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Antiope's Backstory



Antiope's parents were probably poor farmers somewhere in High Rock who had a bad harvest one year when she was too young to remember.  Or maybe they were hunters who hit a long spell of bad luck.  Or perhaps her mother was a tavern whore who got knocked up by a client.  Who can say?  Antiope never knew them, at any rate.  And if Mistress remembers them, she has never told Antiope.  But Mistress has bought and sold so many slaves over the years that she'd be forgiven for not remembering whom she bought that adorable little female Breton from at least a decade and a half ago.  Suffice it to say that Antiope has never known any life outside of Mistress's household.  


Yet Antiope has been extremely fortunate in some respects.  She's fortunate to have won the genetic lottery and been endowed with the kind of body that is desired by everyone and the kind of face that melts hearts.  She's fortunate to have been blessed with good health and a sound mind.  She's fortunate that, whatever the problems or failures they may have had, her parents did at least give her a chance to live by selling her to a slaver rather than, on the black market, to necromancers or cannibals or daedra worshippers or vampires who'd have had more use for her dead than alive.  And—and she would admit so herself—she's fortunate to have been purchased by a Mistress who, whilst perhaps not especially warm or gentle, is at least not wantonly cruel or unreasonably capricious, and who values her slaves as pets and companions rather than merely as tools.  


But maybe most of all, Antiope is fortunate to possess the talent and intellect to excel within her station.  She has made the best of the slave's lot and worked her way into a position of some—relative—esteem, wearing the red ebonite collar and cuffs and the diamond plug that denote the highest rank within Mistress's household.  Although still nominally a sexual companion—and still occasionally used as such—Antiope has become indispensable to her Mistress, and much of the day-to-day running of the household is delegated to her.  It falls to Antiope to plan the assignments for Mistress's newer slaves, deciding who should inhabit which of Mistress's many properties and who should be responsible for which jobs in each locale.  Furthermore, Antiope is one of Mistress's two most trusted battle slaves, and the three of them almost always travel together whenever Mistress has business to take care of or wishes to acquire new slaves. 


And when new girls are captured, it's Antiope who sees to the bulk of their training, at least in the early stages.  This is a lot of responsibility, but it also brings significant privileges.  Antiope is able to avail herself of lower-ranking slaves for sex whenever she likes—well, almost whenever, as long as Mistress isn't using her at the time!—in furtherance of their training in the Dibellan Arts, and in practice, it is largely Antiope who decides which new acquisitions are added to the household and which are trained for sale, although Mistress does step in to make such decisions personally on rare occasions. 


Antiope takes her responsibilities very seriously.  She fully comprehends what the alternative is for these girls, and she knows with all her heart that the life Mistress can offer them is so much better than the headsman's axe or a bounty hunter's blade or an empty stomach huddled in some cave, so she's determined to save as many as she can.  Sometimes, that means she must beat the new girls to break their most rebellious instincts before they hurt themselves or others—she knows she must, for their own sakes—but it always breaks her heart to do so, and she's as sparing with the harsh punishments as she possibly can be.  Mistress indulges Antiope's soft touch approach, because although many might criticise her for it, there's no denying that she delivers consistently excellent results with her training methods emphasising positive reinforcement over corrective punishment. 


In the end, most of the other slaves do come to be grateful for Antiope's tutelage.  When Antiope and her Mistress visit almost any city or town, slaves they've sold there will whisper, "Nice to see you again, Miss Antiope," and, "Honoured to see you again, Mistress," in their ears as they pass or do business with their new owners; some will slyly, affectionately squeeze Antiope's palm when no one is looking; once in a while, a slave with a particularly unpleasant new owner will even beg Mistress to buy her back—and on a couple of occasions, perhaps when Antiope's comely face was especially twisted in agony at the sight of her former charge in such distress, Mistress has even opened her coin purse for the girl's succour.  


