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Happy Easter



blog-0299174001398007212.jpgJust a small upload for Easter. Would've had Cris instead of Kara but can you see NV Cris wearing something like that? Didn't think so.


Also this'll be the last upload to this blog of mine for a while, my laptop seems to be on its last legs and I don't trust it to play Oblivion or New Vegas anymore (I did go onto NV today to take this shot but I still don't want to risk my laptop exploding on me) so I'm not going to upload anything until I get a new one. Dunno how long this will take, a few months most likely as I want to get an external HDD as well to backup my Oblivion and FNV Data and saves folders on so I don't have to go searching for the mods I have in both games again I really can't be bothered.

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