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The Slaver Run, Part Three: Concord



Here's the deal: I'm taking a dozen slavegirls from Sanctuary to Goodneighbour so I can sell 'em. They're handcuffed, pregnant. and nearly naked, and I'm going to walk the whole way.  I have high hopes of getting there before they all give birth.


These are the rules:


  1.  Unless in combat, I'm going to walk the whole way. No fast travel, no running.
  2. All the girls that aren't performing a specific function are coming with me.
  3. Out of respect for basic Human Dignity, my slaves will be clothed. For the most part they will be given garments that identify their status as slaves and their sexual availability.
  4. In order to keep order among the slaves, they will remain handcuffed at all times.
  5. All slaves will be kept pregnant prior to sale. Think of it as a "buy one, get one free" kind of deal.
  6. Security for the mission will be provided by Ada.
  7. Female enemies will be taken prisoner where possible. Captives will be impregnated, cuffed and given suitable clothing. In the event of a shortage of tank tops or handcuffs, all reasonable efforts will be made to find suitable items.
  8. The journey will be via the roads and settlements where possible.
  9. As an FEV Vampire, I'm going to need to avoid direct sunlight. Preference will be given to travel by night.
  10. I'll need to feed as I go. Whoever gets fed upon, gets fucked.


Anyway: I got from Red Rocket to Concord without incident. If that sounds unsurprising, you've clearly not read the last couple of entries. I snuck into town, quiet as I could. It had been a while since I was last here, and the chances are the raiders would be back. Sure 'nuff...




... they were.


Fun fact: pipe rifles are shit, but they get really good scopes at low levels of Gun Nut. I spent some time marking victims for capture




Also, good news about Connie. I should pay her a visit and see if she wants another one. Lucy can't be far off due either.


Anyway, I marked three raiders, but I was fairly sure there were more, so I thought I'd double back and see if I could mark some more from a better angle. So I snuck back off round the block. I say snuck: I'm wearing half a ton of bright red armor, and leading  a string of slavegirls that stretches right down the street.




I have no idea how those dimbos failed to see me. But fail they did, so I crept back and around, occasionally making huge crashing noises as I leapt onto and down from houses, looking for a better vantage. Although there was at least one loud crashing noise that wasn't made by me. Apparently the Bozohood Of Steel is doing patrols.


Anyway! I got down to Museum Street (which probably isn't really called that, but I figure you'll all know where I mean) and there's no raiders I can see. Maybe they've wandered into the main street. So I creep on back behind the museum to try and catch them that way. I do get a [ CAUTION ] message, but I figure that's from the Mechanist bots camped out down the hill. There are no rust devils with 'em, so that looks like a lot of work for no payoff. I ignore them and carry on, past the church and back onto Museum Street. Not a raider in sight.


At this point, an awful suspicion dawns. Suppose those raider girls aren't complete pinball wizards? Supposing they've seen something of the tail end of the coffle, and have been following on the end, Scooby Doo style? It;s a suspicion that gets quickly confirmed when I hear shots fired. I head back but by the time I get there it's all over. Most things don't last long against Ada's dual automatic lasers.


I do some searching and ping VATS a few times and  manage to find three new slaves, just waiting for their collars. I'm disappointed; I was hoping for more. I know for a fact there were more - before the game crashed on me, I got three girls and two dead bodies out of the deal, hence why I was going to such lengths to try and mark all five of them this time. But Ada tends to leave piles of ash, and I doubt I'll find them any time soon in the long grass. Time to get the new slaves inducted.




And here I have my first quandary with the rules. These girls need to be fucked and impregnated promptly. But it's still daylight and I stand to loose health if I shed my armor now: I need shade. The museum is the obvious place, but the Museum is probably also full of raiders, and I've got enough to do.


So I head on into the church and shuck the power armor. Luckily I don't seem to be the sort of vampire that gets an allergic reaction from hallowed ground.




First rule of shucking your armor in the wilds: always take the key out of the ignition. Because the first time you leave a fusion core in the armor, that'll be when a fight starts and someone climbs into your best suit and runs off into the 'Wealth, never to be seen again.


OK. Strip 'em, fuck 'em, and cuff 'em. I don't have any spare tank tops, so that'll have to wait until I can find a chemlab.


Here's one of the newcomers.




Fucked and impregnated as per the rules. This could take a lot of time, but luckily my guy has a perk that gives him boundless virility. Either that, or I've been fiddling with the MCM for AAF Family Planning. Just believe me when I say she's knocked up.




About this point, the universe rebels against such wanton inhumanity. I try several times to bang this next chick:




And the game catches every time that she does. Eventually I give Vicar Amelia a good boffing,  figuring that she's already preggers and therefore shouldn't be affected if it's a FP bug, and for some reason that fixes it. Plays hell with attempts to keep a pictorial record.  So, after much ado:




She gets to join the Club as well.


Thing to be aware of if you ever try this: with so many girls all wandering around, any time you think you've lined up the ideal shot, you're apt to be photobombed. Usually by someone sticking a boob into the immediate foreground:




Not that I mind looking at them, of course, but it never stops.


As a for instance: I thought I'd sit and wait for a couple of hours. What with one thing and another it was getting on for three PM. (Yep, been on the road since 5 AM, and only made it as far as Concord. How the hell will I ever get to Goodneighbour?) Anyway, I sat down and




Actually, I don't mind so much. It's kind of sweet the way they crowd around and jostle for your attention.




But that doesn't mean I don't have things to do. Speaking of which:




And that's three for three: banged, stripped and cuffed, ready for the journey ahead.


That said: I'm out of both tanktops and cuffs. By the rules, I need to make all reasonable efforts to at least clothe the newcomers. So I'm thinking I might head for Abernathy Farm next. Use the chemlab to make some new tanktops, maybe find a set if cuffs or two in the workbench, and while I'm there I can give Connie a quick swiving. Blake can have free run of the slavegirls while I'm there, which should keep him distracted.


After that, get back to the road and head for Drumlin where I can maybe buy cuffs, and then a quick overland to Starlight where there should be fresh batch of purified water I can use as trade goods.


Let's see how far I get next time.


Bonus pics:


Here's one of Z2-47 and the Vicar. It doesn't look like they're speaking at the moment.




The rest are stuff I uploaded but decided not to use in the narrative for some reason.






Count the heads: thirteen of them, not counting Ada, myself or the PA.


Seems like a lot more than that in first person, I don't mind telling you.








Oh yeah: The Bozohood of Steel never did show up. Or rather they did, but then the game crashed, and I never saw them on the respawn. Pity about that. Still, I'm sure I'll run into them again before I get to Goodneighbour.




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