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Hottest character  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which character looks the best?

    • Cris (Oblivion)
    • Cris (Skyrim)
    • Shadow
    • Storm
    • Mist
    • Other (please specify)

blog-0935409001431365664.jpgThought I'd ask this question (the one in the poll) because I got curious as to what other people thought of my characters, so yeah which of my characters do you think is the best looking. Personally I think Storm is the best, followed by Skyrim Cris then with Shadow and Oblivion Cris both in third (hence why they're in the same image) with Mist in 4th. I know I didn't mention Breeze, Jora, Serena or any of my Fallout characters but that's because I couldn't be fucked ranking all of them (hence the other option.) So with that said vote away.


Also the pose Storm is in is one of my most used gestures when I'm at work and someone asks me where one of the managers is XD


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Also just so you guys know this is just a bit of fun that I came up with when I was bored at work (a common occurrence now that there's fuck all to do) it doesn't impact how (in)frequently I upload shots of each character.

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I've already expressed my appreciation for the elvish duo Cris - Shadow (Oblivion) elsewhere, but Storm really belongs to another galaxy. Superb character (and nice hairstyle, too). My vote is for Storm, no doubt.


Mist intrigued me in some past screenshots, but perhaps this particular pose or outfit isn't the best for her... I think the barbarian look suits her better. However, it's just my opinion.

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I've already expressed my appreciation for the elvish duo Cris - Shadow (Oblivion) elsewhere, but Storm really belongs to another galaxy. Superb character (and nice hairstyle, too). My vote is for Storm, no doubt.


Myst intrigued me in some past screenshots, but perhaps this particular pose or outfit isn't the best for her... I think the barbarian look suits her better. However, it's just my opinion.

That's weird because Mist has never been a barbarian like character, I've always envisioned her as a sort of paladin.

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I have to find that specific image. Perhaps I'm confusing her with some other character, but that can't be. I *usually* have a strong visual memory. Oh, and look back at the 'announcement' entry for a laugh.



Found it!


Ah that one, I do shots like that with all my characters, here's a few of Storm; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/519980/?. Honestly it has no bearing on what they're actually like (Mist uses sword and board in full plate for the most part)

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Cris and Shadow are on my fav list. I know if I ever got as close to them as I'd like they would rip my arms out and make me eat them after beating me to death with them.

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