All told, Antiope is a pretty contented girl.  She spends her life surrounded by people she cares about—fellow slaves ranging from friends to lovers to something like family.  Her work is hard, but she finds fulfilment in it; there's always pride in a job well done, and beyond that, she's certain she's helping to make the world just a little bit better.  And she has a Mistress she genuinely admires and who takes excellent care of her.  Antiope loves her Mistress the way a freedman child loves a stern but honourable father.  Mistress is a good provider.  Antiope has always been well fed, and growing up, she always had a clean cage to sleep in—nowadays, she gets to sleep at the foot of Mistress's bed.  Mistress also owns one of the most extensive libraries in Skyrim, and her fully-trained pets are allowed use of it when their chores are finished.  Antiope makes good use of her privileges and has become more well-read than most freemen, and Mistress—herself quite erudite—has come to enjoy her conversation during downtime on long journeys.  


Yes, Antiope leads a good life.  She doesn't yearn for any other.  She knows of no one she'd rather trade places with.  It's likely that many dream of trading places with Antiope, however.  Wouldn't you?

Edited by Antiope_Apollonia


Recommended Comments

Do you have your PC's Mistress designed to be played with as someone who is already established within Skyrim with her own property and business, or is she a recent migrant who has to build herself up on the labour of her slaves? Seems like deciding this would have an enormous gameplay impact.


My own gameplay style heavily skews towards defiance and rebelliousness. Antiope seems content in the background story, for now, but this is setup for something else. I'm inclined to wonder what happens when Antiope's ordered life becomes disordered by new circumstances as the game begins in the LAL dungeon, and especially if the self-righteousness certainty of the Mistress is challenged.


Is Antiope's judgement in harmony with her Mistress at the times when her Mistress chooses to be personally involved in running the household? How has the experience of management of a household changed Antiope's personality?


Does the character ever feel tempted by other Mistresses? I can't abide failure on the part of my PCs sLOLA owners so my PC often punches them, cuckolds and/or betrays them for another Mistress as a response to a combat defeat that they were responsible for. I'd feel disgusted with myself if I let Ownership be too easy lol.


How would Antiope respond if her Mistress becomes temporarily embarrassed by poverty? How does the character feel about the age of her Mistress, her increasing infirmity and eventual death resulting in a new head of the household? Does Antiope have ambitions for manipulating her Mistress, gaining more independence or even freedom? Could she possibly accept a new legal Owner that didn't offer the same advantages, or deserve the same degree of esteem?

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21 hours ago, Corsec said:

Do you have your PC's Mistress designed to be played with as someone who is already established within Skyrim with her own property and business, or is she a recent migrant who has to build herself up on the labour of her slaves?

Not completely consistent from playthrough to playthrough, but the main approach I've used has been to have a Mistress who's an upper-class Breton, using the Breezehome LAL start, and basically rationalising that she's a woman of considerable means who hasn't yet established extensive holdings within Skyrim.  Antiope is her most effective instrument—though not her only one—with which to extend her influence within the province where she now resides.  Mistress's immediate priorities at the start of a new playthrough are usually acquiring some additional slaves and establishing a proper manor from which to operate.  Antiope and her (current) playmate are the only slaves Mistress brought with her, presumably leaving the rest of her existing slaves to manage her holdings in High Rock.  


21 hours ago, Corsec said:

Does the character ever feel tempted by other Mistresses?

Not so far.  As I've written about, Antiope knows she's lucky to have the Mistress she does.  Ain't nobody got time to stray with everything on Antiope's plate, anyway.  Since she manages Mistress's household, Antiope has access to all the lower-ranking slaves, and not only does that mean her needs are consistently satisfied, but she feels genuine affection for some of them.  Betraying her mistress would basically mean turning her back on her community—on her de facto family.  (Real talk: With DoM, you can get really attached to PAHE slaves.  Every time I start a new playthrough, the hardest thing by far is letting go of my favourite slaves from the previous one.)


21 hours ago, Corsec said:

I'd recommend using SkyFem V2 if you want to make a full conversion of all male NPCs into females for a fully lesbian world.

