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Vipcxjs Real High Heels Position Offset


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Hey guys, as the title may not entirely explain what I'm requesting, I will attempt to do so.

I'm wondering if it is possible to add the height offset of the mentioned High Heel mod to lovers animation positions?

Is there a simple way to do so (as the positions are saved some where from what I understand). If so any advice on where to start would be appreciated. If not, would it require alot of work?


I know there are a number of different heights in the mod so it would most likely be complicated but as a temporary measure could it be done simply for say a single heel height?


As a side note, I suppose you could play every animation in game and adjust the positions to match whilst VRHH is active but that would take a long time most likely. I assume so because the position adjustments are only saved for a single animation per "scene" (Determined through testing the Z key to alternate animations and saving positions for different animations).

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