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of weirdos and life


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In my day to day life, I see lots of people complaining bout being single. My instance on it? Dont.

Wait, what makes you a specialistin relationships to dare trying to help people with it? No one, Im the guy that prefeer to observe from the outside and while Im not the master of relationships Im a specialist on "weird" and "crazy" people for 4 main reasons: Im weird, my family (grandma had 9 sisters and all had at least 2 children, my family is huge) is weird, I mostly find normal people boring, Im really sociable.


Anyway, back to topic, Imnot trying to be the edgy guy that says "relationships sucks, mimimi, fuck the world, bla bla bla". Nope, humans are pack animels in the most basic biological level we need people, but we dont bneed all kinds of people. A bad relationship can be extremely harmfull and many times its better to stay single than on a bad one, sadly most people get desperate and go for anything or go after the wrong person for their appearance. DONT!


Going for the "animal human" perspective wven if you have to impulse to get a "pack" and fuck not everyone sup´posed to be on your pack, most people look on the wrong places. Look for people with the same interests and close views, dont try to fit in a group that makes you act diferent from yourself, find or form your group for fuck sake!

The time I tryed to fit was the worst of my life and once I embraced the fact that Im one of the "weird guys" I started to be really happy and got much more sociable.


Dont look in a relationship (love,friendship or simply fucking) for the ones everyone likes or hot people look for people like you, ifyoure a "freak" or a "weirdo" look for other "freaks" and "weirdos", believe me there are over 7 billion people theres no way youre alone in the world, people always try to avoid people that arent "attractive" because of appearance or because of society views, but attractive is a matter of opinion and even if the person dont like its appearance were in 2018! Cosmetic procedures arent neraly as expensive as they once was and theyre far safer! Also the way research on gene therapy is going well be able top change our own DNA and appearance in 15 years maximum, maybe 10 (one of my closest friends studies biology at college and is involved in this gene therapy stuff so I get lots of info on that that sadly I cant say). BE fucking proud of who you are (unless youre a SJW or a general scumbag then fuck you, just mibnd your own business and let people live their lifes in peace without being disturbed or annoyed by matters they dont want to get involved) and look for people like you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/21/2018 at 7:05 AM, protocolk said:

In my day to day life, I see lots of people complaining bout being single. My instance on it? Dont.

Wait, what makes you a specialistin relationships to dare trying to help people with it? No one, Im the guy that prefeer to observe from the outside and while Im not the master of relationships Im a specialist on "weird" and "crazy" people for 4 main reasons: Im weird, my family (grandma had 9 sisters and all had at least 2 children, my family is huge) is weird, I mostly find normal people boring, Im really sociable.


...A bad relationship can be extremely harmfull and many times its better to stay single than on a bad one, sadly most people get desperate and go for anything or go after the wrong person for their appearance. DONT!


The time I tryed to fit was the worst of my life and once I embraced the fact that Im one of the "weird guys" I started to be really happy and got much more sociable.


Dont look in a relationship (love,friendship or simply fucking) for the ones everyone likes or hot people look for people like you, ifyoure a "freak" or a "weirdo" look for other "freaks" and "weirdos", ... BE fucking proud of who you are and look for people like you.

Like you, I tend to observe from afar.  I've learned a lot in the years I have done so, though once, I found that I learned a LOT more than usual by letting someone get close.  Still trying to decide if the pain of that one was worth it.  Not something I'd like to do often, but in that particular case, the answer, so far, has been "yes, mostly".


Complaining about being single comes from several sources.  The ones I see most often are 1. Loneliness. and 2. The "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" syndrome.  Both are, in my observation, piss poor reasons to enter a relationship.  But it works for some, apparently.  Few who are single, especially for long periods, realize just how much work being in a relationship can be.  Additionally, it's got to be far worse when you're trying to make the WRONG relationship work.  Generally, that solves itself fairly quickly when it falls apart.


Generally, you WILL be much happier once you accept that you are who you are, and society as a whole (the "be like everyone else" syndrome) can go fuck itself.


