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[SEARCH] Bestiality pose pack used by the linked Pixiv user

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1 hour ago, BenChang said:

Here is the link: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66908065


A lot of the poses are very reminiscent of the brainsperm/Oden series, but they are not from the versions currently linked on this site. Furthermore, the last update for Oden/Brainsperm that I know of was for Lurkers/Seekers.


Where can this pose pack used in the above link be found?

While I'm sure there are a few poses in that pack of pictures, almost all 3P sex scenes are SLAL animations, not poses.  The first spitroast one is from Anub, the last chopping block one is from K4, and I believe all of the others are probably from Leito.  I'd assume most of the 2P shots may also be animations.

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6 minutes ago, Reesewow said:

While I'm sure there are a few poses in that pack of pictures, almost all 3P sex scenes are SLAL animations, not poses.  The first spitroast one is from Anub, the last chopping block one is from K4, and I believe all of the others are probably from Leito.  I'd assume most of the 2P shots may also be animations.



Also, do you know which animation this shot is from? https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2018/01/22/00/07/23/66908065_p44_master1200.jpg

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