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  1. I was looking at some of these other ini files and I think I may be mistaken about how the morphs are executed. Say I have two morphs that adjust overlapping sliders, such as: MorphA = BreastsSH@0:1 , Thighs@0:1 MorphB = BreastsSH@0:1 , Hips@0:1 So in the case that I have both these morphs being applied to all females, I though you'd end up calculating the "BreastsSH" morph twice with only the second result being applied. Is that correct or am I missing something?
  2. You need to train them for awhile by having them tied up and letting them sit there tied up. Their Pose skill will go up gradually. At certain points, Pose positions will unlock. Okay I figured it out. The "Pose for me" dialogue topic has a requirement of having FNIS spells which for whatever reason I didn't have installed. Cheers! EDIT: Yea it's in the fine print of the recommended mods. So once again I'm the boob.
  3. I don't know why but I can't seem to find the "pose" dialogue options for any of my slaves. From what I could gather it seems like it should be showing up in the "attend me" options? Is there a reason why the dialogue for the flexible storage might not be working?
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