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Nym's first episode: Summer in Riften





Ah, summer in Riften. The warm sun shining on my skin always reminds me why this might be my favorite city in all of Skyrim.


I'm here to buy a rare volume about the oneiromancy, the arcane art of shaping your dreams willfully and traveling through other worlds in your sleep... you may have already guessed what I'm planning to dream about...

It might not be so easy to find the book. My dear Khajiit business partner told me about a shop called Dibella's Emporium, which is hidden somewhere beneath the criminal underworld of Riften and run by a mysterious and also very beautiful woman. She's specialized on selling everything related to the realm of love, sex and pleasure. So it seems I'm not the only one who sees a very special use in this oneiromancy stuff...

The Khajiit vendor couldn't give me the exact location though, so I have to do a little inquiry.


Oh look, Ingun Black-Briar and her girls in their summer clothes.


Is it just me or are they looking completely arrogant?


They're fair to look upon, I give them that. And their dresses are short enough. If you ask me, they're looking as eager for sex as I am. I wonder if they often go seducing boys together or if they just lick each others cunts when nobody looks.


Still, I just can't get along with these upper class people. I'd bet they don't even have the courage to wear these dresses without undies. I'd love to take a look though...


Oh snap, my hand wandered in my pants again.


The lower city and the canal... that's more like the place where I belong. Does this sound bad? Well, I don't mind. Folk here is more likeable. If there are people who can help me find this dealer, I'll probably find them here...


I'm asking around a bit, but nobody seem to be able to tell me something.

I wonder what's a shop no one knows about good for anyway.


Dark Elf: He there, lass. Maybe I can interest you in one of my special offers?

Nym: Huh, what is it?


Dark Elf: Take a look at this exquisite vial. You wanna know what's inside?
Nym: I guess you're gonna tell me.


Dark Elf: It's nothing less than the extremely valuable seminal fluids from a man of the cat-folk of distant Akavir.
Nym: You mean his cum.


Dark Elf: Uh yeah, certainly. Now may I tell you that by consuming this little potion a person's body and mind will be filled with energies of lust and desire so extensively, that one is granted marvelous powers of love... like being able to see through other people's attire...
Nym: I doubt that.
Dark Elf: What are you saying? Are you are questioning my honor as a trader?
Nym: No, I just think that what you're saying isn't possible. Though it would be pretty nice. But still, if you use this to make a decoction together with taproot and some ectoplasm, you might get a nice aphrodisiac… So may I take a look at your article?


Nym: Certainly smells right, might be even fresh.
Dark Elf: Of course it is!
Nym: Surely you don't mind if I take just a little taste.
Dark Elf: You can't just... oh well, whatever, just don't take too much.


Nym: I guess the taste is also okay... though it could be just regular Khajiit's... whatever, I'm gonna buy it.





So I already spent some coin on that stuff and I need to save some money to buy that book. But since it was so long ago that I visited Riften for the last time, I can't just end the day of my arrival without celebrating it with some mead. Cheap mead, at least.
I just save the money I would have spent on a room at the local inn and find a place to sleep somewhere else.


I guess I'm just gonna sneak upon some high rooftop for the night. Nobody will bother me there...


Almost done...


The warm air of the evening, some drinks to blurr my mind a little bit and a nice view at the city. That's the good life. Just missing a cute little boy by my side.


It's getting late... maybe I should just drink up and masturbate myself into sleep...

Wait a second, aren't those Ingun's girls again down there?


Ingun's friend: Oh Ingun, you looked so good in there!
Ingun's other friend: Yeah, it was so amazing when you just ripped your own bra apart.
Ingun's friend: And then you did it with three guys at once! So hot...


Ingun: Glad you liked it. I guess we'll do this more often now. But you two have to work on your performance. We all need to make a good impression when we're meeting guys.
Ingun's friend: Sure. Next time I'll swallow any cum right away. I was just a little shy at first, but now I came to like it.
Ingun: Happy to hear that, princess.


Ingun: AndI have to say I liked it how you two started kissing each other in order to tease those boys. Step it up a little bit. Maybe next time go licking each others cunts or something. You have to be shameless. Practice at home.
Ingun's friend: Oh sure, we'll do. I always wanted to get a taste of what's between your legs, Anny.
Ingun: Okay, so now let's see where we get another dose of Moon Sugar...


Oh well, I might envy them a little bit right now. But still I don't like them. And, oh boy, I can't imagine how much fun it must be to have Ingun around, complaining about one's “performance” during sex. But I surely wouldn't hesitate to swallow any cum.

Mm.. both bottles are already empty. And I guess I'll have to take a piss. I could just piss from the rooftop, that would be cheeky.


Nah, I'll go down and search for some bush.


Ugh, that was a quite a jump.


Not exactly hidden, but who cares.