I agree on general principle with looking for others who have similar interests, but strongly disagree with specifics.  Along the lines of "variety is the spice of life", I believe that finding someone different from yourself would be a major plus.  I have found that with one individual in my life, at least.  She's so much different from me in just about every way imaginable, yet we rarely lack for topics of conversation.  Sometimes, it's mutual interests, others, it's mutual "how does your life differ from mine?"  Very interesting answers, just about every time, or at least that's my take.  No idea if she feels the same, but we're still talking, so I'd guess it'd be a yes on her part as well.  Oh, and yeah, we're both definitely weirdos.

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 I was pushing this topic for a while. The main reasons were that my surround (family, friends) would stop bothering me with being single. It was and it is a problem. I got into everything that can get my a relationship and I made myself do thing that is not me. The worse part was is hitting the wall over and over and over again. I got myself into a recursion. It continued until I felt that no one wants/loves me I hated my surroundings a lot (got suicidal thoughts) but I quit.


Next year in college started I started do sports on my own initiative which I liked more (cardio training). It was a good reason to get away for life. Not a long time ago I hear that one of the girls that I met before started rumors about me and because I felt better I didn't cared and I stood before her calm and cool. I made her feel guilty of it and it did work. Although it's a problem for me nowadays too. They always make fun of it (not in a bad way though) but it bothers me. I can't say them to stop it. 


I met with my old friends before (also singles) and I felt better because the topic wasn't constant "Why are you single" but actual healthy things. I have a lot acquaintances and some friends with smaller size (not real friends). I'm not really introverted I can talk to anyone about anything. I've stepped over my "weirdo" age in high school. Also what is weird? Being a martian in high school with lions who's studying farming and eating vegetables in breaks. That's weird. It's all context of culture and surroundings. 


That's my experience on the topic. Being single does not implicate being weirdo. I don't think anybody should dwell on it. It always makes things worse. Simple life example: When you are on a exam and you think about an answer that you don't know. You had an instinct on what might be and you wrote it down. When you finished you return to this and you think about 3 more possible answers. Your first choice was the good one and what you wrote is bad. Because you overdid it. I know because it is my problem too.


Get a friend - old and best friend - and talk with him about this. It's the best therapy I tell you. Or when you feel down get some music and relax.

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What is crazy for one, is normal for another. I wouldn't necessarily say that this is some crazy snowflake business of the new age. I can't even say that because I refuse to gratify the immaturity. However, some people that complain [I mean an over abundance of complaints, not just, oh well hey, I'm upset about this right now.] are most likely the same ones who will complain about being in a relationship.

People have a way of handling things. When I married, I didn't complain about it, had no reason to. I got myself into that nightmare, I was going to get myself out. Most of my problems I handle on my own and rarely complain. In turn, can lead to pent up anger and have a harsh reaction after some time.

Now, I have to agree with the original poster of this thread. Be proud of who you are. I am a person who never found my self attractive in the societal spot light. Small breasts, super skinny and dangly bits by birth between my legs. Even with that stretch of imagination, would either be considered male or just a freak by others. However, those people who usually call others freaks, lead to a number of reasons: A) you are not like them, so they don't like you. B) you are something they can't understand, they don't like you. Those are the two common reasons I have found. I use myself as an example, why? Because I want to people to have the, same mindset? This meaning, stop closing your eyes and being blind at the end of the day. I get called male and a freak everyday of my life. Does it detour me, nope. Does it stop me? Nope. Why? I don't have time for those who do not recognize me for who I am, or even want to see it. Am I female and that's all you need to know. You want to accept it, so be it, if not, get out of my way. You have your opinion, great, say it and leave it at that.

Relationships wise, I also agree that they take time and work. However, I haven't been in a relationship in 4 years, so. I'm not going to give advice on this because I am not the person to do it.