I'll definitely check it out, but I probably won't go that far.  I wouldn't mind finding more female replacers for specific vanilla NPCs, particularly in positions of power, but I don't find it necessary to eliminate males.  I think my perfect world would be to have Windhelm and the Stormcloaks be more misogynistic with more of a maledom angle, and have the Empire be more egalitarian shading toward femdom, so that way gender roles would be part of the culture clash the civil war is being fought over.  But I don't know of any mods I could use to facilitate that, and it's certainly well beyond my time and abilities to create something on that scale.  


21 hours ago, Corsec said:

maybe you can imagine that in Skyrim lesbians self-sort into a caste system based on permanent Dom/sub roles.

The conception of slavery I'm operating on is something more fluid, closer to slavery in the Classical world.  The hierarchy has more tiers than just two, and individuals can move up and down the rungs throughout their lives.  Antiope, for her part, has worked her way to a place on the ladder she's comfortable with.  She finds great purpose in the authority Mistress has vested in her over other slaves, but she'd also be frightened by the prospect of greater independence than she already has—"she needs that kind of strong hand to guide her," after all.


Apropos of which, I have some really preliminary notes on a new feature idea for PAHE—or maybe it'd have to end up as a new mod extension in the PAHE family:


Released slaves become citizens.  Maybe the gold they hold (or the total value of their inventory) determines what kind of citizen they become—labourer (<20k), merchant/artisan (20-60k), landed gentry (60k+).  They get a random city denizen AI package, and you can find them living their lives thereafter.  Maybe, through dialogue, you can tell them which city they should go to or tell them they should decide themselves (i.e., random).  


21 hours ago, Corsec said:

I took my game a step further and it is setup for FutaDom/femsub.

That holds no appeal for me at all.  Each to her own, but the thing I find unappealing about males is between their legs, so importing specifically that feature to women rather defeats the point.  I've got no problem hanging around with some nice handsome beards; I just don't want them to take their trousers off.  

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On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

as the game begins in the LAL dungeon

I don't consider the LAL Abandoned Prison cell to be part of the game.  It's just a staging area; in RP terms, it's basically a menu.  A playthrough starts, for example, in Breezehome, where Mistress is planning for the expansion of her operations in the province of Skyrim after having arrived from High Rock with Antiope and Amalia.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

Is Antiope's judgement in harmony with her Mistress at the times when her Mistress chooses to be personally involved in running the household?

I would say that's the wrong question.  Antiope likes having some authority, but she's glad she doesn't have ultimate authority.  It's comforting to her to know that she doesn't have to take responsibility for setting her own agenda or for making the big decisions.  If Mistress tried to micromanage constantly and got in the way of Antiope's ability to do her job, that'd certainly grate on her nerves, but fortunately, such micromanagement would kind of defeat the point of having slaves to delegate to in the first place.  


What would break Antiope's heart would be if Mistress were to lose respect for her management and demote or sideline her.  I've never felt compelled to explore this eventuality through gameplay—and since she's good at her job, it's hard to see a reason why it would occur—but if that were to happen, it wouldn't be a shock if Antiope started to act out in subtle ways.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

How would Antiope respond if her Mistress becomes temporarily embarrassed by poverty?

Antiope would know that she's at least partly responsible since Mistress entrusts her to manage many of her key assets, and she'd feel terrible about letting Mistress down.  Financial difficulties can presage serious trouble in any relationship, so if Mistress's financial woes persist long-term, it's plausible that cracks would form in their relationship, but it's hard to say.  Adversity can also bring people closer; maybe they work hard together to climb back out of poverty, and Mistress values Antiope even more highly while Antiope respects Mistress more than ever.  It's hard to see how that'd happen in the first place, though, since Tamriel has a pretty entrenched upper class, and Mistress is very much a part of it—her wealth is quite durable.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

How does the character feel about the age of her Mistress, her increasing infirmity and eventual death resulting in a new head of the household?

