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StandAlone Follower - Elwyn (update to v1.1 !!)


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yay, another beautiful follower. i guess i should start experiment on merged follower files.




Count the....1..2.. just me I create over 7 follower mod.... 

....sorry I create too much... Or2



lol, it's fine. i already collected and merged over 300 armor mods :P

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yay, another beautiful follower. i guess i should start experiment on merged follower files.




Count the....1..2.. just me I create over 7 follower mod.... 

....sorry I create too much... Or2



lol, it's fine. i already collected and merged over 300 armor mods :P



Wow!! that so most,

usually myself, I only install I wanna wearing now. XD




Great job. You are talented. Keep them coming please.


Thank you, it is honor to hear you said that. :)


Thank you, YuiH.  I really did not expect you to release her so soon.  This may be your finest work yet.


Well, will or will not, I still gonna release her, so got the time then...why not release her,

that is how I thinking when I release her.


Thank you. :)

True is, I really think after this character, I really kinda feel I am done.

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Ah! Here she is.  I saw her pics on skyrim jp org and was wondering if or when she'll be available.  Thanks again, Yui!


I had planing to upload to Nexus,

but I just feel I wanna release here first for a while.


Hope you like this mod. :)

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Guest azeraxa

Very cute follower, good job. But I have problems with her. After SL scenes with her, her voice and dialogue dissapears and I can't recruitor dismiss her.. Reloading save fixes it. I'm using AFT and Fuz-ro-dah. Any ideas what`s the problem.?

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Very cute follower, good job. But I have problems with her. After SL scenes with her, her voice and dialogue dissapears and I can't recruitor dismiss her.. Reloading save fixes it. I'm using AFT and Fuz-ro-dah. Any ideas what`s the problem.?


Maybe lose the Default voice setup after SL scenes, I wish had same more report,

because I don't use SL, so wanna make more sure was my mod cause issue or something else.


Sorry, allow me to ask, did you had my another follower and had SL scenes then don't had this issue?

it will help me find where cause issue more quickly. 

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Very cute follower, good job. But I have problems with her. After SL scenes with her, her voice and dialogue dissapears and I can't recruitor dismiss her.. Reloading save fixes it. I'm using AFT and Fuz-ro-dah. Any ideas what`s the problem.?


I am not sure, but try this see would it fix?

Elwyn - YuiH StandAlone Follower.esp

just overwrite.


Mission: Accomplished.



Nice job done !!!! Thank you my friend, and Congratulations. XDD

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i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?

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Thanks for sharing her with us, you really did a great job she's really beautiful.


Anyways here's a shot of her and my char chilling out in Breezehome, talking about their wdventures and whatnot, the only thing that i don't like about unpb body is the arm width, man she sure look like she can brawl with bears :P.








and a little bonus, too bad I don't use wet or shiny textures otherwise i would have tweaked ENB for this shot to look better.








Keep the good work you have really nice followers mods there.

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i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?


Skyrim is v 1.9.32


heres the image


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i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?


Skyrim is v 1.9.32


heres the image



I am going to take a wild guess, is your texture quality set to LOW?


I found out that when you use texture mod and put the texture quality to low, things like this happens.


But it is only a random idea :P

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i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?


Skyrim is v 1.9.32


heres the image



I am going to take a wild guess, is your texture quality set to LOW?


I found out that when you use texture mod and put the texture quality to low, things liek this happens.


But it is only a random idea :P


yep. you are correct. changed to ultra setting and i can see it now. well at least we know there are issues with low textures. thanks.



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i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?


Skyrim is v 1.9.32


heres the image



I am going to take a wild guess, is your texture quality set to LOW?


I found out that when you use texture mod and put the texture quality to low, things liek this happens.


But it is only a random idea :P


yep. you are correct. changed to ultra setting and i can see it now. well at least we know there are issues with low textures. thanks.



No problem ^_^

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Thanks for sharing her with us, you really did a great job she's really beautiful.


Anyways here's a shot of her and my char chilling out in Breezehome, talking about their wdventures and whatnot, the only thing that i don't like about unpb body is the arm width, man she sure look like she can brawl with bears :P.




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and a little bonus, too bad I don't use wet or shiny textures otherwise i would have tweaked ENB for this shot to look better.








Keep the good work you have really nice followers mods there.



Image says it all. Thanks my friend.





Excellent work. love your "interpretation" of her  and outfits. Thanks for sharing with us. (Sorry, have no votes to give you although you deserve many).

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Thanks for sharing her with us, you really did a great job she's really beautiful.


Anyways here's a shot of her and my char chilling out in Breezehome, talking about their wdventures and whatnot, the only thing that i don't like about unpb body is the arm width, man she sure look like she can brawl with bears :P.








and a little bonus, too bad I don't use wet or shiny textures otherwise i would have tweaked ENB for this shot to look better.








Keep the good work you have really nice followers mods there.


Your pics are so great !!! very very thank you. :)

I love the bonus pic, look really nice.  :heart:


Image says it all. Thanks my friend.




Oh My God !!! Thank you, so thank you, you made this image.

Just so great, really really thank you. :)  :heart:  :heart:








i installed the unp version through NMM. On my game, she seems to be missing eye and the eyelash textures.


That's kinda strange had that issue, maybe because I use default eyes map textures....


What version of your skyrim? and could you show me some screenshots if you can?


Skyrim is v 1.9.32


heres the image



I am going to take a wild guess, is your texture quality set to LOW?


I found out that when you use texture mod and put the texture quality to low, things liek this happens.


But it is only a random idea :P


yep. you are correct. changed to ultra setting and i can see it now. well at least we know there are issues with low textures. thanks.



No problem ^_^



Lady Amelia, really thank you for helping another people, it help me a lot, really thank you. :)

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