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On 10/03/2018 at 2:33 AM, AKM said:


Im not saying you should avoid different people, some of my closest friends and i disagree on most subjects, the problem isnt disagreements,its trying to force people into being like you.

What I was saying is that you dont need top get along with everyone, if someone is being a pain in the ass theres nothing wrongwioth telling them to fuck off and sticking to those that are like you.

On 10/03/2018 at 5:13 AM, TheWhite said:


Oh, I do complain a lot, its a great way to deal with life bullshit. I was warning about he possibility of becoming the kind of person that are always complaining but are unwilling to do anything to solve the problems you can and end blamming others for everything. Im Galego, we swear and complain all the fucking time, but if you start blaming others for everyhtiong youlget into a vicious circle that will make you depressed and unwilling to do anything.

On 12/03/2018 at 10:29 AM, TearStar said:




On 12/03/2018 at 2:56 PM, Jhinjer said:



You people didnt understand the weird and freak  part since my writtyng was a bit confusing. The whole point of talking about being weird/a freak, is to show that weird is relative to whatever group people are part of. If you ask a european or american theyll say eating animal hearts is barbaric and weird, but to brazilians is considered common. Many countries consider the japanese culture weird but for them is normal. Some say that drinking under 21 is wrong or weird, others say that only drinking at 21 is weird. There is no absolute weird, it depends on the social circle, if you dont like being weird or a freak, just look for those that wont see you as such. Theres nothing wrong about being the "weird" person you dont need to change or go away looking to people like you, I was just telling people that if being weird bothers you and makes you feel alone/despised you are not trully alone,there aremore like you somewere.


The main point of this discussion was to help people to come to terms with who they are, lots of people dont, and feel alone, hated,misunderstood, etc.


Anyway I liking this discussion please keep it going :blush:



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7 minutes ago, protocolk said:

You people didnt understand the weird and freak  part since my writtyng was a bit confusing. The whole point of talking about being weird/a freak, is to show that weird is relative to whatever group people are part of. If you ask a european or american theyll say eating animal hearts is barbaric and weird, but to brazilians is considered common. Many countries consider the japanese culture weird but for them is normal. Some say that drinking under 21 is wrong or weird, others say that only drinking at 21 is weird. There is no absolute weird, it depends on the social circle, if you dont like being weird or a freak, just look for those that wont see you as such. Theres nothing wrong about being the "weird" person you dont need to change or go away looking to people like you, I was just telling people that if being weird bothers you and makes you feel alone/despised you are not trully alone,there aremore like you somewere.


The main point of this discussion was to help people to come to terms with who they are, lots of people dont, and feel alone, hated,misunderstood, etc.


Anyway I liking this discussion please keep it going :blush:



Well, I did state at the beginning of my post that what is "crazy" for one, is normal for another. I had the gist of what you were going for. It seems that we all got derailed from the original topic on that basic notion. However, sparked an entire conversation, so I say it came out to a win like you said. xD

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Well, to some of my friends I might be a weirdo cuz I'm (in their eyes) enormous pervert who puts sex mods to every game he plays and tries to sexuallize games, women, life situation and other things :confused: but in general I feel good with these things and habits of mine :blush: at some point I was alone and putted aside from other people so, like you, I became observe and observed other peoples. And fun part is that I found that they are pervs too (not that big) but they won't admit to it because they are pervs BUT they don't know it. But now I found some friends who "likes" things like me, become more active here on LL (love this community :heart:) and found a girl that is not only accepting my weird things but ALSO she is getting into them :smiley: so yeah...definitely people shouldn't try to become "normal" and leave their things only because other people think that you are strange and weird. You should leave those people and find new ones who thinks that you are normal and like you for that.

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Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they're going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.

I don't know about happy endings, because I think, eventually, anything is happy. You feel a bout of happiness with good news. Five minutes later, there could be a traffic jam or a phone call from an irritating relative or a weird thought, or it could be a tweet that annoys you, and your emotion will flip immediately.

I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird, from this I have come to realize that every weird thing about you is beautiful and it makes life interesting.

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