Oh well, and there's already the first person who catches me with my pants down.

Prostitute: Hey there, lassie. What might it be that you are doing here?
Nym: I'm taking a piss.
Prostitute: Oh, I see. Well, if you're done, maybe you wanna spend some time with me?


Nym: You'd let me fuck with you?


Prostitute: Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm planning to do.
Nym: You'll let me lick you between your thighs?
Prostitute: 'Course.
Nym: And you'll lick my cunny, too?
Prostitute: Sure.
Nym: And you'll give me a spanking? Make it hurt a little... or maybe more then just a little?


Prostitute: Girl, what are you expecting? You think I'll give you a shy kiss and we're done with it? I can arrange whatever you need.
Nym: Oh crap, that sounds so good! And you're so pretty! But I really need to save my coin.


Prostitute: C'mon, girl. You looking not quite sober and you didn't even put your pants back on. With your lovely little cunt exposed you're looking more like a whore than I do. Don't tell me you're not horny.
Nym: Oh, I really am horny. But I need to ask you a question first? Maybe you can tell me where I can find this place called Dibella's Emporium. Nobody seems to know anything about it, but this is area of expertise, isn't it?
Prostitute: Ha, so you know what you're looking for, lassie. Well, I can tell you where you can find the shop, but that costs extra.
Nym: I guess if I don't find her I wouldn't have use for my money anyway. So you can have the coin. But only for the information. No fucking. I'm sorry, I can't afford it right know.
Prostitute: That's too bad. But whatever, easy coin for me. So I'm gonna tell you the way. You just have to...


Prostitute: ...that's everything you need to know. You'll be able to find the shop.
Nym: Thank you very much. I'll be on my way then.
Prostitute: Yeah... maybe we'll meet again some other time. And then I'll expect you to fuck with me, cutie.


Nym: She called me cutie!


So that's the Ratway. Could have guessed that this dealer is somewhere down here, but without the instructions of this kind lady I'd never be able to find her in this maze.

Pretty scary place, to be honest...


But I'm not afraid of anything, of course.


Ah well, that must be the door I was told about.


So that's the place... not actually big, just a small chamber. That woman sitting there must be her... and there's also some guy here.


Just look at them... her breasts are bare. And this guy... oh dear gods, he wears no pants. Were they just doing it or do they always dress like that?


Dealer: Look there, a little lass has found the way through my door. What's your desire, girl?


Nym: Oh hi... I'm looking for, erm... wow, your breasts are beautiful. You always keep them uncovered?


Yeah, most of the time. Why are yours all wrapped up?


Nym: Oh, uh... it's just because... uh... I'm naked most of the time. Should I undress now? I'd also show you my cunt, if you like. I'm not ashamed of it.
Dealer: No, it's okay. I like your outfit. It suits you.


Too bad. Just looking at them makes me so horny I wanna undress right now.
And this place reminds me of home... a little bit scabby, but there's surely a lot of interesting clutter laying around. And this lady... she's living deep in the sewers, but she looks so elegant.

Nym: Cozy place that you two have here. Are you lovers or something? You must fit together really well... I mean... also quite literally. I'm talking about-


Dealer: Yeah, I know what you mean. You're quite forward. But I like the way you're thinking, girl.


Guy: As a matter of fact, we actually fit together well. But that's none of you concern.


Nym: I'm sorry. I just thought... it kinda turns me on that you don't care about hiding your cock. I certainly envy your friend. I bet it would be amazing to feel your cock inside one's body.
Guy: You bet it is.

His cock grew larger... didn't it? Is this because of me? Does he think I'm hot? Oh I hope he does...


Dealer: Then let's get to business. Sit down with us, please. You obviously came here because you seek the secret pleasures. What do you want? Maybe an enchanted olisbos? The vaginal fluids of Potema the wolf queen? A lotion that makes your breasts grow?


Nym: My breasts are fine, I guess. I'm actually looking for a certain book. They say you sell something about understanding oneiromancy.


Dealer: Oh, now that's interesting. Most people are just looking for whatever can give them an intense orgasm quickly. But rarely there's somebody here who you actually knows what's the really valuable stuff. You'll be able to dream all kind of things. I just fear the price might be a little too high for a girl like you.
Nym: Well... I don't have that much money, that's true.
Dealer: Let's just say I like you. I'll give it to you for free. But you have to do an important task for me.
Nym: For free? Really? That's very nice of you. What do you want me to do?


