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  1. Some of the worst begging I've ever seen in this thread. I want a thing, I suck so I can't do the thing, so you either work hard for me and do the thing, or work hard and teach me - who has already shown myself to be useless and incapable of learning myself - how to do the thing. P.S. this is justification for my begging and throwing out useless ideas in threads. Jeegus, I just spent hours actually learning how to do Haydee mods, by studying these threads (all the information you need is out there, btw). I have no plans of releasing anything I do. Ever. But I'll enjoy my game. It will be great .
  2. F*** isn't vulgar language. Fuck is. And this is the internet. There are reasons vulgar language is allowed here. This goes back to the BBS days. Nazi modding has no place here. Anyway, you don't want to start anything, yet you did. This is a Say Hi thread. Please message me personally if you have other issues. Other than that, I'm happy to be here .
  3. I WANT TO VENT!!!! AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! Please, delete this if it's in a bad place or you have a good reason. Let me know why, please don't ban me, argghhh.. Nexus mods banned my account because I swore in their chat room. Seriously. It was even censored by the chat client. techrev banned. Reason for the ban By request - after being given a formal warning. Quote That was my first time, and last time in that chat room. I refuse to accept terms of service that require me to accept crap like this, so you may as well delete my account. If you give me access to chat, ever, again I will only complain about crappy mods - like you - until I am further banned. Furthermore I fully intend to raise as much awareness as I can about the poor modding and fascist polices I can in every forum and gaming chat room I can until I get my disgust about this situation out of my system. I liked NMM, I liked your mod selection, but I'm not bowing to someone as pathetic as you to be able to use them. There are alternatives. Thank you. Bye then, best of luck. - Terms of Service Preamble These terms of service and rules are not default, generic, stock terms of service you'll see copied across the millions of sites and forums on the internet. They've been specifically and manually created by the moderation team at Nexus Mods. Its important you understand that these terms and rules are enforced, often strictly, every day by the Nexus staff and that we haven't written these rules just for the sake of it, we’ve written them because they're the guidelines that we, the staff, look to when performing our duties. As such you should not casually dismiss these terms and rules as simply being the same generic rules you've agreed to on countless other sites. Theyre not. You ignore this fact at your own peril. Through your use of Nexus Mods you agree that you will not post any content which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, related to piracy, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of UK law. Know that in severe cases legal action can be taken against you. Relevant chat rule: Don't act like this is the chatroom for 4chan / Something Awful forums / some other chat room or forum you visit that lets you get away with anything. More than that, I was actively involved in conversation in the chat room. My comment was a legitimate response to another comment. I said "F*** her right in the vagina" I am never going back to that site. What am I going to miss? Half my mods come from Loverslab anyway, I liked to go back and forth a lot. How can I make the adjustment over? Is there a good replacement for NMM? Is there a thread for refugees on this site?
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