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About this blog

Elves, altmers or high elves for some.
Very few see no one like them! Why?
Because they are mostly and mainly pretentious, haughty, with their superior air.
And especially because most of its for the Thalmor!
This bunch of religious-political fanatics with only two goals in life.
The first, known to all, will enslave the other peoples! Be the superior race of Tamriel!
The second, much less known and nevertheless much frightening and terrifying.
To dispel Talos in order to create the end of humanity to become elhnofeys again, immortal beings. And this to the detriment of all other races and people living on Tamriel.


Yet ...
Not all altmers are like this! Some are against Thalmor and do not share their point of view!
This is the case of a certain altmer, a princess precisely!
Who is this princess? Ayrana!


Entries in this blog

Princess Ayrana

Princess Ayrana   Name: Ayrana Race: Altmer (High Elf)   Description:   Ayrana is an altmer princess. From a noble and royal family on Summerset Isles. One might think that Ayrana is like all these pretentious and haughty altmers, believing themselves superior to all races. Yet Ayrana is one of those rare Summerset Isles elves who don’t like the Thalmor. Ayrana is an exception! Not only does she not like the Thalmor and disapproves of it but for
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