Dealer: Look, I have a lot of contacts in the city and elsewhere. That problem is, that one them, an Orcish mercenary, got caught by the local guards. She was involved in some... affairs.
Nym: You want me to bust her out?
Dealer: No, don't be silly. Not anyone can do this. I'll find a trained professional for that task. But as long as I don't have one at my disposal, I need somebody to meet the prisoner and ask for some information which is really important to me.
Nym: Okay, what should I ask for?
Dealer: This mercenary was caught while acquiring a certain key for me. You don't need to know the details. Just ask her for the key. They might have taken it away from her. Or maybe she managed to hide it somewhere. But don't play the hero and try to steal it from the guards, if they have it. Just ask her where it is, so I can manage to get it back before its tracks are lost. Oh yeah, and don't use the front gates. That's too suspicious and they probably won't let you in anyway. There's a secret passage through the sewers. I'll explain it to you...


I might not have gotten everything of her instruction about this secret passage... it's too easy to let you mind wander when you're looking at two half naked folks. Man, how I'd love it to watch them fucking each other.

Whatever, I guess I'll manage to find this prisoner's cell. Seems this is gonna be a sleepless night. And I already begin to feel sober again.





That must be the secret entrance to the prison. Let's get in there... looks like this will get a quite dirty adventure.


The Ratway is clean compared to this... maybe I should have just went in here naked so my clothes don't get ruined.


Whatever, I'll wash them back home. And I'm not a squaemish girl. Let's just find the way to this cell.


That must be the right window. Wasn't so hard.


Prisoner: Finally... huh, who are you? You're gonna bust me out of here?


Nym: Sorry, I'm just here to ask you about something.
Prisoner: What? Are you kidding me?
Nym: Hey, I'd like to help you out of there any time, but how am I gonna do it? I'm not trained for this kinda stuff. Your employer said she will get you another guy as soon as one's available.
Prisoner: ...alright, guess I'll have to wait then. So she send you to ask about the key.
Nym: Yeah, can you tell me –


Prisoner: I have it hidden here. I just can't reach it after these fuckers bound my hands at my back. They couldn't handle me otherwise. I could punch the crap out of three of them with just my bare hands.
Nym: That's impressive. But I feel sorry for you. If they bound your hands, you can't even touch yourself, which would be pretty much the only thing you can do to entertain you in a lonely cell like this. It must be pretty dull.
Prisoner: Believe me, that's not the most important problem right now... well, it is in a way, since I hid this key in a very special place...


Nym: Oh, so that means you have the key in your... and it means I have to...
Prisoner: Yeah, you guessed right.
Nym: You're sure about this?
Prisoner: Just don't fuss around. Put your dirty little fingers in. Won't be the first thing to be in there. Don't be shy.


Nym: Hey, I'm not shy! See, I'm already... oh, sweet gods...
Prisoner: Alright, then see that you get the key out. Makes it easier for you that they didn't even give me pants here. They might have just thrown me in here naked. Not that I'd care.
Nym: You seem pretty fearless.
Prisoner: 'Course I am.


Prisoner: You're enjoying this, aren't you?
Nym: I don't wanna lie to you. It's just that I don't get the opportunity to touch another woman between her legs every day. And your vagina is very sweet.
Prisoner: Well, then at least someone benefits from this.


Nym: I think I got it.
Prisoner: Good. Took long enough already. Then bring it back to the boss and tell her I don't wanna sit here forever.
Nym: Yeah. It was a pleasure to meet you.


Prisoner: Oh, and one more thing. Don't tell anyone about this. I'm gonna kill you.
Nym: Sure. Don't worry about that.


Back in the Ratway. That was great. Who thought I might get an easy excuse to poke around in another woman's cunt? I think she even got a little wet, although she might hasn't admit it. I feel sorry for her though. Hope they'll bust her out soon.


So now I not only know where the key is, but I have it right here with me. That will please her. But maybe this time I'm gonna remove my bra before entering. She really shouldn't think I'm shy or anything. Also I wore this thing the whole day and night. It's really time to give my titties a little bit of air again.


Dealer: There you are again. So you did it? You didn't fuck up?


Nym: Of course not. Here's the key. No problem.
Dealer: So she had it with her?
Nym: Yeah, she... hid it well.


Dealer: Alright, whatever. We'll bust her out soon. Well then, just take your book and be gone with you...


Dealer: ...I mean, thank you. It means a lot to me. But now that I have the key back, I really have some important matters to attend to which are none of your concern. Maybe you'll wanna come back some other time.


It's a shame she threw me out so fast. She didn't even mention something about my nude breasts. Did she even notice? I wonder what's so special about this key, that it catches all of her attention...


Anyway, I've got the book. Time to leave the town and head back home. Sun's already coming out and I'm getting quite tired.[/color]


People are staring at me... I guess I must be really dirty.


Or ist there something else wrong with me?



Recommended Comments

Interesting approach. Well done - good story, good pictures. Very balanced choices / combinations.

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Okay, since there are obviously problems with imgur I reuploaded all the stuff at another hoster. Actually I only used imgur because some people couldn't see what I uploaded on postimg lol. Hopefully this time it'll work. Then Im gonna reupload the first entry, too.

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