be at least one more part of the prologue, maybe 2 depending on various technical things like number of screenshots.


As far as the screenshots in this series go I hope they turned out decent. Some are definitely more inspired than others. I know the really dark ones at the end can have strange colors, but that seems to just be a technical limitation on my end, most likely with the monitor I use. 




Edited by yorpers


Recommended Comments

Well, the story side on this one is better than I expected ; with the screenshots still being of a very high quality. The scenario is quite mysterious at the moment, with the payment earned by Kai's order apparently being aimed at recuperating Mephala's shrine, the interaction with the daedric princess' goal still seeming unclear. I appreciated how you took in account the adult whereabouts of the events, with the initiate considering the risk of getting pregnant, and Torryg involving politics in order to accept Kai's offer. The screens were colorful, well posed, well lighted, even when concealing more than showing (in Mephala's case). An the written part being redacted with style, even if a significant amount of typos somewhat decrease the immersion. Great quality work overall ! :D?




ldyMRSUy_o.png « That gal got paid 250 000 gold just to honey-honey once ?!

               Cecilde told me that when she did it, she only got something like 40 or 50.  That's very not fair, no. :classic_sleep: »




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That gal got paid 250 000 gold just to honey-honey once ?!


 Think of sex as signing the contract in this case(thats how all of Kai's contracts work), Neloth will definately get his 250,000 worth out of the favor he will ask for later? Well at least as far as Neloth is concerned. Neloth seems like the kind of guy who would pay 250,000 for something very petty.


Mmmmm yeah, I did butcher some of the grammar in this one. I'll go back and proofread it at some point when I have time. For now though I think it's better to focus on finding the right modded areas for the last part of the prologue or start making another worldspace specifically for that. Here are a couple old screenshots from one of my worldspaces I'll be using (probably all the way in chapter 2) as a sneak peek. The 3rd one is a bit of a spoiler, if you know your elder scrolls lore.







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21 hours ago, yorpers said:

Mmmmm yeah, I did butcher some of the grammar in this one. I'll go back and proofread it at some point when I have time. For now though I think it's better to focus on finding the right modded areas for the last part of the prologue or start making another worldspace specifically for that. Here are a couple old screenshots from one of my worldspaces I'll be using (probably all the way in chapter 2) as a sneak peek. The 3rd one is a bit of a spoiler, if you know your elder scrolls lore.

The typos are a detail of course ; yet it the rest of the work is masterful, it would be be a pity to degrade it by overlooking that final step, wouldn't it ?  Compliments for the areas you built btw, only a handful of screens, and it's already an invitation for an exotic journey. :classic_smile:



21 hours ago, yorpers said:

That gal got paid 250 000 gold just to honey-honey once ?!


 Think of sex as signing the contract in this case(thats how all of Kai's contracts work), Neloth will definately get his 250,000 worth out of the favor he will ask for later? Well at least as far as Neloth is concerned. Neloth seems like the kind of guy who would pay 250,000 for something very petty.


ldyMRSUy_o.png « Now that you say it, I've worked for him a bit, and I don't remember having signed any contract, no.

               Maybe that's why I didn't get the 250,000 either, uh. million_dollar_baby.gif »


21 hours ago, yorpers said:


 Here are a couple old screenshots from one of my worldspaces I'll be using (probably all the way in chapter 2) as a sneak peek. The 3rd one is a bit of a spoiler, if you know your elder scrolls lore.



ldyMRSUy_o.png « That's very easy : 

                – The statue in the two last images is princess Azura. She's easy to spot 'cause she's got two plushies, a moon and a star, and she always takes them with her. e6a61625-a4dd-4846-9edc-4525676f53d3_1.d 

                 – There are big mushrooms on the second images, and big mushrooms only grow near Morrowind, you see ?


                  So they have to be in some kind of Azura temple, in Morrowind, yes. :classic_sleepy: »



Edited by Tirloque
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12 hours ago, Tirloque said:

The typos are a detail of course ; yet it the rest of the work is masterful, it would be be a pity to degrade it by overlooking that final step, wouldn't it ?  Compliments for the areas you built btw, only a handful of screens, and it's already an invitation for an exotic journey. :classic_smile:

I'll get that all sorted by the time I get to next the next section:) And thanks, I can't wait to get to the point where I can start taking more screenshots of exploration again, like these. You are correct that the area in the screenshots is heavily inspired by Morrowind, Its an island off the eastern coast that I made back in 2016-2018.


The spoiler, however, is the dunmer male in the last picture. There is only one dunmer man with a grey ponytail that is fully clad in deadric armor that I remember from the games.? good ol' Divayth Fyr

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