That's a distant enough prospect that it doesn't really have much practical bearing on my gameplay.  Mistress is presumably only in her 40's, and she has an active, healthy lifestyle.  But it is something I've thought a bit about.  Typically, I've played without Mistress having any heirs, so given Antiope's prominent role and the general character of slavery in Antiope's Tamriel, the most plausible outcome would be for Mistress's will to gift Antiope her freedom and a generous inheritance.  But the prospect of freedom honestly rather frightens Antiope.  She doesn't want to be at the top of the ladder—she doesn't want the buck to stop with her.  But I could imagine the lower-ranking slaves in the household—whom Antiope has always tried to treat with kindness, and for whom she has deep, sincere affection—would support and encourage her, and help her grow into a Mistress in her own right.  In the beginning, she'd try her hardest to adjust so as not to let down the other slaves who are counting on her, and with time, maybe Antiope would grow into the role.  Or, perhaps, knowing that Antiope doesn't actually covet independence, Mistress would make provisions to will her to a suitable new Mistress, and life would simply go on.  


I suppose the other option would be for Mistress to foster a Hearthfire child to become her heir—probably Sofie—who would hopefully continue in Mistress's vein upon inheriting her estate, but there could certainly be some friction in the transition.  If Mistress had a daughter, though, she'd certainly have grown up knowing Antiope well, so her taking over would hardly come as a shock.  I think Mammy and Scarlet's relationship from Gone with the Wind would likely be a decent model for Antiope and Sophie.  


It's maybe also worth bringing up here that I'd love to try playing with Serana as Antiope's Mistress, which would utilise the Dawngard LAL start.  Unfortunately, that isn't possible with SLTR, and making it possible isn't in Hexbolt's plans.  I think Serana would be a very interesting Mistress in a lot of respects—not to mention she's simply my favourite vanilla character—and being a vampire would also completely negate this concern.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

How has the experience of management of a household changed Antiope's personality?

I'm afraid I can't help but to give you an obnoxious answer here that I don't know what you mean by the question.  I've been locked in an academic discussion about the plasticity of personality—or rather, the lack thereof—in the DoM thread recently, actually.  I would say instead that her role has revealed things about her personality, and it has fostered the development of her skills and experience.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

Does Antiope have ambitions for manipulating her Mistress, gaining more independence or even freedom?

She really doesn't.  She already has all the freedom and independence she's comfortable with.  She's happy knowing that there's someone above her on the ladder.  Also, Antiope is an extremely sincere girl—the authority she has already earned has come entirely through hard, loyal work—and Mistress's trust in her is well-placed.  Antiope hasn't lied to Mistress even once since she was a child, and she still feels bad about having lied then.  


It's probably worth mentioning that, given the SLTR mechanics, Antiope usually spends the first phase of a new playthrough—while Mistress is making her plans for expansion into Skyrim—working to build Mistress's trust and gain the respect necessary to have the authority vested in her.  I'd say the backstory blog concludes a few weeks after the start of a new playthrough, simply because that's what works best with SLTR mechanics.  It's a little bit of a challenge to rationalise Antiope starting the game with zero submission score.  


On 12/21/2021 at 11:41 PM, Corsec said:

Could she possibly accept a new legal Owner that didn't offer the same advantages, or deserve the same degree of esteem?

A Mistress who didn't wish to delegate similar authorities to Antiope wouldn't be able to afford her.  A good overseer has a prohibitively high market value.  But Antiope doesn't really care about her Mistress's socioeconomic status for its own sake.  Antiope is a slave—has virtually always been a slave—so she doesn't really pay attention to the status games that freemen play; status, in Antiope's world, is something much more concrete.  Antiope would scarcely notice the difference if her Mistress were a few rungs lower on the socioeconomic ladder.  But if, somehow, she did come to be owned by a Mistress who didn't utilise her talents, she'd probably feel something like a modern case of a Ph.D. physicist who has to take a job waiting tables.  And if she came into the property of a Mistress more capricious and arbitrarily cruel than her current owner, well, Antiope would naturally be a lot less happy, but she's resilient enough to adapt and try to make the best of things, finding what happiness she can from relationships with her fellow slaves.  

Edited by Antiope_Apollonia
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